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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Another SUPER fun episode; I was smiling from the start hearing Kyle's voice. Kirkhope's interview was great fun, and also quite enlightening to hear from a guy with such a long resume. The point about vgm introducing many people to various different styles of music was a good one, I don't think I had really thought about that (apart from game music orchestral concerts). I'm very fond of VGM's own original voice, so to speak, via chiptunes, but that's a good point.

    Lastly, the playlist is working it's magic again, I know Kirkhope mainly as the Banjo-Kazooie or DK Rap guy (funny music), but I'm getting a lot out of the orchestral pieces on the playlist. "Dalentarth" especially reminds me of some of the Finnish compositions in the classical field that I enjoy. I do feel the need to investigate further.

  2. Here's the notes that apparently fell through the cracks (though the write-up is now quite funny):

    "This summer our family has been spotting flowers, which is what this song is about. The lyrics consist of a list of Finnish wild flowers. The arrangement was done together with Birgitta Susi, who sings. We picked some tunes we both liked from ilomilo as sources. She thought Esther might like hearing a child's voice in the song, so there's the daughter and me talking a bit about the flowers in the background."

    There was a bit in the call-out e-mail about reaching out to artists who weren't exactly obvious choices. I never figured I was one of them! I wouldn't say this was out of my comfort zone but I guess it's different from my previous submissions. Big part of course is that it was co-arranged with Birgitta; we are long-time collaborators. It's great to have the album out!

  3. I used to (mostly) run some campaigns, playing the Middle-Earth Role Playing Game, and a Finnish RPG system Rapier/Elhendil that was all about elves. In retrospect I really sucked as a DM but I think we all had some fun. I've never played tabletop RPG sessions that were any good or if they were, lasted more than 1-2 sessions. Oh well. I still like to read rulebooks and campaign materials and stuff every now and then. It'd be cool to get to play Ars Magica for instance, and then there's the Glorantha setting, which sounds really good (gotta play King of Dragon Pass sometime). I did have RuneQuest but I don't think we ever played that one. I don't think I understood how cool it was back in the day either. It was the first RPG I had but it was too complicated for the young me and I got something more basic to get started with. Never played D&D!

    Anyone played over Skype or something?

  4. I only got like Blizzard Peaks from Sonic Rush Adventure and then some other ice level BGM (perhaps from Kero Blaster), but I restrained myself to not suggest them. ;)

    I thought the interview was one of the best yet. Maybe because I'm on that album, but also because I've been listening to Kyle's shows and he's a cool dude and it was great to hear him in this context, it was a lot of fun!

  5. The last "Eino" was correct :) Another great show, hard to believe you were unprepared for the interview, it was a fun one from both sides. TB is a very entertaining speaker, and I definitely got (even more) interested in checking out Guardian Heroes. Fun Saturn reminiscing in general! Haven't played a lot of Saturn games, but my favourite that I've played is Death Tank (Zwei), a bonus real-time artillery game on PowerSlave and Duke Nukem 3D. Has a great thrash/punk title theme too. Really want to check out Saturn Bomberman too. Anyway, as much as I appreciate the In Tune interviews, this kind of a interview/exploration is very fun and valuable too.

    The percussion playlist pick that I thought was obvious was this one (or its source). But nope! No-one picked that. There goes assuming that kind of stuff. The SD3 track is a great pick BTW.

  6. I'm extra happy to see this posted since I did indeed put this together quite quickly, and wasn't sure if I would be able to pass the bar with such little work. ;) Glad you guys dug the aesthetic! I'm a little embarrassed to be complimented on the drum writing though. Like I mentioned (but should've perhaps emphasized more), they're stock Renoise drum breaks; I did splice them up a little and layer them here and there but can't claim I really wrote the parts.. I usually spend an eternity writing the drum parts so it was a very efficient shortcut in my case. edit: oh and yay first ReMix for a system! :)

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