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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. Good luck for the FF compo! I'll try to do my best to have something you can fight against! :)

  2. Good luck for the SZRC! :)

  3. Good to know, thanks Brandon! :) I'll forward the info to pu_freak.

  4. Got my FF1 CD's! I'm super happy! :)

  5. Great. Looking forward the final result.

  6. Haha, I hope I won't fall against you during the first round of the Sonic compo or I'll get my ass kicked! :P

  7. Haha, same here, I thought you would do it xD No problem, man, we gonna rock! :)

  8. Happy birthday and congrats for the release of BadAss! :)

  9. Happy birthday and keep on doing music! :)

  10. Happy birthday, dude! :)

  11. Happy birthday, dude!

  12. Happy birthday, man! :)

  13. Happy birthday, Mr. Frog! :D

  14. Happy birthday, my friend, and congrats for the release of you own website! Keep on being awesome! :wink:

  15. Happy birthday, my man! :) 20 is a good one! :D

  16. Happy birthday! :) Hopefully the world did not end yesterday :lol:

  17. Happy New Year to you too and all the best for 2011! I'm going to check the link, thanks a lot! :)

  18. HBD bro! :) I just realized you are only 3 weeks older than me! :D Have a nice one!

  19. Hey Brandon, mind if I do the trailer for the GB album? I think I can do something nice, really quickly. :)

  20. Hey Brandon, we still need your bio for the VV website. Can you send it to me soon? :wink:

  21. Hey Brandon, you think you'll have enough time to finish your two songs for VV2 in time? Tell me if you need help, or want to give one away. :)

  22. Hey Brandon! I was wondering if you'd be okay if I used "Vampire's Kiss" in one of my short movies. Of course, you'd be credited. :)

  23. Hey Cyril, I just wanted to link you to this, you may be the man of the situation: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44031 ;)

  24. Hey dude, completely forgotten to wish you good luck for the GRMRB! :wink: So, good luck, let's see what we can do!

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