Assassin's Creed 3 - I prefered the 2 "saga", but the setting was quite interesting. The game is a bit repetitive in the end, but the naval battles were great.
Castlevania: Mirror of Fate - My first 3DS game. A solid 2D beat 'em all, with some okay plateforming. Not the best sequel you could have for LoS1, but an okay game. A boss rush mode, or a possibility to re-fight bosses would have been perfect.
Kingdom Hearts 3D - If you put the plot apart (seriously, wtf KH), this is a very cool action game! I start to think that Sora and Riku are totally broken/cheated, as destroying most of the enemies was a joke. Some things were badly explained too (some Dream Eaters parts, the Special Portals, etc.)
A bit of Warcraft III, some Killing Floor, a bit of SSBB with my bro, and that's it! I don't remember everything, but 2013 wasn't a big gaming year for me, as I didn't get new systems (except the 3DS, but I only got 2 games), and I don't bring them to my apartment where I live (all my consoles are at my parents', because my brother also owns them).