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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. http://twitter.com/q_pa
  2. If someone can provide me with a place to stay Saturday, I'm in. And therefore, but the property of... whatever it is, committed to the meetup.
  3. Um.... yyyyyyeah....
  4. Aww Even as a non-musician, that was one of my favorite parts. Well at least with my laptop, I'll be able to play with instrumentals! (if you were at MAGfest 6 you know what I'm talking about...) Edit: Sad you won't be there, Wes. Hopefully next time.
  5. I'll be bringing the same digital camera you all have seen before if I come. --which is becoming more and more likely b/c I love you guys.
  6. Yay! It'll be cool to see you again too, Pezman
  7. OMG I want pix!
  8. I'm in the middle of case 3-5 now. Like every other final case in a AA game it starts off like any other and is just now starting to snowball... Please tell me that Maya doesn't die... So anyway, is this new Edgeworth game a true AA game (the 5th in the series) or a spinoff?
  9. You mean like this?http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2509794034861880408 (it's a tool-assisted speedrun through 2 games at once, but still...)
  10. I KNEW IT!! I knew it would be that tune! This review was above average. Especially liked his, *ahem* inspired ranting at the end.
  11. This week it's... Burnout Paradise Not the best, but I lol'd at the opening song
  12. *cough cough*I didn't want to get involved, but yeah... I would've done more, but I had technical difficulties to attend to and only 10 minutes anyway. I'm a much better mixer than scratcher. I already have an OCR tag of sorts: my dog-tag I got from that guy at MAGFest 5 last year. I was going to get a Koopa on the back or something this year, but the guy wasn't there. Cool ideas, all. Certainly would help with introductions at meetups.
  13. If I remember correctly they originally announced the 2nd season would air this fall, but right now Kyoto Animation is releasing their series Clannad. I suspect they'll do the 2nd season of Haruhi after that's over. I couldn't see Haruhi airing at any time except the summer anyway. My summer of 2006 was so defined by that.
  14. Damn, how'd you beat it that fast? I've been paying all the AA games in succession since July and am only on the 3rd case of Trials & Tribulations! But I've already decided not to rush through it to get to AJ. The cases seem to be more intricate this time around and I want to take my time and enjoy them.
  15. To this day I'm still confused when I see PlayStation button combinations printed out. R2 + O + ↑ + Δ ... Personally, I have a Logitech WingMan controlller for my PC with 6 standard buttons and 4 shoulder buttons. I don't mind it (maybe b/c I can easily change the controls for PC games); better emulation of fighting games that way. Edit: I also find it funny how every game today has an in-game control orientation, handled in their own unique ways.
  16. This week, Yahtzee presents... Uncharted: Drake's Fortune! Edit: Nice mustache
  17. Where are said pictures? Some of the comments on YouTube regarding the premiere there say that he wasn't in attendance... Also, while browsing YouTube I found a wtf? Be warned... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcunKPjjjCk&feature=related
  18. Yeah, Toyota is a registered trademark, what's up with that?! Also... Watching the Toyooootaaaaaa. Ohh, that rhymes with Yooodaaaaaaa. Toyootaaaa... Eminaaaaaaaa....
  19. "It's Bollocks!" But in all seriousness, reading/watching a review of any kind is kind of a translation process. You decide whether you'll like it or not based on the reviewer's review, but also his/her tastes and personality. Growing up, my local paper had like the worst movie reviewer in the world. I would literally take anything she said and turn it 180 degrees to see if i would like it or not. (mind you i was still in high school then and still semi-into juvenile humor, but still...)
  20. I think what he means is is there support for games and other interactive features or whatnot. I've been wondering about this myself.I know at least one of the formats can have split-screen chapter selection (with video previews) while the movie is playing. Saw it once; forget which.
  21. And greater lockdown--so I've heard
  22. Amen. 10characters
  23. After picking around bdcool187's ridiculous amount of SSBB footage and audio on Youtube yesterday, a few things struck me. 1) Where will the Mona's Pizza and Ashley's Theme from the WarioWare series be used--if not in the WarioWare stage? Sorry if this is a noob question; haven't played any SSB game for an extended period of time yet. 2) I also wonder why Tetris' B-Type Music is in there--and non-remixed too--unless he was pulling our leg. Edit: is there any way to prevent the board from displaying the Youtube video in my post?
  24. It's been done, :
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