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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. What constitutes a gaming theme? Can a singular level be a "theme?" Does it have to appear more than once? Anyway, I'm surprised there was no Contra jungle. And I too have never held that Duke Nukem song in any sort of pantheon... Hey at least they chose the Final Fantasy "Prelude" over "One-Winged Angel" Remember that was back when true videogame music (as compared to short ditties) was in its infancy; it set the stage for all that came afterwards.
  2. I was listening to that just this week. Cheesy synth-pop to the max! Edit: Click the image for the Wikipedia page
  3. Hey, I'll take at least 1 of the Wavebirds...Also, I have, for sale, a still-sealed version of the Japanese Arkanoid DS game. Works just fine on American DSs and is the same as the American game--except for the text. Edit: I know The Pezman was looking to sell his copy a few months back. Try asking him about it...
  4. I could say several things about your offer to rock whoever will let you come to their room at night, but I won't. I still need a certain room too, but I would prefer > 2 just to lessen the cost... If the only problem is a bed, just call dibs on one! Custom mods?
  5. Not the old-school light-gun Atari game? I don't care...
  6. According to the DS/Wii/GBA portal gbatemp.net a new GBA game hasn't been released since April.
  7. Sorry, OCR, but our video is in another Internets.
  8. You mean 3.0 How easily people forget... Considering any flash card (R4, CycloOne, etc.) will let you play music via MicroSD and let you use homebrew to do cool online things, I guess it'll come down to the exclusive games for me. Although that second article did promise a bigger screen...
  9. It took me literally months to find it too. I finally found it in Harrisburg when I was visiting my parents Labor Day weekend.Truthfully... it hasn't grabbed me yet. I'm only on Day 2, but so far the plot seems artificial and I haven't gotten used to the battle system yet--even on the bottom screen. Maybe after I give it some more time... BTW, if any of you have the capability of running homebrew and are looking for another dual-screen challenge, check out Dual Pac Man http://www.playeradvance.org/forum/showthread.php?t=19182
  10. I'm still working on Apollo Justice, and also Metal Slug 7. I also find it extremely funny that DS-Scene.net announced "Playmobil : Pirate Aboard" on Talk-Like-a-Prate Day! http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=6136 Edit: I'm also excited for this, Japanese or not: Haruhi Suzumiya DS
  11. http://ocr.anticlan.net/ And boy, am I happy to see this thread revived! Sooo... Anyone play any good DS games lately?
  12. But the bandwidth is used for the advertisement--it was full video, as it is every week.
  13. THe Zero Punctuation thread: Love It or Leave It God bless America.
  14. They had an Warhammer Online ad at the beginning, a Warhammer Online ad at the end (the same one as last week), AND a Warhammer Online site skin! I was like "Just let me watch this thing in this tiny window and get the fuck out of here!":-x Anyway, the Spore review was funny enough--although nothing I hadn't heard before from other reviewers.
  15. I knew there would be some reference or pun at some point from the time I heard that name.
  16. But that's the sound of da police!!
  17. Um, at least in America the standard twentysomething hates his/her family reunions... Sorry to hear you probably won't be there , but yes, I for one definitely intend to party it up this year!
  18. Yeah, I remember 1996 as being the first year I really watched the Games. I still remember the closing ceremonies with Gloria Estefan and BB King and that tribute to then-future host Australia with those bicycle-riding kids dressed as kangaroos. And Coca-Cola was running this ad jingle--or something similar to it : For some reason too, these games have been the most to resonate with me since. I can't explain it... Edit: Was it because I visited Beijing and China back in 2002? No, something more than that... They still sell those?? At least they don't pitch-shift to perfection like ours do.
  19. Well the Closing Ceremonies have come and gone (in real-time, at least; us Americans won't get to see it for another 9 hours or so...): http://olympics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/live-blogging-the-closing-ceremony/ I for one look forward to seeing the festivities since I missed the Opening ones on my way to Otakon.
  20. Why hasn't anyone posted this yet? Soul Calibur IV
  21. Anyway, after sorting through way too many pictures (it was my first Otakon, can you blame me??), I'm finally getting them to Facebok. Part 1: OCR Part 2: Everything Else Tag amongst yourselves!
  22. Is that what's gong on? If so, I'm so there. I guarantee you it'll beat the pants off of anything Dick Clark or MTV can come up with!
  23. After killing myself to get there by 9:50 at night, I made it through both the registration and wristband lines in about 10 minutes. Anyway, as someone whose only other convention was MAGFest, it was great fun and so many weird & unique experiences. Highlights include: -Me crashing on DrumUltimA's loveseat--both nights... -The panel--of course. The video intro and tutorial. Zircon's big... icons. And having Drum up there was the icing on the proverbial truthful cake. -The Friday-night rave. Anime unts, dance circles of all types and the biggest game of duck-duck-goose I've ever seen. -The Ghostbuster cosplayer Rick-Rolling a crowd in the dealers' room and still getting love for it -The Phoenix Wright series cosplayers' mass photo-orgy after their mock-trial. Fan-on-fan love... -Escariot and Dom's drum-and-keyboard dance medley this afternoon at Club Otaku. -"OCR-Ball" at Xerol's BBQ (really guys, we need to make that a tradition) and just having time to shoot the breeze with all (or most) of you again. In general, to quote the Shel Silverstein song, just Freakin' at the Freakers' Ball, you know what I'm saying? Thank you all for a great time!! Edit: Seriously, either DJP or Jose need to YouTube that.
  24. I'm so psyched for tomorrow! I hope to arrive before Friday registration closes at 10. I'm also sad to report that I'll probably be abandoning my cosplay aspirations--for now. I'll be bringing all the materials just in case, but by myself I just don't have the time and/or energy to pull it off right right now... I will have a smaller-scale surprise for Saturday though...
  25. You should cosplay as Leena. I'd totally hang out with you more if you do--for the LOLs. If you were really bold about it you could try to pull off Kid... Edit: Even better: Serge from Radical Dreamers: All you'd need is a teal robe and hood! We'd be like past and future versions of each other.
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