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Everything posted by q-pa

  1. Castelvania Dracula X and Chrono Trigger (RPG. does that count?)Thos're DOS?? In any case, this thread inspired me to poke around the Internets and I found DOS ports of popular games I never knew existed. Like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game, the Virgin/Genesis version of Aladdin and MegaMan X3 (I already knew MegaMan X was available). --But back to adventure games... Wow. And I thought getting my first real PC in 1997 was bad... I missed out on a lot too. And the ones I didn't miss out on I was mostly just watching over a friend's shoulder (my parents were pretty anti-video-games...) The Apple II games I know (Oregon Trail, Carmen Sandiego, etc.) and even some Macintosh ones, but the PC realm was largely foreign to me in the early to mid '90s.
  2. [sings] There was a little Spanish flea A record star he thought he'd be He heard the singers like Beatles The Chipmunks he'd seen on tee-veeeeee Why not a little Spanish flea? Damn that song is catchy. --And yes, I'll look up that game too.
  3. Hell, even the original Tears for Fears version would be cliche...
  4. Hell. Fucking. YES. A few weeks ago I found my old CD-ROM of it and have been having a ball replaying it so far. In other news, I found me a trial copy of Sam & Max Hit the Road not too long ago. I'll be firing it up in DOSBox shortly... See above. DOSBox emulates a complete PC--according to the documentation--so no worry about messing up your system. You can map drives to any directory on your filesystem and configure it in other ways without affecting XP. You could even run Windows 3.1 on it if you wanted to.
  5. Rama Rama ding-dong
  6. And also about 3 feet tall. Anyway, I finally got around to uploading 2 youtube videos: Pixietricks is Fresh Princess of Bel-Air Seeing as I had to downgrade the quality in order to get YouTube to accept them, I may be messing around with better encoding. I'll edit this post with the correct links if I re-up them.
  7. I might be interested in the modded PS1 or else N64 Yoshi's Story Just 'cause it's crap and won't run properly on pj64... How's $10 for YS sound and I don't really know what the PS1 would go for; $50 maybe? On CDs, does anyone know if Madison Avenue's "The Polyester Embassy" is good? I like their singles...
  8. Decided to add a few more to my Facebook: Jose plays some of his audio from kung fu film dubs No description necessary. Jose gets to meet Noob for the first time. Xerol pulls out the garlic. Bam!
  9. One more round: Making love in the backseat! --The friendship kind, anyway. It's the Mario-loving camera cyclops! Maxin' and relaxin' at Xerol's
  10. Green Tentacle and Kulaman attempt to continue their Tetris DS match on the way to Peabody... KISS THE COOK! DrumUltimA finds a twin on my car...
  11. Cool stuff all. Definitely had a great time, even though I didn't bring my nonexistent copy of Apples to Apples. I've got my pictures up on Facebook now, with a few videos coming soon. Here are some selections: Jiggles offers a dandilion to the Green Tentacle --or at least their seeds I zoomed in for the lols. OMG, IT'S A JILL... You know what? Never mind...
  12. Hey, i'm only leaving my house now, so I'll be anywhere from 1-2 hours late, depending on whose advice you're to believe. I'll be in touch probably with either Pixie or Zircon, since I have their numbers. (Mine is 717-645-4418 )
  13. In light of all the drop-outs, I feel like we could use some good news. So I'm officially coming! To clarify, I will: -Have a car -Need a place to sleep over if I'm attending Sunday's BBQ (I'll have my own sleeping bag for me or somebody else) -Bring my PS2 (if need be) and DS. Maybe even NES? -Never give you up -Never let you down...
  14. Personally, I hate the selection on Beatport. Great interface, but they take themselves way too seriously... In any case, cool tracks and congrads on the deal! Can't wait to hear more.
  15. Wait, since when was Knuckles going to be in Sonic 2?? --Since S2&K, I mean...
  16. "Bitches ain't shit, but hoes n' tricks!" 2 more: one OCR (technically OL)-related, the other not.
  17. They Might be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul. "I'm your only friend / I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend / But really I'm not actually your friend / But I am..." Just whipped up 2 of my own because it's Sunday and I was bored: \
  18. Just came across this Flickr set entitled "Song Chart Meme" where people created Excel charts based on popular song lyrics. It gave me a few ideas for my own (especially ReMix-related?) and I feel like it could be great fun. Who's with me? Here's a few to give you the idea: And of course... Edit: Apologies if this belongs more in Off-Topic than Community.
  19. Sweetness! Also, I'd be up for Binary1230's concert maybe as a 1st stop or even as a meetup point.
  20. It's called micro-blogging. I personally do it because I don't have the energy and/or attention span (I like to think it's the former...) to do a full blog. --Or even a journal, what with the hand cramps and all.
  21. Ask D-Lux for his set of VGM wallpapers. Various flavors including Mario, Samus, Shadow, and I think even the -> Edit--Oh wait, you mean video game music, not D-Lux's Friday-night Internet radio show "Very Good Music" (which is still mostly video-game related).
  22. The difficult ending just has a screen saying "You're the Best!" followed by the regular game credits. The easy ending has a long scrolling educational blurb on worms, followed by the game credits with that running commentary. Personally, I'm looking forward to TenNapel's "Neverhood" movie more...
  23. I have a source for it, but it doesn't contain 2 of the best parts: what happens when you beat the game on Easy and on Difficult.
  24. Is GTA4 licensed music? Doesn't count... But yes, finally some J-Pop in the West!
  25. After playing the PC "Special Edition" of Earthworm Jim (pretty much the same, just with that extra "Big Bruty" level and CD-quality music), I found it hard to go back to the consoles... Never gave EWJ2 much time (at the time it striked me as too different) and never played Boogerman at all, so I should get on those. Edit: If you're listening to the track above, wait around for the guitar solo.
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