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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Seconded, esp. concerning the not oft-remixed ones - ie MM. We've all heard Gerudo Valley already, and Zelda's Lullaby (which should probably count as an aLttP source). I've seen a number of Majora's Mask remixes rejected by the panel (incl. two of my own), and there have recently been two mm mixes posted on the site. There's interest from remixers all right. More!
  2. Yeah, the time it takes to learn might be about the same, but not everyone puts the same amount of time into it. Some people spend every waking hour on something musical, others take classes once a week and practice occasionally. The former would learn stuff a lot faster, and even more so with a resource like ocr. Like Will, I improved quickly once I got here, having had something like 5 years of prior experience of music making pretty much in private, and before then being exposed to a lot of music via church and family. I got a mix posted about a year after joining. I think two years at ocr is enough for anyone with the drive to learn and improve, but not everyone has the time to learn that fast.
  3. Right-click the link to the song and select download/save link(ed file) as. On mac, control-click (if you haven't set the mouse to use a second button) and do the same, or alt-click
  4. Sinister also forgot to check and thereby missed the newbie introduction thread. We're mostly a friendly bunch, and we'd be happy to give you a few pointers as long as you don't make us do all the work for you. Google is your friend. And the workshop is there for you, technical problems, resources, and a place to get feedback on your works. Welcome to ocr.
  5. Well, you don't need anything other than a computer and the internet. There's free software out there, like LMMS (win, linux). I'm on mac so I don't know what to really recommend for windows or linux but that one looks good and is free. As for instruments and samples, the net is full of soundfonts and free synths. Use google. A free, personal favorite of mine is linplug's FreeAlpha, which has a neat, clean interface making it easy to learn how to make your own sounds with it. When you have some music you want to show us, put it in our Workshop in the forums.
  6. The Usa situation is being resolved. No worries there. So, I just got a wip. Almost time to mark one more track as done. It's a while until the deadline, but it doesn't hurt to be done in time. What are you guys doing? I like wips. Wips make me happy. Gimme wips. And wavs. If they're finished. And good. edit: btw, Skeexy from seikens.com pointed me to a useful resource of theirs, check first thread, links section.
  7. Welcome to ocr, please make a smaller sig, and avoid double posting (if you don't have an update). GarageBand will do fine, there's several mixes on here that were made in GB, like it was said on the PAX panel and been said before when ppl have come here saying they only have GB to work with - you can do it, GB doesn't have all the features you might want but it's got everything you _need_. The problem isn't GB, the problem is YOU. (no offense ) Tho I would suggest scouring the net for free plugins, it'll give you the opportunity to vary your sounds more, GB's built-in synths aren't that advanced. alphakanal's automat, linplug's freealpha, and TAL's elek7ro II are some useful free synths, and there's free effects all over the place (mda, flux, blue cat, camel audio, TAL, etc...). (btw neblix, it's great that you wanna help, but avoid giving out wrong advice. in this case, cubase, digital performer, reaper, reason, live, and other daws also work on mac, and both GB and Logic have notation features. now you know ) Aside from mechanical notes, the sound design and mixing is my main concern with this. Use separate tracks for each of the drums so you can bring out the right frequencies of each (separate for kick, snare, toms, hihat...). Use a little bit of reverb on instruments that sound dry. Expect to need to EQ everything to give everything its right place in the mix. Don't underestimate the plain old volume slider. Can't comment on source, but if they say it's too close, it's probably too close. ppl tend not to know when it's too liberal, but if the say it's too close, it probably is. Best advice I can give isn't technical or theoretical or anything, it's just to learn to listen. Listen to some similar mixes by ppl on ocr, see what you can learn from them. DarkeSword, OA, and Big Giant Circles come to mind, but get the ocr torrents and listen to everything. Listen to how the instruments all have their place, listen to how loud they are in relation to each other.
  8. Well, you need to change the levels to even out the balance a bit, work on the transition between parts, fill out the empty sections more (especially those with just drums lead and bass, which can be okay if done right and used sparsely... but you use it a lot). It also feels a bit aimless; towards the end it was as if it had reached its high point and was fading out - but I didn't notice any high point. Soundwise a it sounds like oldskool cutnpaste breakbeat loops mixed with chippy synths, which is a weird combination, and it'll take some balancing to make it really work imo. Takes a while for me to recognize the source, not sure if the intro is derived from source (and if it's not, it should at least contain some references to source). The sound design in the intro was, imo, the most interesting and balanced, tho it doesn't have much mids. When the source is undoubtedly there, it follows the progression of the original very closely. Needs mids, maybe more source, and definitely something to build to. Can't call it good yet, but it can be, and it certainly is interesting.
  9. Sounds like you could use a midi keyboard. As for the thread, don't remember if I posted in it before, but short answer is it's taken me a lifetime to get here. Got somewhat serious about music maybe 8 years ago or something, and didn't learn much about production until maybe 3 years ago.
  10. I assume you use PLAY for the EWQL instruments, which means I can't really help you, not really having used them enough to tell. Read up on what pitch bend, expression, and mod wheel does to the samples if you can't experiment with them directly, and make the tremolo come in softer, vary in speed, stuff like that - if possible.
  11. Not familiar with it at all, but it's common courtesy to look up the source when you comment on something here. It helps if ppl post a link to a youtube vid of the source or some other convenient (and legal) way of listening to the original. I checked it out, and noticed you had stripped out a lot of the melodies and pushed others to the background, you could bring them out more without foiling your idea of making it a driving groove. As for the clashes, I'm talking about dissonance, not timing. 0:44's simple synth clashes with the bass, again at 1:30. 2:58 again. Those instances are all I notice now, but there could be more in your filtered backings. Less noticeable means they're less of a concern tho.
  12. It's all original, not a remix album. That said, it could just as well be remixes or an ost, it's hard to miss the vgm influence. I've had a copy of this for a while, and I've enjoyed it. His idea of making each song a world of its own seems to have worked out well. Also, of course there's a copyright, he owns the music on this album. Don't be an asshat and hand out the album for free.
  13. Needs to be mixed cleaner, bells and piano are fighting over the same space, strings kind'a too. EQ is the tool I recommend for this, give them each a boost and two cuts (all being subtle) so they each have their own area. Piano seems to be the centerpiece here, so make sure it sounds the cleanest. The piano sounds pretty raw, btw, you could give it a soft eq and humanize the velocities. The delayed signal of the piano could be softer or more filtered to distinguish it more from the dry piano. Nice start.
  14. Ugly bass drum. At least when it's exposed. Bass seems too loud. Some weird dissonance around 0:56, the simple synth picks seem to clash with the rest of the instrumentation there, and later instances of it. 1:30 portion could use some filter automation on the pad. Cool source, good start, kickass rhythm. You know what you doing.
  15. People around here don't really like listening from myspace, the pages can take a long time to load and make the browser run slow. The main reason is that the myspace music player doesn't stream the music in original quality but in a compressed stream-friendly form. Just fyi. Can't say much for sound quality since it sounds lo-fi, and I blame the myspace player for that. There are sound design/quality issues, and I'm not talking about the chippy synth sounds. Bass drum is a big offender here, often sounding like there's a glitch in the sample. Percussion levels could use an overhaul, too. Arrangement is repetitive and there's repeated instances of clashing notes. You seem to have stretched your arrangement idea a bit too far. It gets into a nice groove but doesn't really go anywhere after 2:00. Despite the new material around 3:40 the arrangement as a whole seems stuck. Cutting a couple of minutes from it, or incorporating a second idea into it should help with that. There is more material in the original that you can draw from. Keep at it.
  16. I'm gonna agree that it's different enough from the source to be passable. The arrangement overall is passable imo. The main problem here is the thin sound, the percussion is particularly exposed (and is normally placed more towards the center of the orchestra). I like the percussion sounds you've used, most of them anyway (snare and cymbals have a certain repetitive-ness to them, you need to vary the samples more, somehow), but the way they're processed leaves them terribly exposed. overall, the sounds are thin but you should be able to phatten them up with EQ and other effects. More reverb would likely mud this thing up a lot, so instead try a different reverb. I've heard good things about convolution reverbs, dunno what you're using and whether there's any good convolution reverbs available to you (on mac, it's hard to find good, free ones, dunno what you're using). 2:40 in, mechanical tremolo on the flute, you'd do better to have the tremolo routed to the mod wheel or something so you can raise it as appropriate. Same with the volumes in the swells. There's some mechanical qualities in the sequencing of most of the instruments (1:26+ is a prime example), you need to humanize them more, make it more of a performance than a score. fyi, random inaccuracies like most automatic "humanization" processes produce isn't what I mean by performance. I'm talking about something more intelligent, like what notes, what parts were rushed, which were lagging behind, which were emphasized, which grow stronger or weaker, etc.. The stuff a real performer and/or conductor produces, to the best of your ability. Arrangement good, production needs work. Keep at it.
  17. T'was a mislabeled thread title.
  18. What game is this from? Never heard of Donkey Konk.
  19. FYI, some of those links aren't to the right songs. See the OST/archive name mixup mention in the project thread. Will post corrected links when I find the time. (note, this should only concern some of the fight songs, like Secret of Mana linking to the track that's actually Obsession, ie Sixto's posted sd3 track)
  20. Just reminding you all that a month is a long time. I expect more than just an added note or two when the wips start coming in. While on the topic of wips, I just got one in now, and I like it.
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=33247 This guy has a cure for baldness, and edited hist post today. Sneaky. He also likes metallica. Human spammer, or bot trying to look human? edit: this guy thinks discussion are always helpful, and that it's really nice and mean full to give out information: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32825
  22. MODs and related formats are like midi, except custom samples, patterns, less polyphony, and more control over the individual notes.
  23. Who is DrakeSword? Also, it's so unfair (and a bit awesome) that this project gets a kickass start and sd3 is moving so slow (which is not awesome). You all suck.
  24. So how do we know it really is his birthday? He could be faking it. He could do this next week again.
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