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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Is there a delay on the first guitar? You might want to do a high pass on the wet signal to keep it from being muddy. Which it feels like atm. Crashes and hats sound a little trashy. Hats seem to lack some highs. The overall sound is a little messy, it could use some more EQ separation. There's a lot of repetition that'll be behind the voices. You could vary the drums a little more there, just to keep things from getting too static. Ending it with a fade-out feels a little like a cop-out, but it works fine. Pretty cool. Good luck with it.
  2. No rules, but if things aren't balanced, listeners easily get annoyed at the panning. Balanced means kick and snare are centered, and hats, rides, crashes, and other stuff isn't hardpanned. I recommend just shifting one channel of the hats (left/right) a a few milliseconds off, that'll give it a nice, realistic slightly-to-the-side sound. Sometimes, I add an echo in the other channel or a shaker track, something to even things out.
  3. Psych, you're probably talking about the reverse bass drum. The effect I wanted with it is kind'a buried, unfortunately. I'll see what I can do about that, I like reverse stuff. ...dude, you consistently misspelled SO version. Uranai, your feedback isn't helpful unless I know which version you're talking about: SO or ES? (I'm assuming SO, but can't be sure) btw, those drops are actually pitch-modulated woodblock hits. Might be preset, might have come from just screwing with the settings, but they're there because I like 'em too.
  4. Last post was in months, I doubt feedback on this early version is gonna do Sixto any good. Uranai, buddy, watch the date on these things. Just saying more recent wips need the feedback more. Just sayin'.
  5. Well, if the problem is that there's not enough creative writing, there's not much that feedback here will do, 'cept state the need for it. Writing originals for a little while is a great way to develop writing skills. He said he wasn't confident in his "remixing " skills, which when read in context seems to mean his writing skills. I don't mean to say "u suck get off teh baord", I mean "work on your writing by making a couple of originals". Besides, BorgBuddy, there _is_ a wip board for originals too. Syko, I think you should work on your writing. Whether you do it in a remix or in an original is up to you.
  6. Over 3 minutes of intro? Trance, you say? mkay. Could use some more melodic interpretation, if not else you can put it in the first minute and after the 4 minute mark. The melody is the same throughout, you really need some variations of it, probably best to use those during buildups and breakdowns. Ending seems to be a note too short. Besides that, I dunno what to comment on that hasn't been said. I agree about the flute needing some tweaking to fit in. It could also be louder around 4:40. I think this is pretty promising, but the interpretation issue might be a problem. Might be a good idea to check with a J. I like what you've done. Good work.
  7. filesap/1/ lol Low noises in the piano intro still bug me. Make 'em louder or make 'em gone, this subtle stuff doesn't work there. Doesn't sound intentional. What's this, heads and tails only? Well, no issues that I can hear. Run it by a J before submitting if you haven't already.
  8. Apparently, I should do the ES version. Stands for ES2, the name of a synth I'm using. Named it so when I took a backup and started screwing with the synth to see what other sounds would work. SO stands for soft. I asked 1makes2 to mess with the lead and one of the backing tracks, we'll see what becomes of that. Thanks folks for your feedback, it's much appreciated. No update.
  9. Flows much better now, flow's much better now. Still stuff to do, but you've got a pretty good progression here, something I know you've had problems with before. I'll get more in-depth next update or on msn or something. WTG bro.
  10. The source link apparently doesn't work anymore. Not gonna look for another one. Intro is fine. Strings melody might need some more variation in dynamics or subtle articulation. Harp and harpsichord work well. There's some annoying clicks or pops before 0:48, could be from the harp samples. Move the attack up to one or two ms and it should be fixed. Synth arpeggio at 1:08 is great. Drums at 1:25 not so much. Up til 1:42, I'm just hearing random notes. Needs to be more cohesive there. All those sections need to be more cohesive, and not break the flow of the track (flows ok at 2:59, doesn't flow well at 2:36). There's something in the background around 2:00, but it's too soft to be anything but noise. A lot of long reverbs and delays. It kind'a covers the dynamics, so drop them a bit. Lots of sudden changes. Probably something you borrowed from source. Most of those transitions are annoying (2:23, 2:36, 2:47, 3:00, 4:12). Some are decent or good (0:58, 1:08, 2:12, 3:47, 4:23). The one at 1:23 sounds promising but just gets disappointing. There's some key issues, like at 1:52 and 4:10, a note or two that sounds out of key. Might be other instances of that too. I like the sound of this, it's something I could imagine being posted... when the issues have been worked out. The bass is pretty cool during the "chorus" sections. 4:38 might be my favorite part of it. Aside from not having an actual ending, the track ends well. Good work, man.
  11. Not worth messing with unless you still have (or can get) a high-quality version (probably wav) of it. If you don't, don't change anything. You'll just screw with the sound quality. Compressing an already compressed file is probably gonna produce some clearly audible artifacts. If you do have a high-quality v of it, some noise reduction would be nice. There probably isn't much you can do about the clipping (e.g. 2:15), and that's something the Js are gonna have a problem with. There's some unnecessary repetition in it, and it's long. Smoothly cutting from one iteration to another would fix that, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. I dunno how audiophiles would feel about crossfades in the middle of the track, might screw with the pacing of the track too. Re-encoding this already compressed version (not recommended) or working from a higher quality version of it are the only ways you're gonna get it small enough to get on ocr. It might be a good idea to go on irc and ask a judge what they think you should do (or perhaps ask in the site issues/feedback forum). Technicalities aside, this is pretty. I especially like how you did the Crystal theme. Not much else I can say about it. Great track.
  12. If you can't right-click/control-click the track (while in iTunes) and select convert to mp3, go to your import settings in preferences and change that to mp3. You might want to run your submission through the wip board before submitting.
  13. Lead is a bit loud. J3, what do you mean _too_ chill? It's got dynamics enough. See 1:02. You've got a point about 2:57 however. Illusen, try dropping the drums at 2:55. Should make the transition a little more dynamic. One problem... you don't seem to know how to end a melody, e.g. 1:59. You don't always have to have stuff going on. Considering this isn't a high-energy remix, you should take advantage of that and leave out the drums completely in some place, drop out the leads, just let the backing hold the track together in some places. The 1:59 area with the solo would probably benefit from being cut soft before starting to rise again. Upon another listen, I find that the lead isn't far from ARGHLOUD. Drop it. Seriously. It could probably lose 5 dB and still cut through (okay, that's a guess, but it _is_ too loud). 1:10, 2:02 soft sections are my favorite parts of the track. Perhaps it's the leads that are just too rich and sharp for my tastes. Take a backup, try some other leads. You might find something else that you like. Ending area is cluttered like crazy. Volume plays a big role there, of course, but you might have to drop one or two tracks from it, just to make it less messy. The clutter is actually bringing down the dynamics of it a bit. Another update, another set of issues. But you're doing great. Still got some ways to go, but you're doing fine. Good luck.
  14. Clutter, and some things seem to be clashing in key. The lead is far too loud, drums don't have the energy they would need, and you're probably too close to source. You should listen and compare ocremixes to their respective sources, see what you can learn. I mean, about the writing, frequency balance, levels mixing, all that. If you're not confident in your writing, make some original tunes for practice. I don't mean to throw you off the board, but I'm wondering if you should be here yet. After some practice and critical listens to ocremixes, you should have the ears and skills to make something more interpreted, something you've put your own spin on. Whatever you do, good luck.
  15. Overall, the soundscape is too thin. A lot of the time, it's a lead and its melodic backing (delays), plus drums. No bass, no chords, none of that stuff. Would be nice to hear some more interpreted versions of the melody too, as this is a commonly remixed track. I like the drum writing, but not necessarily their sound. Works well as an intro, but it'd be nice to have more beef on them, on pretty much everything for the rest of the track. I think this could be great once it's filled out more. Good luck.
  16. Not sure I like the sound of a fairly simple synth with some slow chorus/phaser/flanger on it, sounds a little cheap. Legato lead is cool, tho. Overall, it seems to have too much of a simple synth sound for my tastes, and the modulation effects are just screwing with the stereo balance imo (e.g. pre 1:40). Other than that, no complaints. I like the arrangement. Good luck with it.
  17. No source link, no source comment. Horribly repetitive, but it's got a cool sound. Drums sound too compressed to be pretty. Could just be that they're too loud. Medley-itis and repetition aside, it's a bit sparse. Needs some more width, some more texture, some frequency range filler. From what I can tell, J3 is right about the issue of interpretation, so let me just repeat that: "you need to have a lot more interpretation". Listen to some ocremixes, and really _listen_. Frequency balance, variations, interpretation, etc. Good luck.
  18. Tetris is the most notable exception to the rule, you'll see that it has a number of remixes on here. Guitars are a little weak and whiny... actually, the whole track is a little trebly, needs bass, either in the guitars and drums, or as a separate instrument. There's a bunch of cool effects in this, but the flow is a bit jumpy. Might work better once it's longer. I think the lack of bass is your biggest problem, tho. You're doing well for a newb, keep working on it.
  19. First, let me commend you, Cyril, on your use of the checklist. Parts of the source are a bit silly. Can't remember where in the game this music plays. Thanks for providing the source. Intro is pretty, actually sounds better than the intro in source. Biggest problem seems to be clutter, there's a lot going on some of the time, and then there's some weird noise that seems to be an instrument part of the time, just not others. Can't use the checklist tho, as you've skillfully dodged the problems there and instead have a bunch of other problems. Perhaps the issue of "flow" might be applicable, the track runs, then halts, then runs again, and that's a little annoying. Snare rhythm at around :30 is a little boring, could use some some soft support from the earlier drums, or related, softer drums. 1:21 sounds a lot like sd3. There's some crits. Hard to crit since it's still quite early. Good luck with it, man.
  20. Well, there's the Yakuza, the japanese mafia. And respectively, um... IKEA?
  21. PMd. As for the pic, yeah. I just realized/remembered that macs have a lighter gamma value, so it's gotta be pretty dark for the rest of you. I'll see what color changes I can come up with. Might have to copy OA's white bg style, even.
  22. "För att bekanta dig med The OneUps kan du besökte theoneups.com och oneupstudios.com." lol (rough translation: "To familiarize yourself with The OneUps went to theoneups.com and oneupstudios.com.") Mustin, any bluegrass coming ocr's way?
  23. Just takin' the new sd3 info sig for a test drive around the thread. Gotta make it prettier, but it serves the purpose of being a big, black attractive blot on the page, that hopefully will trigger some activity among the project remixers. We now have something of a deadline. Show me you've got something, or the track goes free around xmas. I'm hoping to update the tracklist long before then. And of course after. At least you see a few tracks we're interested in covering atm. Also, the stuff about tracks scheduled for release #1. Forget that. We'll take anything you've got, so if you've got a wip, show me. We don't have a fixed release date yet, but we'd like to start marking tracks as finished, and we've scrapped the planned release tracklist we had before. There's also a new track wip on our somewhat defunct project forum. Go have a look, if you've got access.
  24. There's a pokémon project in progress. Have some patience, it'll be a while.
  25. I have to say pretty much everything is great except some of their dialects. But then there's this. As for the gaming vs sports, some random country in the west going geek isn't gonna change the world overnight, neither is a study about how geeky the swedes are. Some of it might be unrelated, as swedes, scandinavians... europeans overall seem to spend a little less time at McDonalds than those in the US. Less of a polarization between jocks and geeks too, I suppose. Can't imagine tehre being that great a difference between here and there, and over here, all the cool kids played games. On the other hand, Sweden gone geek might explain the swedish invasion on ocr.
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