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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. If you got the music in your head, that's great. Not everyone does. Make some original tracks and try your hand at some other sources. See what happens. Good luck. Come back anytime.
  2. Yeah, smooth. Great bass. Not sure I like the sax, but it doesn't detract much. Long ending, but I don't mind. This is o of those must-have tracks on an ocr jazz playlist.
  3. The track's got drive without being aggressive, I like that. This track belongs in the background, but doesn't feel out of place in the spotlight either. Relaxing, certainly has something of a summer vibe as OA already mentioned.
  4. So many ways you could imagine this going, but it turns into some nice, conservative jazz. OA pointed out the drums, especially the hihat, being a little busy, but it just adds flavor and character imo. I know I've heard it before, but I guess it takes a closer listen to appreciate it. It doesn't really stand out among oldies, certainly not among newer remixes, but there are oldies I never want to hear again and then there are oldies I can listen to again and again. Of the two, this belongs in the latter category.
  5. Dale North knows his stuff, this is beautiful. One of those gems from way back. Short and sweet. Great strings sound, especially during sustained notes, could be smoother during shorter notes. I wish there was more stuff like this getting posted these days. Highly enjoyable.
  6. There's a few spots where I wish it was tighter, but aside from those, I've got no complaints. It's high-speed, high-energy, goes into a slow part, and keeps moving, keeps changing. I've skipped past this track a few times too many, didn't notice how good it is. Great track.
  7. They're not in the torrent file, they're somewhere else. You've downloaded it all, so it's on your hard drive as a folder with mp3s. Somewhere on your hard drive, where downloads end up.
  8. You either clicked to download the wrong link, or you've downloaded a torrent file. If it's a torrent file, no problem. You just need to open it with a torrent client, and you'll start downloading the actual music files. About torrents. If you clicked the wrong link... Use this link to get the torrent file, and then open it with a torrent client. If torrents are blocked where you're at, use the links on this page.
  9. lol @ djp's writeup, Y is a vowel in Norwegian, probably was in Old Norse as well. Anyway, MX, this is pretty. Feels a bit repetitive at times, probably because of the rhythm in the busier sections. No problem, it doesn't detract much. Anyone else get a bit of a Wingless vibe hearing this? Great work, man.
  10. Sounds better, but I wouldn't YES this. Yet. Have heard too many versions of it, hard to say what's good and what's just familiar by now. I'll probably be back later, after another update, hope the others can be more helpful here.
  11. No source link, no source comment. Dunno if FFX2 has different Besaid music, but I don't recognize anything. it is pretty, tho. Hope that's the remix, not just the source. Yeah, kill the rain a bit in, use it to set the mood, the get rid of it. Use it for the quiet sections, not as ambience throughout the track. Piano+cool drums+pad, that's a winning combination. Some mixing work might be needed, but it sounds passable to me. Piano might have a little too much reverb, just a little. Drums could be less repetitive. You could give the track some more bass frequencies, sounds a little low on lows. Length and arrangement, imo. This is pretty. Make it more ocr-y. And use a real host next time, tindeck, mediafire, something.
  12. Heard dnbtaketwo.mp3, needs more source, but it's certainly got the drive it needs. A bit quiet, but that's a later concern. You've got a nice drum track, dnb or not. Write a good remix from source, and use those drums, plus lots of slices. DnB or not, it could be awesome.
  13. A little low on bass frequencies, a lot of intro. The track is also kind'a quiet, needs some master compression/maximizing. Arrangement might be, aside from the long intro, too close to source. I only know the source from SSB, so I'm not sure. Also, watch the repetition. Repetition gets old fast. Also, the track needs more harmony. There's a lot of arbitrary synth noises in there, which makes for a rich soundscape, but none of it really backs the lead, none of it supports the melody. Needs more stuff like that. Needs moar interpretation, arranging, mixing... But if you're just playing with the midi, have fun. Hope you learn stuff. Good luck.
  14. Whoa, lotta bass drum here. Just came from a wip with a bass drum drowned in bassline. Yeah, there's more source, more interpretation, more to like here. I think the track could start at :15 or or so, leaving out the first few bars of just drums. Those drums are DJ material, not sure how well they'd be received by the Js, and I'd rather get into the track right away, not have to sit through the drum intro. More int in the untsro, or less unts in the intro, imo. But that's all I can say. This is a great track.
  15. Sounds fairly good. Might be a little too repetitive. Hihats are ticky, something I personally don't like. Bass drum needs more high frequencies, it sounds buried under the bass. I can hear source in it, no problem there, but the repetition makes me wonder if there's enough interpretation and if the arrangement is good enough. Some redundant repetition could probably be cut, making the track a bit more compact. The track doesn't really take off anywhere, which might be a problem. It's in that state where the weight is off the ground, but it's not lifting off. Dunno if that's what you were going for, but it's a little detracting if you're expecting something fast. Extreme Velocity... hmm... unless you want something in it that screws with people. That being said, production is probably in YES territory, the rest is arrangement issues. Someone that knows the source from before and is better versed in the genre could probably say for sure, but I think the Js might have a problem with it. Good work, tho.
  16. Too conservative, methinks. The arrangement seems to be the same as it was in SSBM, at least for most of the first minute. The guitar is fakey. The remix is really bass-heavy, and needs some serious EQ fixing, some levels fixing. Could also use some additional tracks to cover some of the empty mid range stuff. Definitely needs more high frequencies. The bass writing is great, and I'm sorry to say that's the great thing in it. Some nice solos in the middle, but most of the track has a midi rip feel. Put it in a playlist along with some recent ocremixes, you should hear a difference in the sound. That should help you with how to mix and EQ it. As for the arrangement, I don't know what to suggest. If I understand the OCR standards right, this is to close to source. Too similar. There's a lot in here that's promising, so don't let these crits get you down. Good luck. And post an mp3 next time.
  17. Great work, not submittable yet. The piano doesn't sound alive, tho I think it's an issue with the cutoff and the lack of reverb on it. It doesn't have the clarity and space it needs when it's solo. Guitar still sounds fakey, mechanical. Drums are better, just need to be mixed in better. I like the low bass rumble you used early in the remix. Arrangement is a little boxy. Stuff comes in, repeat, and stops. Going back to the piano at 1:28 is a good idea, but the writing needs to be different, and the transition needs to be smoother. You gotta make the parts before end better. The 2:54, another poorly written transition. Also, the stuff after 2:54, watch the notes so they don't clash or overlap. You need to improve the transitions, the guitar, and the piano processing. It's not as weak as it was before, so you're obviously doing something right. Keep working on it, you're doing good.
  18. Haven't used either, but have a look at Rosegarden and Ardour.
  19. Yeah, I saw the thread, but I don't think I can help much with FL-specific problems. I'll just let the ppl that actually use FL help you with that. Hope you solve it.
  20. Ambient's right about the direction, but this track feeels a little more like a chill track than the source; with the right work, it could turn out different enough. Dunno if you're open to that idea, but dropping the bpm a bit and pushing the drum volume down a little, perhaps evening out stuff by making the sustained instruments louder and the ones playing just short notes or just playing on repeat softer and pushed into the background. Anyway, there's crits that I can offer that'll apply no matter what direction you take this. Some of the tracks stand out in a bad way, the track gets repetitive, and it could use some more interpretation and variation in writing, more human-sounding writing tweaks, stuff like that. Nothing specific, but comparing this to a few similar ocremixes, put 'em in the same playlist, should tell you something about what needs work. I like the violin. Can't say if the Js would, tho. I think this could be something cool, if done right. Good luck.
  21. Intro works well, and segues well into the track, but I gotta agree with Radiowar, its got a little too many forced deviations. The piano part half way through is a typical forced deviation, it's the source but it's twisted in a way that just doesn't flow well. The e-piano solo earlier worked much better. Also, it's messy. Drums would need to be cleaner, and you might have to make some EQ cuts in the other tracks to give room for those wide-range drums. I like the bass writing. There's a lot here that flows nicely, but much of it is just the nature of the source. Still, I think this is an improvement from your previous solo pieces. Good work.
  22. I fail to recognize the source. Hm... Feels a little loud, and I'm not a fan of those weird world music toms. The volume balance is a bit off, and it's a little weird to hear the full frequency range of the bells but not the voice, tho I like how the voice sounds. Late 80s sound with pads and stuff would be great, this seems to be leaning that way already. Your voice sounds like it'd lend itself well to the style. Is it enjoyable? Yeah it is.
  23. Good to see you're still around. The hihat rhythm could be more even (sounds like a ride more than a hihat, tho). Snare could be a little stronger, too. Some interesting transitions here, some interesting changes from what I remember from this. before 1:40, you've got a part where two instruments seem to be swapping bars between each other. Good idea, but needs to be more even, they're too different in energy (aka volume, punch, etc). Something i've suggested to people lately is to change the chords from the source for part of the track. That's one way to change the mood from the source, and it's fairly easy. Also, it doesn't screw much with the arrangement. All you need are chords that fit the melodies, and then to move the bass to fit those. I suggest you try that (on a backup version). Interesting, better than before, iirc.
  24. More pan issues. Still not liking how the drums and other tracks come in. Drums have no energy, no bite, none of that. Look through your EQ and compression presets, see what works. Give the snare a little reverb. Orchestral bits need to be more human, less panned, more roomy (use reverb, just not too much)... Piano suffers some of the same problems. Also, find some drive for the track. A bass track, perhaps? Upping the tempo, as suggested, might also work. Perhaps a combination of the two? What's with the volume jump at 3:00. There's dynamics (which is slower and more about intensity than volume), and then there's volume jumps. That was a volume jump. Good idea, not a good execution. Also, it gets repetitive towards the end. Also, it gets repetitive towards the end. Also, it gets repetitive towards the end. Also, it gets repetitive towards the end. Getting better.
  25. Yeah drums need some work. They're kind'a buried, too repetitive, not very natural sounding... Varying velocities, avoiding to overuse the snare, more hihat, crash, ride action... all I can hear is the snare. Listen to some rock, listen to the drums. It's not all snare. Also, you could get rid of the wind sound effect for a lot of the track, only throw it in where the track gets empty; the track gets a little cluttery. Guitars sound a little dull, but it's probably something some a bit of processing could solve. Not sure about the many additional guitar tracks, it gets a bit cluttery. Some pan, volume, and EQ separation might solve that, tho. I'm not hearing a bass, which would give this track more of a foundation.. which considering the wind theme it maybe should go without. Still, it needs something in the lower range. The source rips sound too... rippedy. You could play those parts with pretty much any instruments, and just kill the quality and it'd be passable as intro and outro. And... volume up, please. This is an interesting and welcome approach. We've heard this on piano, we've heard it in the game... Your version would, cleaned up and polished, be an awesome contrast to them. Good luck.
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