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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Random swede on an... Australian label? What is this, the internet? Stupid myspace thinks I'm finnish-speaking. Anyway, best to not use myspace for wips, btw, the compression can cut some frequencies, dynamics, overall quality. Anyway, Tomorrow's low on source. Comparing to source, it wasn't much I recognized. I like the production, altho it uses the same voice clips over and over, and the writing is pretty simplistic. Drum writing is fine, lots of good stuff there, but the rest... simplistic, not very interesting, and low on source. The Fortress has a lot more source, easily recognized in the intro. I'm no fan of voice clips, but they worked better in Tomorrow than in this one. Felt less appropriate here. Sound effects might work occasionally, but the repeated use of the shattered glass clip or whatever it was... not pretty. Anyway, source was easier to hear here, well interpreted, but not enough of it, imo. Production might be on OCR's level but I'm not sure arrangement is, and certain that the source use isn't (unless I'm being source-deaf again), Larry's stopwatch alone would probably NO them before they made it to the panel. That being said, you seem to have what it takes to get a track on OCR, just gotta work on the interpretation. And if you're not aiming for OCR, I gotta ask why you're remixing vgm yet don't make it recognizable enough for a random listener like me to hear the source well. In any case, good production, not enough source, imo.
  2. Still too much reverb.. or you forgot to update the file. Piano sounds pretty far from the listener. Would work great for an intro, that sound, but it needs to be more intimate later on. Like at 0:55, the part beginning there could come in on a much closer piano. Or earlier (like at 0:31), your call. Starting at :55 is another iteration anyway, another repetition, so you could change that up. Speaking of repetition, this is pretty repetitive and not that different from source (aside from the adaptation to piano). It could use some change in rhythm, playing style, instrumentation (like adding a pad or strings in the background), chord progression, a variation of the melody or an extended rewritten version of it. Needs a little more variation. Just moving the left-hand writing down an octave would be a change, tho you'll need to do more than that if you're aiming for OCR-level arranging. The piano also feels panned a bit too far to the right. Works for an intro, not for the bulk of the track. Wave samples are pretty, very calming, definitely worth keeping, just not for the whole track. You could fade those out at 1:00, only bring them back for the ending. Well, that's the "more in-depth analysis" I promised. It's by no means bad or unpleasant, it's just lacking the level of interpretation and production OCR is looking for. Definitely worth developing.
  3. Interesting how TheLeviathan seems to deal with criticism better than BGC.
  4. Yeah, and we're such a fast moving project that there's not a chance those tracks won't be finished by someone else by then. Seriously, play around with them all you want when you can, show me what you've got when you've got something, be it February, tomorrow, or whenever. We've got lots and lots of time... *sigh*
  5. No source link, no source comment. Link to youtube posts of them (if they're tehre), you know what they sound like so you should be able to find them much easier. Gonna give this a more in-depth analysis later, but I downlaoded it and put it on while working on something else, and forgot it was a wip. In that regard, good work. I did notice there's a whole lot of reverb in it. Cut back on the reverb a bit. All right, good work, I'll get you proper feedback later.
  6. Let me mod a little: By mook I think he meant himself, saying he doesn't have the knowhow to crit music in-depth, but says he likes this enough to want Cyril to finish it. Peco, 5 years senior, you want respect for having signed up ages ago and posting occasionally since? Not gonna happen. And while I'm minimodding, Neko, you're hardly gonna get much constructive feedback for playing spambot. Cyril, let us know when you update it. That tend to get more feedback than... other stuff.
  7. I've heard this source recently, someone else must have had a wip of it. Too many wips to keep track of them. Well, the source is there, and I think the interpretation is in the green. Nice rhythmic pad intro. Everything in the high range feels terribly compressed or something. Went overboard with the sidechaining, perhaps? Watch the volume on your rhythm pads. Takes a little long until the lead melody comes in, you might want to throw in some references to it a bit earlier. The writing is fine, imo, the track isn't badly mixed, but it is a little painful to listen to, you need to even out the harshness of your rhythm pads. Watch the phased/filtered low rhythm pad too, it sometimes gets these irregular bass boosts. High energy throughout, even when the drums drop out, but it's ARGHLOUD and could use some EQ work to clean it up, would get rid of some of the unnecessary loudness and clean up the track, which should make it less painful to listen to. You're right about it needing some pan work, there's a lot of loud tracks here, and it's not fun to have them all playing smack in the middle of my head. Loud clicks on that last instrument, fix 'em. This is pretty good. I'm no judge, and shouldn't make these kinds of guesses, but I'd say this is probably in RESUB territory. Needs some fixing up, tho.
  8. Intro is a little long and doesn't contain any source. Could use a subtle background melody or something. Or shortening. That would work too. The arp chord feels a little too weak compared to the drums and bass. Just make sure you don't bury the other tracks under drums and bass. About half way through, there's a nice melody that could work over a variety of different chords. Extend your chord progression and modify the melody to work with it, that could work. The e-piano sound doens't work imo. Or maybe it's the melody. Something there bothers me. Too strong (or just too low) mids on it, maybe? More crits. But that's what we're here for.
  9. That strong kick needs a more even rhythm, it gets kind'a jumpy now. Overall, this is much wider and nicer, but there's a little _too much_ mids now, the track fees cluttered. Cut some of the mids from the tracks that don't need it (like high and low range backing tracks). Give your lead a little more highs, drop their mids to even things out a little. I'm also a bit surprised there's no bass instrument in this, one of those would even out the low range. You need it. Add it. There's some weird distortion on the first instrument. That one is probably the worst mid-range clutter offender, so drop its mids. The track needs more clarity, so give the master EQ a little more highs. Nope, you're not there yet. Keep working on it, you're learning.
  10. Dude, grow some patience. I can hear the source. Nice take on the source, but it could use some more melodic interpretation. You did something towards the end that was pretty good, just needs more of that. Drums need come in stronger on the beat when they get going. The drum intro was fine, but too loud compared to the rest of the drum track. Should crash into the track at 0:40 instead of falling into a loop. Also, no hihat, just occasional nudges on the ride? Dude, think like a drummer. Almost everything is a little too exposed here. The first melody instrument could use some subtle cuts to its attack and EQ. Needs more variation too, at least in the writing. The instrumentation doens't bother me, you could get by fine with those (may have to tweak them and, of course, process them). Transitions need work too, you just end each section hard, needs to transition more naturally from one block of music to the other. There. Good luck with it.
  11. Sounds much better. Drums are a little dull, especially the snare which sounds more like a beanbag than a drum. Needs more punch. Drum rhythm could be a little more varied, too. Longer loop, more fills, and some variation. And use a hihat, shaker, or something to cover the higher range, it'll give the track more clarity. Watch the delays on your lead, they overlapped at the end, didn't sound good. The track is also pretty repetitive. Use the non-standard key sig on some original sections, or rewrite the source for some repetitions to work with another chord progression. You've already got some nice variations in this, the way the instruments complement each other. Doing fine, keep at it.
  12. The pan modulation on some of the high range percussion is a little painful, actually. Painful might not be the best word, but it's a little too weird to work, imo, breaks the chill feel this track otherwise would have. The rest of the percussion is pretty much ok, tho I'd like to hear the shaker panned more. half way through, the track seems to lose something from its left channel, it loses clarity. you've got a fine sound center and right, but left feels like you forgot about it. The non-percussion instrumentation and writing is pretty, maybe I should collab with you some time. Great work, but still not quite there, imo.
  13. Starts off great. Not like your usual messes. Unfortunately, it gets messier later on, both the melody and the drums. The track loses direction quite quickly too. Towards the end when the piano comes in, it feels more directed, but before then it was messy. The soundscape is nice, but the drums feel out of place, wrong sound imo. Different from your usual stuff, suffers some of the same problems. Direction is the biggest problem here, followed by messy drums and an ill fitting drum sound. Says I, anyway. Nice to see you do something different, I think I like this more than your other wips. Good work, keep at it, bro.
  14. Pad gets a little loud in the intro, and a lot of the instruments could use some high cuts. Slap bass is cool, but it feels a little over-used here (and not bass enough). The bell/e-piano sounds a little thin. Lead is classic Willrock, no complaints there. Might be a little loud, a little painful on the higher notes. Lots of cool effects in this. Snare just sounds weird, kick needs more bass. Saw keyboards might need some volume dropping, but I really like the 80's feel it has so don't you dare get rid of it. Track is a few seconds too long and a few seconds too repetitive; it was getting old and I was starting to hope it'd end just a few seconds before it did. Close enough. You could solve the repetition by changing key towards the end, or switching some instruments around. Random crits. This is pretty much what I expect from you, nice arrangement, good drive, nice interpretation... Yeah, good stuff.
  15. Let me echo checking with a judge. Or if a judge happens to see this thread, SHOW US YOU CARE! A chip music goes, this sounds pretty good, lots of cool chip effects, but I doubt it's ocr material. I think there was also some clashing or key conflicts after about half the track, when the bass gets fast and the percussion drops out. Cool track.
  16. Watch the panning, the track gets a little right-heavy in the intro. The lead synth is also a little shrill, might need more overtones, less volume. Might just need to have it's root frequency cut a bit. The bells suffer from the same problem, they're a little on the shrill side yet don't seem to have the full high range of frequencies. Then again, it might just be that they're too loud. Try dropping them 5 dB, see if they get too quiet. (might have to drop them 10, then raise by 5 to reset your ears). I think you're in the green as far as source/interpretation goes. heh, I recognize that rhythmic pad you're using from illusen's Ecco wip. I assume it's a preset. I'm not sure what the Js are gonna say about that, you might want to modify it a little. A _little_. Percussion is a little boring, and the track sometimes sounds too slow (at other times it's fine), try raising the bpm by one or two, it could make the wold of a difference. Anyway, just production stuff to deal with, imo. Great work so far.
  17. Woodblock, or whatever it is, is a little ticky, you might want to give it a ms or two of attack. Same goes for the kick, it's also ticky. Might be part of it sound, but it doesn't sound good to me. There's also a lot of reverb. Snare has way too much reverb, gotta watch that reverb as it can cause clutter just as much as lots of tracks can. There seems to be some low middle frequencies missing, that's what my ears tell me. Bass and some percussion is good low, but most of the action is way higher up the frequency range. See if you can drop some of it by an octave, that could fill up the mid range better. No promises it'll work, tho. The remix is a little on the repetitive side, you might want to cut some of the repetition out, find something interesting to play softly in the far background, or just vary the writing more. The same 7 notes repeat over and over, it gets old. Without a clear lead driving the track, it gets a little too empty. Not something a lot of additional track is gonna help, but consider finding a stronger strings lead, or a synth that has a strings-ish sound (lead, not pad), put it an octave over the strings backing you do have, that might work for part of the track. I'm not sure it'll be enough, tho. Doing well. Despite the crits, this is pretty enjoyable. Doesn't (and shouldn't) dominate the soundscape, but could (and should) certainly be made more interesting. Good luck.
  18. Welcome to ocr. There's the WIP board for remixes, remakes. Post a song there, ask the question.
  19. Orchestral, plus sound effects. Yeah, that's a movie score sound all right. This is one of the tracks I should listen and learn from. A lot of the time it seems so simple, yet is powerful, ominous, captivating... As if _it_ was a movie.
  20. I like it. Synth rock at its finest, imo, with great synths and well mixed guitars. A few too many simple synths for my taste, but that's not detracting enough to outweigh the attitude of the track. Some rock tracks have an aggressive, dark sound, this has a far lighter sound, making it enjoyable in a more relaxing way. It doesn't get old, it just keeps going, with new parts, new material. Awesome.
  21. This would probably fit well onto an ocremix oldies but goodies collection. Actually, it'd into pretty much any oldies but goodies collection. Has a retro feel, pleasant sound, this is sort'a what I imagine the old Outrun sounding like, judging from pics at least. Weird but well blended instrumentation. yes, it gets repetitive, could be half as long, but it's a great track to play and not necessarily pay much attention to, a great background music for doing almost anything, including nothing.
  22. More Wingless. This is a pleasant mix. Not much to say about it, it's just nice. Track suffers a little from the guitar not being real, but it doesn't detract much. Typical Wingless melodic marvel, what's not to like?
  23. Chip metal, or whatever that modulation effect at 0:37 makes it. Would have been nice to have more chip elements in this, the metal gets old. Yeah, I've noticed I'm not as much of a metal fan as I used to be, but there's something in this that reminds me of why I enjoyed the genre back when. A little repetitive, not very melodic, but it's got great attitude. Good enough for me. edit 12-22-09: This track has really grown on me, probably my favorite from the album. It's got attitude... and a great name.
  24. This strikes me as a great example of how to structure a remix. In today's standards, it wouldn't get far, but there's a lot of interesting stuff going on in the background, all the elements are fairly clear so even the complete n00bs can hear how the different elements, lead, backing, bass, rhythm, percussion, how they mesh together. Yeah, it's not the best of McVaffe, it's not the best of OCR. The minimalism makes it feel better than a lot of the tracks from 2000. It's got a timeless simplicity to it, imo. And that's strangely impressive.
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