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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Yes, find better hosting, see this thread. Wait, is your idea of a ReMix source->original section->source? That approach is hardly gonna get this posted, and won't really help your music development skills that much either. Atm, it's too close to source. Ride/hats, can't tell, needs mid frequencies. Snare is weak. I find it interesting that there's not much of a bass drum in this, despite the snare being written as if there'd be one. Needs a bass drum. Needs more bass, you could probably accomplish that my making the low strings louder. Practice writing some original tracks, then write a remix. That'll make the remix more interpretive and interesting than a straight cover with some original sections. Whatever you do, good luck.
  2. There's an annoying noise at 2:15 that I'm hearing. Could jsut be my pwnsome headphones' dislike for some frequencies, but it could be clipping. Clipping is when the input signal (or the combination of signals) is louder than the output signal's range. Sort'a like driving a tall truck through a low tunnel/under a low bridge - you'll scrape the top of the truck. Too loud for the digital file to write properly, so it just puts max value on everything that's max or more. With an audio signal, this means noise. You don't have the smooth tops of the sound wave, the top was scraped. Clipped. You can do it in Reaper, I suppose, but you'll probably lose a lot of human qualities that make music more enjoyable. I recommend recording it in Reaper or another sequencer/DAW as midi, and processing it there with a good piano soundfont/sampler. That way, you have more control.
  3. Hats sound inconsistently close compared to the snare. There's some weird stereo effect on the hats, might be that, might be the type of reverb you're using... which in any case is a bit too much. Pad panning was a bit annoying. Bend at 2:53 seems accidentally sudden. Kick seems a tad ahead of the beat at 3:15 and forth. Random nitpicks. There's some really cool additions to this since last version I heard, more chord motions. Goodgood.
  4. Overall sound is thin. The automation effects are cool, but the writing, sound design, and mixing all need work. I recommend fixing them in that order. The first 1:40 feels completely redundant. The rest is better, but still feels like it's too reliant on the source. Then again, I barely remember the source, so someone else should comment on that. The background melody/rhythm instrument is pretty annoying, and the other ones are a bit clichéd, something OCR doesn't want in submissions. There's some cool backing drums, but a lot of the time, it's just a weak bass drum and a messy snare rhythm on a weak snare. There's no hats, ride, cymbals, crashes, shaker, anything in the high range. The instruments fill up the range a bit, but it lacks clarity. Hats would help with that. As for mixing, the drums need more weight, more punch. Giving them an EQ boost in the 50-200Hz range (ca 80Hz on kick, higher on the snare, I guess) would help, but you need compression to really get them powerful enough. You might need to find other drum samples. The overall sound is pretty thin a lot of the time. Yeah, detuned saws are pretty wide, but saw noise isn't enough, the track needs a pad or additional backing voices. The frequency range has got a lot of bleedthrough from one instrument's range to that of another, so some EQ cuts to keep everything in its place would be good. I'm noticing I'm becoming something of an elitist, it's difficult for me to enjoy this. I recommend practicing your writing, toying with synth settings and effects, and comparing your mixing to that of other tracks in comparable styles and sounds. Good luck.
  5. Backing pads in the intro are a little problematic. One is too soft and even, the other is too rhythmic for my tastes. It starts off promising, but when all the drums come in, it loses atmosphere and gains nothing. The writing and soundscape should take it somewhere new. 1:44 is decent, but still doesn't have enough drive. The overall sound is cleaner without feeling too empty, imo. That's one of the fruits of the collab. One problem I hope you'll be able to fix, TenchuX, is the piano writing. At 0:51 is sounds like an iteration of source is starting, but no. That kind of mind trickery sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Good luck with this, guys.
  6. If this isn't a serious wip, I'm not gonna bother with the source. The use of voice clips suggests to me this doesn't belong on ocr no matter what. The persistant bitcrush isn't pretty. When you use it for a serious track, use it with moderation, go in and out of bitcrush and use it to change the dynamics of the track. I hate voice clips and sound effects in music. Subtle stuff, ambience, that stuff works, but this... no. And I think you know that. OLR. It's pretty funny, I'm sure ppl would appreciate it.
  7. Bmpu. Yeah, don't forget about the WIP board. A lot of aspiring remixers need your support and critique. Also, it's weird to go through a few pages of reviews, and find that OA is the last poster in way too many of them. Dude, you need a life.
  8. Cool, ain't it? It amazes me too. Probably a combination of how drops behaves when they hit water, and the amount of reverb we associate with the sound. Whatever, it's serendipitous.
  9. This is cool. I realized I hadn't listened to this before... or paid enough attention. It's a crazy progression through styles and moods and still remains cohesive. That's impressive. It feels a bit backwards, tho; in the beginning it felt like it had played for way too long, and towards the end I was a bit disappointed that it could still have gone on for a couple of minutes. DUnno what that means, but the track is an experience.
  10. Would work well in a game, works well on my ipod. Let's just say it works. But it does so much more than that. Dude, it rocks. It keeps the action going and doesn't get old. Great, great work.
  11. This is indeed another one of those well-preserved (no pun intended) surprises from days of yore. Soft and pleasant. The rain works surprisingly well even in the middle of the track. A lot of tracks use effects like that for intro or outro, and often with poor results. This track uses it successfully. Overall, a successful track.
  12. Wait, 2000? Whoa. There's not much in the way of issues, nothing that detracts from enjoying it. Short and sweet. A gem from the old days.
  13. Mislabeled... or the remixer spent a little too much time in on Zebes. This was among the first remixes I downloaded from ocr, back whenever. It's no less enjoyable to revisit, tho I'm hearing some technical issues now that I didn't care about then. A well-remixed source, but this is well remixed in that it's got its own sound. And you remember it.
  14. 0:40, anybody else hearing Red Brinstar there? This is one of those tracks I stumbled upon before getting the torrents. Was on my playlists unchallenged for a while. Understated, great background music when working, and it's got a nice Bond sound.
  15. Mighty. Interesting genre-hopping here, without feeling like it was all crammed in there for effect or variation or another lame reason. This flows nicely (or mightily?) from beginning to end. It's end might be a little too far, as the track does get old after a while. It doesn't feel stretched, it's more like there was no end planned for this, so it just went on and on. And that's not encessarily a bad thing. Also, gotta love them reverse snares.
  16. 00237 indeed. Hardly something that'd get far today, but it's one of those smile-inducing tracks. There's something beyond the HHC connection that reminds me of Lemmings here, probably the non-hostile sound and vibe. Cut out the genre elements and this could probably blend in perfectly with the Lemmings songs.
  17. DUnno when I realized that 3/4 has a very hypnotic feel to it. I know it was a Kraid remix that led me to that discovery. Jurrassic Park, conceptually, has some of the same qualities as Metroid - you're out there with creatures you're not used to seeing. Scary. I wasn't feeling the sfx, but the music here is wonderfully creepy. It's also interesting to hear how people write drums for time sigs that aren't 4/4. it gets repetitive, but it just adds to the hypnotic feel of the track. As if the pitch-modulated vox wasn't enough.
  18. Gotta agree with Anso about the source, it _is_ one of the best sources ever. This is a more serious remix than Palpable's version, which isn't as calming as this. Yes, calming.
  19. This is one of those tracks that you can put it in a playlist, not pay much attention to what's playing, and still notice this one for simply being pleasant. Although repetitive, it's very enjoyable. Being so short, the repetition isn't much of a problem anyway.
  20. The problem with low-bit music is that it hardly qualifies as music. The low bit count make it pretty much impossible to mix. Anyway, this is pretty cool. A couple of key clashes, and I suspect it's pretty close to source, but other than that, it's nice.
  21. Cool. Time sig is deceptive, just a plain ol' 6/8, I like stuff like that. This type of chippy sound is ahrdly gonna get it on OCR, but it's pretty cool as-is. Using more high-quality low range and rhythm instruments might put it in the OCR lane. Chippy, time sig, what's not to like?
  22. Intro sounds like it's played with keyboard samples, they're too fast, too even. Cymbals are terribly high-EQd. Crash is too quiet. What do you mean "less raw". The drums need to be MOAR RAW to fit with the guitar, they just gotta be processed better/better samples. Guitar sounds a bit thin, put an Overdrive on it, boost it by just a few dB (boost the overdrive not the amplitude/volume). Or, if you're going for a less "raw" sound, drop the distortion a bit instead. Sounds promising, tho. Good luck.
  23. No source link. You know the rest. Takes a little long before the guitar comes in and the track actually feels like it's got any direction. The intro was way too long and not focused enough. Bassline is cool tho. Once the guitar kicks in, the track gets more focused, but it's so not processed enough. Guitar is thin, would need some stereo presence, transition to soft stuff works well, but it needs to get back to the high-energy parts for something a little more substantial. This is one of those tracks that has a lot of old classic HoboKa qualities. Unfortunately. Needs some of the newer HoboKa qualities.
  24. Eek. Voice is thin... actually, the whole track feels thin. Voice could be tighter, too. Voice also sounds a little too loud, compared to the rest of the track. Okay, that's three crits for the voice, I'll shut up about the voice now. I don't want to hear this again, it's embarassingly silly, which is too much for my tastes. It's even silly in a non-professional sound kind'a way. More weight, better mixing would probably help, but I think you'd need to deal with the voice issues. OLR sounds like a good place for it.
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