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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Cool idea. Why not let the novices find their own veterans among those who've said they're available? If the novices would be doing the bulk of the work anyway, the compo is kind'a geared towards them primarily. Something to think about: genre restrictions. Might make voting more even, and not just about who does the most popular genre. I suggest you reveal the genre of the round _after_ partnerships are already formed, tho. We don't want to feel left out when everyone wants Willrock on their 80s synth rock tracks.
  2. While there's nothing wrong with leaving your track on mod review for other mods to chime in, if you need another mod review for it within a week, you're using mod review wrong. Put it back on mod review when you've made substantial changes to it and have cleared your ears enough to more objectively evaluate it yourself. If all you need is a go-ahead after... say, some humanization edits or changing reverbs or something, you should be using your friends' and your own ears. That's my thoughts on mod review, goes for everyone using it. Anyway... no. To be concise and quotable: if it fits the crits, fix it. If more than one part of the track fits the crits, you've got more than one part of the track to fix. You can't fix something you can't hear yourself, so my sort'a lazy kind'a vague crits might do you and your listening skills a lot of good. That said, I'm not surprised if an OS patch is at fault. When I started using OS, I had a lot of trouble making it work with my previous instrumentation, and still sometimes find myself working towards a middle ground between its and Absynth's advanced sounds, and the more simple stuff in Logic and FM8.
  3. Levels mixing seems a bit weird, the bird ambience and the drums in the intro are way louder than any melodic elements there. There's a bright plucked or struck string instrument that sound dry and mechanical, some velocity-sensitive filtering in the sampler and more reverb (while it's in the background at least) should soften it more. Bass is loud. Actually, the whole low range is loud. Balanced is better than bassy. Interestingly, these clear, contrasty instruments would work well on their own, as would the softer instrumentation, but they don't complement each other well like this. Bring some more brightness to the oboe and soften the overly clear stuff for a more cohesive sound. Some transitions are a bit weird. The transition into the 1:21 break doesn't flow. The one out of it is cool, tho. Ending piano is way louder than the oboe. This is the kind of levels mixing that's been off through much of the track. It's got groove, it's got source. Its main problems are the mixing and some details in the writing. I think the arrangement works, just gotta fix the details.
  4. Only tried the demo back whenever, but I like it. It's not the control you'd have in a tracker, but most of us don't use trackers, and having more authentic chip sounds we can use in our DAWs is a good thing. I agree that the interface isn't that user-friendly, but like anything, it might just be a case of getting used to it. iirc BGC uses it.
  5. Yeah, tho changing tempo is usually unnecessary and easily screws with the timing of delays and other effects. It's easier to keep a steady tempo and just change the dynamics and occasionally trail behind or run ahead with some instrument.
  6. not a mod review: Intro piano still sounds pretty stiff. Dunno how your changes are, but your pianbo might not respond much to velocity. Also consider timing edits. You'd be surprised how far off a human performance can be and still feel emotive and human rather than poorly timed. This track seems to lack a conductor and a clear dynamic structure. Pretend to be a conductor, and see what ideas you come up with. And yeah, mods tend to wanna cover all mod review-marked tracks rather than give a single track a whole lot of reviews. This is also just a quick listen and comment, since your last mod review was a week ago. If you need mod reviews for every update, you need to work on your critical listening skills.
  7. Dude, take your thread off mod review when you go back to work on it, you don't get to hog the mods for weekly updates. non-mod comments: Drums need work, those samples don't fit metal at all. Guitars might be a bit too loud. Rhythm guitar sounds like it's playing on an old radio. Cool source, seems to work well with metal.
  8. Oh great, voice clips. I'd need to learn Launch Base better to give this a proper review. SS is certainly in here. You know the standards, I doubt you're making overly liberal stuff, so I'm gonna lazy out of a proper review here. Your leads in the upper range is a bit bright, loud, and whiny. Dunno what exactly is the problem, but you might wanna look into changing their eq, waveforms or doing some other easy tweak to see if you can de-whine them. No, the pitch bends and stuff aren't a problem, it's more with the sound itself. Just loop the 2:53 part and screw with it until it not as shrill anymore. Not much else to say. Everything else seems to work.
  9. Sounds a bit bright, like it doesn't have any beef in the mids. Idunno, compare it to some similar, well-produced tracks and copy their frequency balance. Chip solo is a bit loud. Just listen to the change in lead level when it goes from chip lead to lead guitar. The track sounds a bit same-y throughout. Dunno how big a deal it is, but it bothers me. Could probably be remedied with more varied chords and riffs, as well as changes in the guitar sound and... stuff. Again, dunno how big a deal this would be on the panel, so I can't say whether you should do anything about it, but it'd be good to keep in mind for future mixes. I'm hearing a bit of a squashed sound, too, making the track even more tiresome to listen to. Dunno how you've processed the track, but you could probably ease up on the compression a bit. If you need more headroom, solo the kick and bass and see what you can do about those two, they're the usual offenders. Source usage seems ok. Feels a bit more like a genre-adapted cover than a remix, but dunno where exactly to draw the line between the two. Feels like this is a really negative review. I don't mean it to be. It really comes down to whether the arrangement is ocr or not, and in this case I can't say either way. Fix what you feel like, sub it whenever, see what happens. edit: ...remedied... I stole your vocabulary.
  10. Really bright intro. It's like you've cut the lows and mids from most of the isntrumentation, and left only some of the drums in the lows. The mids feel empty and the whole thing feels excessively bright and contrast-y. Don't boost highs and lows so much, go for a more balanced mix. I'm agreeing with Will's crit concerning the medley structure. Actually, I'm agreeing with WIll on everything. Cool glitchy effects, excessive reverb, frequency balance... There's a few instances of weird writing that you might wanna look into as well, like some weird melodic motions at 1:57, 2:54-3:00. Could _easily_ be fixed up to par, you just gotta figure out what to do with the arrangement to make it more directed, less medley-ish.
  11. Finally replied to rBrn and hakstock. Holding off on k-wix' reply until I get to talk to Meteo. I spent most of last week on summer camp, now spending a couple of days sick and then the rest of the week back at camp. I'll talk to Meteo after that. In the mean time, we still have open tracks, and we'd like to finish this thing asap. We are open to newbs trying out as well, and we'll provide feedback for your track acording to how it fits ocr and/or the album (to the best of our knowledge). Any takers?
  12. I see the first thing that came to mind when I heard the newgrounds example is already covered. By me. Things like filters on individual notes (if your sf player can do that) can do a lot to alter the sound of each note, eg making the attack a little more distinct and airy, or it could be made slightly louder by a short attack and a lower sustain. See what you can do in your sf player and decide whether it's smarter to use the tools there or to use effects later in the process. There's also eq. If you find that everything is a bit too dark, reduce the lows/mids a bit. For any part of the sound that is "too much" or "too little", use eq. Whether the eq should come before or after the reverb is up to you and the sound you want. If you're using multiple instances of this pipe organ, some overdrive on each of them might make the notes more distinct. Just know that overdrive is a form of distortion, so it makes single notes clear and distinct (electric guitar lead), while polyphonic sources get crunchy (electric guitar chords).
  13. Busy weeks, last one and this one. I know I have some tracks to reply about, sorry for being so slow to respond, I'll try to make time for them. BS.
  14. Pick some nice electronic tracks you like (from ocr or otherwise) and study their drums. Then load Battery and start gathering different drum elements. Then layer them, pitch them, adjust volume envelope and sample start location and eq and whatever else you need to make those layers work well together. For example, a kick can have a click part, a thud part, and a boom part. Find a good click and cut out the rest of that sample's sound. Find a good thud, cut it appropirately short and pitch it to work with the click if necessary. Repeat for boom. This is an example, you kick (like any drum element) can be made up of a single sample... or a dozen. Using only two or three makes it a lot easier to work with, tho. Different styles of electronica have different sounds, so youtube some big artists in each style of electronic music you're interested in and study their drums. Read about drums, production and sound in general to grow your vocabulary (some things are easier if you have words for them). Also, check out zircon's various guides and vids... .
  15. As I've said before, synths themselves aren't all no-no, we've got a fair amount of tracks using synths (both simple and complex synth sounds) in a lot of different ways. The result is all that matters. I don't expect this track to turn into glitchy four on the floor chiptrance.
  16. SpiDoL, when a new member joins, he's asked to lurk, see how this place works and get to know the community. You may have an account from a few years back, but your postcount shows you haven't really been a part of this community and gotten to know it. There's always threads where community members jump in and make fun of stupid rants about things, be this another "unjustified" rejection or whatever. This is normal. This happens in any community. If you have a problem with that, just stay away from the community and just enjoy the music. Stuff like "Do you seriously want me to hate this site and boycott it the rest of my life?" is just childish. "I'll hate you all forever if you don't do as I say!" Seriously now. Do we want you to hate us and boycott the site? Not really. Are we gonna change how the entire community behaves, police every member and every thread on the site, to keep this from offending anyone ever? No. I'm not saying this to be mean, but if you don't have the personality to handle what seems to be normal community things, maybe you should just stay away from the forums and just enjoy the music. Nobody says you have to be on the forums to enjoy what we do.
  17. Please lurk more. And stop hating ppl whom God loves.
  18. Sounds like a plucked-y synth sound to me. Shouldn't be hard to get close with a decent subtractive synth. It's all about the envelopes and picking/crafting the right waveform. If you only have standard waveforms, you'll have to be creative with oscillator pitch. So just say rock, then. Better yet, use examples. Anyway... If you have Kontakt, consider Shreddage for rhythm. Neblix had some guitar instrument that might work for this as well. Still, you'll need a decent amp sim (there are free ones). Focus on getting the amp to sound good. I've gotten some decent results from piano samples and an amp sim, a lot of the electric "guitar" sound is really the amp. That said, you need a good rhythmic base sound for it, I would try every picked, plucked, and struck string sample I've got until I had something passable. Maybe that weird dulcimer thing would make a decent rhythm guitar. It probably won't fool anyone who plays guitar, but it's a lot closer than the stuff labeled "electric guitar" in your sampler. Just consider how the guitar is played when you write it. As for leads, the same applies - get the amp sim to sound right, then use a decent base sound. Here the base sound needs to be more animated, more alive. Synths and samples both work, here, but you'll need to fiddle a lot with the writing. Pitch bends and vibrato add life, as do portamento/glide and a slew of other tricks. Occasional note overlap and other imperfections can be used to add some realism, but as with the rhythm guitar, you probably won't fool guitarists. What you get, tho, is something that fills the role and spectrum of a lead guitar, which is usually enough.
  19. Got a wav from k-wix, also a wip from hakstock (again, welcome aboard). I want moar. MOAR! And yes, I hold myself to this same wip date. I've made progress too, and have updated... myself, on my progress. note to self: mak's artist name, mak's track... anything else (besides that teaser thing) I should remember to do?
  20. The last two seem to be written by this Andreas dude. Triple line breaks? Who does that?* My sympathies, prophet. *not a consistent scammer, if that's what it is
  21. Straight from the LoTR appendices: is it hummable?
  22. Just PM/email me. Just cuz I'm not on aim doesn't mean I'm hidden away somewhere. @DusK Rock? That would fit. For that matter, nothing wrong with making a remix that doesn't fit the project, it just... might not necessarily end up on the album. Give it a shot and show me. btw, the month is almost over. ppl get your updates in so I know you're still with us. I've got some gameplay video I can use now, so that long-promised teaser should be around the corner. edit: got it. leaving the suggestion to use other means of communication besides aim for the rest of you folks.
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