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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Rozo should make an album and have ppl who read this thing support it by getting the album for like 20 bucks or something. Tho I should probably add a few things to it before then. Like how to market yourself on the net, how to sell your remixes, and a few things like that. Stuff that I'm such an expert in.
  2. Consent from flutetopia, probably. Track comments and bio possibly. Been meaning to check what's missing for everyone, see how much of everything and everyone I've got. If the track is subbed to ocr, that counts as consent as well.
  3. Check out the tracklist, 29 tracks in a row done. Sure, we're waiting for wavs on some of them, but still... looks great. Guys, just because it's summer and my brain doesn't work doesn't mean the project is cancelled or something. I know I'm way behind on getting back to ppl on stuff, and have kind'a lost track of whom I've responded to and whom I haven't, so feel free to grab a hold of me on IM or irc if you see me, email me, PM me, you know, get in touch. You are all amazing ppl and this album would be very short (and look terrible) if it weren't for you.
  4. From what I can tell, criticism, even constructive criticism, hurts ppl's confidence, which can turn them into perfectionists that - yes - make better music, but also have trouble being satisfied with their works and therefor finish fewer tracks. I know this applies to me. I started going over some of my old tracks the other day. Found a whole lot of great stuff that i just abandoned for whatever reason. Haven't subbed anything to ocr for at least a year. Haven't finished any tracks for my allegedly upcoming original album(s). Sure, there's rl and project reasons for this, but the time I spend just listening to my unfinished works and tweaking stuff could just as well be spent actually finishing stuff. Dunno if I'm scared to write - I write a lot - but I do find myself discouraged when I hear good music. I keep thinking I could tweak my stuff to make it as good as the stuff I listen to. I don't want to publish it in any way until it sounds as good. I don't think that's what the artists intended. Wonder what I - and others - actually need to get stuff done. Encouragement? More specific constructive criticism? A kick, somewhere? A muse? A promise of money? A fan club? A spine?
  5. Unless he was using a really low mp3 encoding (<128kbps) in addition to the resampling, I wouldn't expect the quality to drop that much. Car stereos aren't exactly studio monitors, either. Are you saying the repeated resampling alone is a sufficient cause for the discrepancy in perceived quality between front seat and back set listening experiences?
  6. Any mp3 encoding above 128kbps is tolerable on most car speakers, and most ppl don't hear anything wrong with a 128kbps mp3 anyway. Either the speakers in the back of your car are crap - in which case everything sounds crap on them, or there's something wrong with your mix. We don't have access to your mix nor your car, so we can only guess. Show us the mix or test how other tracks sound in the back seat.
  7. Pendulum sounds great on low-power earbuds, tho they lose appeal with every step up in listening gear. I've mostly been bothered by how bright they sound, their bass mixing hasn't bothered me. Have tried a few times to mix my stuff that loud. Link to the articles? Maybe ppl should start selling double versions of their music, earbud-mastered and dynamic.
  8. This should be in Site Issues, but a mod will move it so no worries. The tags on the site might contain some hint of upbeat- or downtempo...-ness. Forgot the link to the tag page tho, and am too lazy to find it. I reckon that if the bpm was known and didn't change half way through, it'd be in the mp3 tags rather than as a search option on the site. I wouldn't expect it, but it's possible it's gonna be included in the new torrents. It's not like Larry's got anything better to do, right?
  9. Gave it a quick listen, sounds pretty good. Repetition might be a problem, tho mostly because it's a 6 minute track.
  10. imo, if it's good feedback and you trust the person giving it, it shouldn't matter if it's a mod review or even whether that person is a mod or not. But yes, big official mod review. Was doing a whole lot of mod reviews, and I was too lazy to type those nine letters.
  11. Yeah, I'd sign off on this one. Still pretty compressed, dropping a dB or two from before one of your main compressors is the only suggestion I still have, but if this is the sound you're going for, sub it. Really groovy shit here.
  12. Not sure if this is a mod review, but whatever. Sub might be too loud, I hear it interfering with the other tracks. Partial fade-out mid-track, lol. Weird transition 1:53, at least line up the note lengths where the first part ends. Not sure about the snare at the end. Oh the traack eend byy slooowwiinnngg dwwwwnn n. Cool. Mostly nitpicks. Really sweet track here.
  13. Argh, sfx intro. Some sound effects seem poorly placed or just too loud (3:12!) and mostly just cheese up the otherwise lactose-intolerant track. Some weird transitions, lacking mids, the bitcrushed dubstep bass has a really tiring sound. Do you really need the 4:13 dance part? A four on the floor beat in what's otherwise an often syncopated, uneven beat doesn't quite sit right. It's also quite empty, some arpeggio or riff or something would make it more interesting. While less jarring, the same could be said about the 2:10 part. The source is handled creatively enough, but the track doesn't quite seem to know what to do with itself. it's like you stitched together a few ideas that, tho fine on their own, didn't quite fit together. I don't think this would pass. A more clear direction on what this track is supposed to do, where it's supposed to go and how to get there would probably push it over the bar. Whatever you do with it, good luck.
  14. Source ok. Feels a little rushed, perhaps you should drop the tempo slightly. A bpm or two, no more than that It's subtle but it just might be the right fit fot this track, unless you prefer it this way... or faster? It's got some human groove to it now, tho some more dynamics (soft parts, loud parts, swells, and, uh, wanes?) would improve it further. 2:25 transition is not good. The rest of the track flows well. Can't tell without dling and importing and checking the spectrum myself, but you may have some excess lows in some of the instruments. Don't be afraid to reduce those with eq, it should give you a little more headroom to work with, if you feel you need it. Keep working on being your own conductor conducting your own orchestra, figure out when the audience need a lighter, softer part and when they can take a bigger, louder part. It's a beautiful arrangement, just gotta be fake-performed right.
  15. Hey, I remember this. Gonna ignore source because I covered it before, and I'm still not gonna learn a whole slew of sources for a single track. 0:25 flute a bit too soft Noticing the drums are pretty loud. You might wanna give the rest of the instrumentation (except the bass) a slight boost, or soften your kick a bit. 1:12 is really quiet. It's beyond having proper dynamics, it's just weirdly soft, especially as the 1:28 part comes in with some fairly loud notes. Even that whole part out. Voice clips. The weird thing is that, silly as they are, I have little to no problem with them here. They work. I even like them. Good ending. Some levels edits and you should be done with this. Fix stuff, sub it. Great track.
  16. Oh, voice clips. Really atmospheric stuff here, great work creating the mood. Transition out of the strings was freakishly cool, but really broke the flow of the track. The part that follows is too different and makes it feel random. Dunno what exactly to do with that part to make it work better, but whatever you do, don't destroy it. Besides that, the arrangement flows well. Sources are there, mood is there, the thing moves well, the mixing works well... I'm guessing this would pass, but I can't promise anything.
  17. Pretty conservative, feels more like a cover than an ocr-style remix. That's gonna be a problem, but dunno how much. I'm more bothered by the overly same-y sound throughout. Changing up the chord types and using palm mutes for some parts and doing all kinds of guitar things should help keep things interesting. As you're using Shreddage for a lot of it, you shouldn't have much problem going in and changing stuff up, just gotta figure out where to do what, if at all. The mixing feels too clean, too artificial. Dunno what exactly can be done about that, but consider experimenting with reverb and compressing tracks together. Dunno how objective a crit that is, but it bothers me, so I'm gonna say it. At the same time, it feels a bit muffled, like the tracks don't get enough room to stand out. Consider giving your leads a touch more highs (and not necessarily just an eq boost). While we're at it, have more fun with the leads. More vibrato, more squeals, more fun. It's rocking, but it's not melting anyone's face... not yet.
  18. Possibly in resub territory, the arrangement is conservative but I think the rhythm variations and the stuff going on top of the simpler source stuff puts this above the bar, arrangement-wise. The intro is problem tho, it feels like you've got an intro to your intro... The track doesn't really get started until 0:49 when the snare comes in and we get a more regular rhythm. That's a bit too late for a 3:22 track. The rest of the structure of the track works ok, tho you can think through the placement of breaks and change-ups some more, eg consider the 0:57 drum dropout so soon after the snare came along. Careful with your effects, putting a flanger (or whatever) on everything is less a "cool effect" and more a "what went wrong" kind of sound, except when used very sparingly. For cool, more chip-appropriate effects, play with the waveform, pulse width, portamento and other low-level stuff, which is what the actual chiptunes had to work with. The track overall is too quiet, with occasional instruments are to loud. The kick has too much lows. The hihat is too loud. Take a step back from your mix and rethink your mixing. Use posted mixes for referencing levels and eq. With mixing being the biggest problem, this is a good track to keep working on to get the mixing right. The chippy stuff works ok on its own, just get the drums in line with them, or vice versa. Good luck.
  19. Much of the accordion's sound comes from the performance, both of the bellows and of the bass/chord playing. No matter the virtual instrument, it's not gonna sound like an accordion if you don't get those things right. perhaps your Dimension Pro accordion will do all right in the bg if you write it well. Route the mod wheel to oscillator level or something to simulate the bellows, and write the notes a real accordionist would play.
  20. ... Isn't it the other way around? Or have I been thinking about it the wrong way this whole time?
  21. You're not seriously saying you can only learn from ppl who also use Mixcraft? Sign up, see whom you get, see how you can work together, see what you learn from it.
  22. Of course, I just wanted to leave the PM not replied to so I see I haven't replied to it. It's hard to keep track of whether I've replied to everything so I'm just saving the reply for when I've got some feedback. Give it a few days.
  23. Putting a few of those thousands into reprints of other albums (or first prints, for some) would be pretty cool, and show something tangible that the money went into. I'm sure the backers would appreciate some additional physical albums, too. Aside from that ferrari, I mean.
  24. Yup, I've got zyko's wav, also got an update from Dj Mokram. Things are moving along well. Anyway, yes, write-ups / track notes for all your tracks guys. Talk about the source track, talk about your idea for the mix, talk about how I kept pestering you to change that one note and then wanted you to change it back... whatever. Also, a bio for every artist. We'll make stuff up otherwise. Everyone gets a bio. And, if you haven't already, sign the consent form, link in the first post. Furthermore... look at how far we've come, and how long I've been promising a preview.
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