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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. The fastest I've completed a remix is probably 3-4 days, my first track in the GMRB, tho I've managed to stay within a week for the other GMRB tracks and for a couple of other tracks. Can't say what any of that means in hours tho. Apparently, I work the best during short periods, and end up sitting on a track until I hate it if I don't get it done soon enough. And then i finish it within a couple of days of sitting down with it anyway. On the matter of transitions, I've found that using the same melody interpreted differently (different rhythm or role (eg bassline->lead)) means the two parts sound more connected... for obvious reasons. It also helps to write parts that begin before the beat or where at least one of the melodies trail into the next segment or even becomes part of the same melody. Ostinatos and rhythms that are the same between different parts also help keep them tied together.
  2. You can submit them here _and_ upload on amigaremix. Nobody says you must post them only here. And yes, only once track submitted per 3 weeks. That way, the judges won't end up judging hundreds of tracks submitted by the same n00bs, and the same skilled remixers won't overwhelm the line-up of remixes to be posted. It also forces you to consider your tracks while you wait between submissions, evaluate them and improve them if you can. That way, they stand a better chance of passing the judges' evaluation and getting posted here. Can't say when this rule was implemented, and I have a line-up of mixes to sub so it bothers me too atm.
  3. Send me an official-midi-render-audition-demo-thing and unless it sucks you'll be on my list of ppl considered for it. Or collab with ppl directly. Already got someone interested, but there's two tracks, atm, that need it, and there could be more... More ppl interested in doing that means I won't have to do it myself. Sure, I know the tracks and my own standards better, but if this was supposed to be a Rozo-only project I'd have done a terrible job at it letting so many of you non-Rozo ppl on it. x2
  4. Nice. Gonna treat the wip due date as a final deadline?
  5. Nice. Can you record midi with that thing? I might wanna borrow your skills.
  6. Aww, I was expecting marimba. I am disappoint. I'm also jealous. Quite an improv there. I want your skills.
  7. Lead strings need to sound way more human than this, the rest isn't as important to humanize tho everything helps. Cymbals tend to be pretty easy to hear when they're just a single repeated sample - as in this case. Avoid using the same cymbal sample twice in a row. 0:05 weird note, sounds like it's in the wrong key. You afraid to post the whole thing or something?
  8. Needs more variation, lows are too loud, needs more in the highs than just a hihat pattern. Some nice stuff, like the bass under the synth lead. Kind'a vanilla arrangement consisting of repeats without much variation. The sounds themselves aren't bad, but you need to even out the frequency balance and fill up the highs more. Humanizing the bass and keyboards would also improve the track (synths don't suffer _as much_ from sounding mechanical). The snare and bass drum are boring, and tho not every track needs pounding unts and hard snares some groove wouldn't hurt. Ghost hits, fills, stuff like that tend to go a long way towards making the track's rhythm more interesting. Don't believe the hype, you can do better than this.
  9. Yes, no, and while i appreciate spumitude for the effort to make tracks as good as they get, no amount of spuminess excuses spumey tracks from spuming past deadlines. If you want to be spumish, at least send me _a_ finished version before the spumification gets too crazy.
  10. ...how did December just fly by? 0 reviews. Nice work, me.
  11. lol, not what I meant. I meant it just sounds like a redo of the original, doesn't have enough of your own creativity and personality in it. I'm not talking about vocals, I'm talking about your own writing, your own style, your own version. Something more "you" than this. Which is kind'a what ocr is about - your interpretation, your creativity, your arrangement, your idea of how it could sound.
  12. We've heard this song before! *ahem* Anyway, aside from not really doing anything interesting with the writing (the gated synth rhythm and delayed bass thingy aren't interesting enough on their own), the sound design is cohesive, if a little bland. Mixing seems basic - not bad, but rather like it's only been mixed with volume, not EQ and spacing. Bass is probably too loud, can't say for sure on these headphones. Not bad, but we've heard the song before. We haven't heard you before. Needs more you.
  13. Time to learn to mix in a DAW, Vid. Without listen too close, all I hear is a lead and a snare. Can't say the guitar in the intro is any good. bass drum needs to break through the other tracks more. The choir, if a little loud in the intro, sounds like the best mixed thing here, tho it could use some EQ cuts to leave more room for lead and stuff. I like the bass rhythm, the little I hear of it. It should follow the melody/chords more when it comes to the key. Groovy, nice start. For a first with a new tool, this ain't so bad. Keep it up.
  14. I like your sound design in Riddle Ease, but the mixing could use some more focus and the interjecting melodies aren't as they are in source. I do enjoy the 5/4. Brinstar Red might be a bit on the conservative side for ocr, but it's nice to hear something that's not built on the 6-note pattern but on the two-note/choir backing instead. Sound design is interesting, suffering some mixing/focus problems but is pretty cool otherwise. There's a little sound right the choir comes in that keeps bothering me, probably part of the attack of the flute or something. Too short and too loud. Has a nice world music vibe to it. Good sound choices, but you need to mix them in a little better. In RE you have some toms or something that are way too bass-y, and your lead string pluck thing in Red is thin. Listen for issues like that, learn to hear them. Arrangement ain't bad but probably on the conservative side of the interpretation bar if you'd sub them.
  15. One month until deadline. Work hard, keep tracks.
  16. I'm fairly certain you guys are derailing this on purpose.
  17. Ultimately it's about whether or not it's recognizable, prominent, and taking up most of the remix's length. The all-percussion source still has a lot more rhythm and timbre to draw from. I did a remix based on a four note sequence. It's being judged, and iirc had two NOs last I heard. I'd say this is borderline impossible. Borderline because I can imagine a few ways of doing it, but I don't think any of them would pass. Popular music also has this thing called melody, usually sung. Rhythm seems fairly common as well. I'm no expert on popular music, but I've heard it sometimes has more instruments too.
  18. Same. Hm, I could probably run this on dosbox. The mac version was for mac os classic anyway. Could be a fun multiplayer game, except for the lack of a simultaneous turns mode (as in Civ IV). Or did it have something like that?
  19. I know there was a mac version, but that's apparently not on GOG. Anyway, I always played as Psilon, or with the (was it Creative?) pick in custom race that gave me all possible technologies for each advance. Haven't played it in a long time, the CD broke and the install started having some problems. I don't think I played with any proper strategy back when I played it either.
  20. Aurora Australis is Eight Ringing Bells from Secret of Mana. Snowbox is the winter level music from DKC2. It was supposed to be an original, but then I recognized a part from it while listening to the DKC2 album and concluded it was really a remix. The first melody thing is original, you can hear the part I used there. Edit: Hehehe. Also yes, and I tried to draw from source, not from that remix... but guess which one I kept thinking of when I tried to think of the source. btw, Sheexy from Seikens gave the album a mention over there.
  21. New guy, post your mixes so we can hear what you're doing wrong (we have forums for that). Try to understand all criticism even if you don't agree with it. Don't spend a lot of money on new tools before you know how to use the ones you have and what they can't do. Learn to listen. Also welcome.
  22. Hah, we're just laughing at him. We know there are lots of terrible arrangements that get rejected despite good production values. Besides, why complain about a good arrangement when there's bad production to point out? But if you wanna whine about ocr, start a thread about it instead of hijacking this one for it. I'm sure the judges would like to hear what they're doing wrong. Darren, pm me your email and any other contact info (like IMs), I'll show you some of my metroid wips.
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