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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Spakku, there's really no call to be rude. Elcar, it sounds like you have a pretty decent start here. I'm not very helpful in how to improve remixes, but I can tell you you have a decent mix. It's pretty straightforward, yeah, but all it takes is a little creative thinking. Try creating your own original melody and mixing that up with the source tune, and try starting these melodies closer to the beginning, rather than starting at 1:20. I don't have more than that to add, so give it a try and see what you come up with. Good luck!
  2. Oh man. I can't believe I didn't know an OC Remixer had done the original song! I LOVE that song. This remix was also awesome. Great job, and what an epic situation! Kudos and cake for everyone!
  3. Faaaantastic. This really is an amazing remix, very very well put together.
  4. Holy crap this is awesome. If you can play Super Mario Galaxy without getting dizzy, this'll be fun for you.
  5. Jinkies! How are you, Irish? Been forever!

  6. This was one of my favorite songs from this soundtrack. A fantastically original take on this ballroom dance type song. Wonderful, thank you for this!
  7. I about had a nerd/joygasm when I ran into the Sacred Grove on Twilight Princess. Your song here captures that moment well, I like the soundscape feeling you have going here. I'm with Mono though, at about 1:06 you have some strange sounds accompanying your instruments. Otherwise, I really like what you've got going here. Keep tweaking, you're off to a good start.
  8. Your music was superb for what it was used with, meaning the video...background music. You did an awesome job with that. Same advice here, spice it up, make it a little longer, blah blah. Excellent start on this, though, good job!
  9. Pretty good stuff you have going here! I've never made my own, so I wouldn't know where to criticize. At this point, I don't see much to criticize about, so I'd say take a shot, and see what the judges have to say. Good work with this, I like it!
  10. I am totally serious, Salluz, as sad as that is. Truth be told, I read it on Wiki.
  11. Anne Hatheway as Felicia Harding was going to be HORRIBLE. Why? They were going to scrap the idea of Black Cat altogether and make her into what the retards with Raimi's company called the Vultress. A female Vulture. I say, godspeed to whoever is heading up this new reboot. And this time, maybe we'll see a director who isn't going to spit in the faces of Venom's biggest fans and do it right.
  12. Dinosaur Battle Redux. That one makes me feel like the damn thing is coming to get me.
  13. Ah, here we go again. I created a thread like this a couple years ago. Apparently there's some kind of bad blood between zreo and OC Remix. Just giving you a heads up. Still, I do listen to their music. I've got a collection.
  14. Like dragonavenger said, this remix does wobble quite a bit. I like it, though! It's an appropriate affect. The song itself does have a freaky monster vibe, and I'm pretty sure that's what mazedude was going for. Kudos on this one, I enjoyed it.
  15. This is really beautiful. It is at times bold, at other times subtle. Sometimes it's both at once. Awesome work. Piano arrangements aren't usually my favorite, but this remix can speak for itself, and I like what it says. Bravo.
  16. Awesome vocals. Awesome arrangements. Awesome production. Everything about this remix screams 'I am awesome.' You are awesome. Happy 1st!
  17. Wow! What an awesome, original take on the Cutman theme! Nice job, very nice! It's like slow trip-hop mixed with bits of Old West. Kudos!
  18. Fantastic! Some of the most talented sounds I've ever heard coming from a live band performance, and that baritone...wow...Words can do this song no justice.
  19. Absolutely awesome! This definitely makes my new favorite Mystic Cave mix. I don't even like that song all that much, but as a remix this rockin' view on that troublesome cave level music gives me a whole new perspective.
  20. While this song doesn't scream ACTION or INTENSE like you might want it to, this song excels in something that makes me feel at peace. It makes me feel floaty, weightless, like I'm just blissfully drifting through space. I give this remix two thumbs up just for that.
  21. I wanted to come congratulate you two on irc, but today it's not letting me on and might not let me back on for a month, wtf! Anyway, I wish you two the best, you seem like good people. Have a wonderful wedding (and all those warm nights to follow ) Anyway, I'd love to come and hang out, but my money is very unhappy these days ><
  22. I've been going through my OCR collection. While the complaints I had for this song were with just the main melody being that low pitch, I do understand that this song was created a long time ago, in Jive's early career. This song was one of few that got me listening here on overclocked remix. For me, it is iconic. The percussion and the pace of this song hold legendary status in my memories and will for as long as I live. Kudos, jivemaster.
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