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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Hot damn. It's been a long time since I've heard these familiar tunes. I don't recognize them all, but the quality of song here is high, folks. Download this right away!
  2. Among many series remixed here, I dearly covet the Mega Man series. Snake Man is definitely an awesome source in itself, and this remix makes for a curiously awesome song. Don't miss this one!
  3. I like it. Very mellow and chill, as stated earlier. Even if this doesn't get finished, I could listen to this for a very long time, just zoning out and relaxing. Nice work!
  4. Hey, I'm impressed! (though most here would argue that's easily done ><) It sounds like this song has some serious potential. Keep tweaking and working on that sound quality, I'd like to hear more.
  5. Interesting! I loved the intro, it had a very epic feel to it. The tempo transition was a little weird for me, but you made it work. All in all, great stuff.
  6. I've been chilling to this song for the last 20 minutes. Any song that can let me do that without getting bored deserves respect. Excellent.
  7. This remix is mellow. Really mellow. I'm all for awesome instrumentals, and this song pulls it off with mellow lounge style. Great work!
  8. The brass is my only complaint. Hydrocity is definitely one of my most favorite songs from any game. It's remixes have been few and far between, all of them awesome...and this one fits right in that category. Awesome work! Major kudos!
  9. Well at least it no one else posted this pairing first... My future brother-in-law was visiting this month, and we had an idea when we stepped into Hot Topic. We picked up Mario and Luigi hats. I already had the suspenders purchased for just such an occassion, so this Halloween we will be Mario and Luigi. I'm average height and overweight, and he's tall and skinny. It's perfect! Pictures will be posted, though I don't know if he's gotten the suspenders. Ah well. If anything, you all will be exposed to my Mario-ness soon enough.
  10. I find this one pretty interesting. It's a genre we don't hear too often, and I think this one has potential. Keep tweaking and working on this, I like it already.
  11. The first three quarters of this song rock me gently. The last quarter rocks me hard, then it moves and ends into smooth lounge. In short, a fantastic take on this awesome song. Massive kudos to the band!
  12. Yeah I agree. But for the sake of sportsmanship, I'm keeping them both up XD

  13. Gorgeous...I love the simplistic style, and the song itself is so smooth and quiet, it's very soothing. Awesome work!
  14. Congratulations! Many years to you and your gorgeous wife.
  15. The ending does end a little too quickly for me, but the rest of the song was really fantastic. I love orchestral arrangements, and the synth throughout was a nice touch!
  16. Holy crap. I might have to buy that shirt. This song is catchy, charming and delightful from beginning to end. Nice work!
  17. W is for the ultimate oxymoron in video gaming definition...
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