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Mr Jarna

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Everything posted by Mr Jarna

  1. I tend not to watch anime, preferring instead to read teh mangaz. Deathnote and Bleach are my most recent perusings (that word is funny). Parasyte is good as well, although slooooooow to come out. Can't stand Inuyasha.
  2. From your mouth to Sakurai's ear - although, a double Pikmin update (moves, FS, stage - any combo of those three) would be better IMO. From the screenshots of Olimar in action (acyion? kudos to whoever gets the joke), I was somewhat reminded of Yoshi's Island. Maybe that's how they're gonna make Olimar, like a YI Yoshi but with plant creatures instead of eggs. Akin to the Zelda Timeline then, amiright? No, the Zelda timeline is much more complex than that. So complex it would make a good character for Brawl. Plus, it would have the best final smash EVER - like 50 Ganons appear and basically rape you. And maybe a Vaati or two. And Veran and that General dude from the Oracles. ...and Tingle OMGWTF NOES.
  3. If by Bomberman you mean the Blue Bomber, man - then I totally agree. Although I still totally agree with it anyways, y'know. More characters cannot be bad, and in fact is the reason I used to main Pichu until I never lost due to everyone's ego being battered down by the little rodent....yeah everyone else sucked. I hear you 100%, man. I'm a freshie as well, and am also having trouble studying due to the fact that I didn't have to in HS. Thank god for the library, s'all I am saying.
  4. I actually played Donkey Kong Country for the first time after I d/led the album. I kinda wish that "Funky Monkey Love" would have actually been in the game. ...in fact, after about halfway through the game I started playing the appropriate song during a level. The remixes on this site are beautiful, and not once did they even feel out of place in the level.
  5. Sad thing is, going by what I can remember in the "anime" and assuming things are about the same, he's probably desparate enough by now, Atma. >_> I mean, uh, booo they didn't show us if Big Blue was back. And does anyone else think that Sakurai will have one more big WTF character update up his sleeve soon? Sonic/PT/Dedede make 3, but 4 is a nice round number...
  6. Actually I've just gotten back into Magic - I started playing around Kamigawa, stopped for college around Coldsnap, and just got back in. Our local Magic playing group is holding an Unhinged draft when the break is over.
  7. When I actually went to D.C last summer I was kinda bummed that I couldn't go down into a secret place underneath the Lincoln Memorial via the pool full of sharks (the name escapes me - the Reflection Pool?). Regardless, DN3D remains my favorite "old-school" FPS, and this news will probably give me horrible dreams about the Apocalypse tonight.
  8. You forgot to mention that you have a colorful shield that pops up whenever you don't want to take a hit...or an egg. Also, I just realized that I'm not going to be able to play as Sonic, for whenever I jump and go into the little ball I'm going to try to hit people with my jump ala every Sonic game ever.
  9. A LITTLE PIECE OF ME JUST DIED SAKURAI. ...although the Ice Climber music somewhat redeemed you. Somewhat. Plz to be showing us a new stage, at least.
  10. There's that one floating around with Bowser as the singer. Dunno if that counts as a true remix, but it's findable on the VGCats homepage...
  11. ... SHAQ FUUUUU
  12. Well, it's an update at least. *le sigh*
  13. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama
  14. Now, if they keep count of kills (which they probably won't there being no records or anything) - you think if you D/C you'll count it as a loss?
  15. I wish today was my birthday now... ...so that in 3 years I could drink.
  16. Or the person who gets the pity smash will be too nub to use it well, resulting in a phailure use or the better player beating it out of them. Also, didn't we already get this update? I swear Sakurai is repeating himself. Except for the music. ++ there.
  17. lol, for some reason I was thinking that they hadn't announced friends for Brawl in that earlier update. Stupid me. But really now, are you srsly never gonna play online?
  18. Well, since I wasn't really expecting anything better than the norm from Nintendo, the revelation that yes, you CAN have friends in Brawl kinda made me feel relieved. It's still not up to par, but at least I can still have faith that Nintendo will continue to stride the line between OK and deficient. Dude, that code doesn't work for me. Every time I try to input it, I have to fight Sephiroth with Link. AND IT WON'T EVEN LET ME UNLOCK HIM.
  19. This restored my faith in the online capabilities of Nintendo. Somewhat.
  20. Now I hate you . Been stuck on Mike Tyson since about an hour after you posted that. But yeah, I think the true final boss from Demon's Crest (Dark Demon) is nigh impossible. Only beaten him once, and that was with save states and 5 Ginseng pots...and about an hour.
  21. That's a keeper, as the interviewer asked some pretty good questions. More publicity can't be all bad...
  22. While I'm psyched that the Temple is returning, couldn't he have chosen a more... interesting stage to reveal? Or am I the only one who thinks that having both versions of the Pokémon Stadium in the game would be overkill? *coughalsoplzfortobehavingBigBluecough*
  23. Fixed...maybe 30 seconds...
  24. Events! Yay! Dark Link duel ftw.
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