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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. So, I'm getting pretty pumped for Steel Diver, especially after hearing this news: http://nintendo3dsblog.com/nintendo-reveals-naval-battle-mode-in-steel-diver-supports-download-play#more-611534933 I'm making an effort to make my first gaming experience on the 3DS be with a game I've never played before. I want this to be completely new. Even if OoT was a launch title, I'd still play steel Diver first. I can't believe how useless IGN is these days. This blog is really good and updates with something new almost every couple hours.
  2. I think this week's Extra Creditz aired a little early... EDIT: Holy crap do I feel stupid now... This is ubisoft not EA...
  3. The guy from Nintendo3DSBlog.com will be getting it, and he seems to go pretty in-depth with stuff and you could probably send him a question about it. There's already a chinese unboxing of it, but they don't show much in the videos. link: http://nintendo3dsblog.com/
  4. Argh, I'm still unsure of which starter to get... I really like smugleaf and it's evos, but the others aren't too bad either (Although BoarBQ's last evo should have been a Ganon lookalike...). In pretty much every other game, I knew instantly which starter was for me, but this time...
  5. Well, just keep your DS when you get the 3DS. I wouldn't risk losing the ability to play all those games.
  6. I'm still not convinced on Street Fighter. At all. I have Super Street Fighter 2 for genesis, and tried playing it again, and it just seems like a so-so fighter. I found it kinda frustrating getting any special moves (aside from HADOKEN and HYUPCHYUPCHYUPCHUN) to work and I don't really see the longevity of the series. True, I was playing by myself, so maybe it's much more fun in multi player, but I'd still need convincing before I buy it. However, prospect of online OCR matches is very appealing...
  7. I was one of the 6 who bought Hotel Dusk! is the sequel a true sequel, or more of a spin-off? I may need to import it too...
  8. Wait, Retro is making the remake? :D :D I wish
  9. Yeah, i tried the wiiware demo for the game but couldn't really get into it. Mostly it was the bland art style that turned me off. I really do like the new concept art, however, and would definitely get it if it looks like that.
  10. There's been a lot of lawsuits, most of which came to nothing, but it seems like LG has almost 10 against Sony. What would it mean if they won? Would the selling of PS3s be banned, or the system recalled altogether?
  11. Found this in my email today: http://mariosportsmix.com/#/media/mario-press-conference It's long, but pretty funny. I've always loved it when Charles is allowed to run wild with Mario, giving him quite a personality. He also does live chats with customers at the Nintendo World store. (Wario comes in at 3:10)There's tons of these videos on youtube, and I've spent way more time watching these than I should have.
  12. Haha, awesome. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/114/1148347p1.html
  13. haha, you mean I made 3 trips to ebgames carrying 4 DSs for nothing? :evil::evil:
  14. Hmm, I just got a Sony Ericsson Vivaz-Pro, so I am liking the sliding style. The loss of the keyboard would hurt, though... I've never used an android phone before, what are they like?
  15. Haha, I know, I actually really like DKCR and NSMB and Pokemon Soul Silver and Mario Galaxy 2. But if my associates were always complaining that the pizza shop never made Sushi and then complained about the Sushi, I would be pretty annoyed.
  16. The game deserves a sequel using the same gameplay style, just with a better story and voice acting. I liked the game a lot. Others hated it. We're not going to be able to change each other's opinions on it. Overall, people on the internet need to stop being hypocrites. You cannot accuse Nintendo of always playing it safe and selling us the same games every year and then praise DKCR and crucify Metroid Other M. DKCR does NOTHING new to the genre or franchise, and while it's an excellent game, it is a prime example of Nintendo selling us the same game again. Metroid other M was a HUGE risk and a big step out of their comfort zone, so you can't expect it to be the greatest game ever. Nintendo tried something new; what we've been demanding them to do for years. And then we criticize them for trying something new and demand a sequel to a retread of an old franchise. Grow Up.
  17. That doesn't stop everyone from disagreeing with his 'canonical' viewpoints on Samus' character, now does it?
  18. Man you guys are pathetic.
  19. That is really sad. That's a lady I would have loved to know. You should actually change the thread title. I was not expecting to see this when I clicked on it.
  20. Maybe once you use the big power-up attack you lose the ability. That would work.
  21. wait, Chthonic, do you seriously think Retro is making it? Why would it debut in Japanese, then? It's got in-game japanese. And besides, Kirby is HAL Lab.'s special baby.
  22. I just finished reading the Iwata Asks article on the 3DS hardware (right here) and it looks like they have no plans to make a 3DS lite. check it: They talk a little bit more about it, but from what I got, they start work on the next model of a system before the first one is even released. They mentioned how they started work very early on the DS Lite, but that they don't feel it's going to be possible to make a 3DS lite until the technology becomes smaller and cheaper, which probably won't be for a few years. So if you're holding out for the 3DS lite, you may want to think again.
  23. They plan on releasing it this year in November, I think. But It's probably going to be at least $350. Ironically, I'm most interested in seeing the game cards in person
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