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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Hmm, yeah, there aren't a whole lot of things to get for either system, but I'm trying to collect as many video game systems as I can, so I guess at some point... Here's a question: Can you pop a PS1 game into the PS3, then send that onto the PSP? And, are there any PS3's that can play PS2 games? Like, older models, I mean.
  2. I suppose, but I was hoping to hear some actual personal experience and/or preference.
  3. Huh, looks like the old threads are gone. I'm thinking of buying a PSP and a PS3, but I had some questions. 1) What are the top 10 games for these platforms? 2) What's the deal with PSP-3000 VS Slim? 3) Can the PS3 play PS1/PS2 games? If they aren't being made anymore, is it worth buying a used one that can? 4) Can you download PS1/PS2 games via the PSN? Can you play them on the PSP? Can you download the MGS games? Muchos Gracias in Advancias EDIT: ; Yes, I meant Metal Gear Solid.
  4. Hey all. I was thinking the other day, and I realized that many people here use different names across the internet and opposed to real world aliases, such as artist names. I realized that it would be a great pity if I missed one of Skrypnyk's or Beatdrop's albums in a music store, simply because they use a different artist name. That's why I think that ITT, we should post our artist names so we can know what other names people here may go by. To that end, we can also post the names we use on other places online, if you're comfortable with that. (For example, I bumped into Aninymouse once on serebii.net's chat room. That was fun.) As for myself, I try to go by Overflow on all fronts, except when it's not available(My XBL name is The Overflow). I also used to go by NintendoPlayerManiac on the NSider forums. Anyone remember those? they were great. Anyways, my artist name is also going to be Overflow, if the name's available. I'd like to know what yours is, so I can look for your work in a music store.
  5. That's the basic idea, yeah. It also makes sense then that the Link in WW is NOT a descendant of the original Link, while Link in TP probably is, considering how he already has the Triforce of Courage mark on his hand. WW Link has to rediscover the Triforce of Courage. This also explains why the original 2 games probably happened in this timeline: The world being flooded and leaving a desolate wasteland after the waters recede (LoZ), North Hyrule being a new continent created likely by WW Link and Tetra (AoL), the towns being named after the seven sages (AoL), and Link, once again, having to find the Triforce of Courage, since he is not a descendant of the OoT Link. Someone once mentioned that it's likely that Child Link eventually hooked up with Malon, which makes sense, considering TP Link is a rancher too. I think that in the 100+ years that passed between OoT and TP, Child Link and Malon probably moved far south of Hyrule and created Ordon village. Probably his son--TP Link's grandfather--became a swordsman but was killed in the Lost Woods, becoming a Stalfos. Instead of becoming a monster, though, he's good, considering he is a direct descendant of someone who had the triforce of Courage, and probably even carried it for a while himself. That also explains why the fallen warrior in TP calls Link 'my son'. Maybe it was Link's father, instead, but either way, I think this works. To an extent, anyways Native Jovian, the idea of a split timeline comes from the fact that when Link was sent back to the past, he probably warned the King of Ganondorf's plans, thus causing him to be executed. Meanwhile, the world that Adult Link left behind continues on, with Ganon being in the sacred realm, eventually busting out, and, since there's no descendant of Link's there, the world is flooded. Many people still vouch for a linear timeline, though, and there's great arguments for both sides.
  6. Hmm, that works. Something that was never explained was what happened to the Master sword after Adult Link defeated Ganon. When he goes back in time, it's to before he ever pulled out the Master sword, so he just leaves it in the Temple of Time, which explainss why it's still there in TP. But in WW, it's in Hyrule Castle. I suppose it's reasonable to assume the Adult Link left the sword behind in the future, and Zelda brought it into the Castle. But another thing: If the Master sword had never been pulled in Child Link's timeline, then that means that (As of now) TP is the first time the master sword is removed. Wouldn't that effectively open the door to the sacred realm? P.S.: I can't remember if TP ends with Link returning the Master sword. Confirm/deny?
  7. You know, I also had a weird revelation a while ago too. Doesn't seem odd that in both timelines, Ganon is sealed away in a "dark world" by sages? The twilight realm could be considered a dark world, couldn't it? But I guess in the Adult Link timeline, Ganon actually did get into the sacred realm and transform it into the Dark world, once he touched the triforce(That's the point where Zelda and Link are chosen to wield the other thirds), but in Child Link's timeline, he never has this chance. That means that LttP HAS to have happened in Adult Link's timeline, otherwise there'd be no dark world to explore. (Also, the legend of the seven sages connects the Ganon's imprisonment in Adult Link's timeline, since there was only six in TP.) I know Gametrailers claims that LttP happens in Child Link's timeline, but that can't be, because of the presence of the dark world.
  8. But... if Ganon was executed/sent to the twilight realm, then it makes sense that he never saw Link or the Master Sword, since he was ratted out by young Zelda. Plus, since he possessed the Triforce of Power, he could probably become a spirit if he wants. Actually, he does, after you *MINOR SPOILER* defeat his Boar Form. */SPOILER*. In WW, he's looking for Zelda's descendants to exact his revenge, so it actually makes sense.
  9. Lol, yeah, I sometimes think that it almost makes the most sense just to accept each game as a retelling of the story of a boy named Link, rescuing the pirncess Zelda and defeating Ganon. It makes sense that with each retelling, there'd be variations. Ever hear of the Tetraforce theory? It's really interesting. It basically states that there is a 4th Triforce, but it's unclear what exactly it's purpose is. Watch this video: Part 2: (No, that's not me ) Also, something else that bugs me, is what is the state of the Triforce? Is it physical, or spiritual? At the end of LttP and in WW, LoZ and AoL it is very clear that they can be physical. But when Link/Zelda/Ganon posses a piece (The mark on their hand), obviously, they aren't carrying around the triforce in their bag, but it doesn't make much sense that the piece is actually IN their hand, either. I always thought that the real triforce is in a temple somewhere, and they just have access to it's power, and can also summon up a physical form when they want to. Thoughts?
  10. Yeah, yeah, I know. Actually, I want this thread to be more of a personal idea thread. What personal ideas about the timeline do you have? Not so much arguing which game goes where(You're free to do so, if you want), but mostly just interesting ideas about certain games. I'll kick it off. Just now, while brushing my teeth, I had a startling revelation(I actually choked a little on my toothpaste, too). I lean more towards the splitist theory, but if there is a linear timeline, one problem that I face is which is the continued timeline? The Link after he defeats Ganon, or where he returns as a child? (I'm obvioulsy talking about OoT, here, and I'm too lazy to describe the whole theories here. Look em up on Wikipedia if you don't know them.) Does he warn the king, thus preventing the war, is he stuck in a time loop, or is the future events the actual history? Something else to consider is that certain things, like the windmill, are already affected in the future before Link affects them in the past. That implies that all of Link's actions in the past are already done in the future, essentially meaning that he isn't changing the past/future, but merely enacting it. If this is so and there is one timeline, then wouldn't that mean that Link gets sent back as a child, but the war happens anyways, and 7 years later adult link appears and defeats Ganon? but if that's so, then that would also imply that at that point in time, there would be 2 Links present, both adult. Now, this is reaching a little, but wouldn't that cause some sort of temporal paradox or something? Almost as though one link must be eliminated from the equation? This is where Majora's mask starts to make a lot more sense. Maybe Link was forcibly removed from Hyrule due to the fact that there couldn't exist 2 of him at one time. So he was sent to the alternate dimension of Termina, ironically fitting in quite well with all the other "duplicates". Or maybe he went willingly, trying to avoid any sort of issues that migjt arise with 2 Links present? Now, I haven't finished the game, but isn't it true that at the end, Link doesn't actually return to Hyrule? Is he maybe stuck forever in Termina, or maybe only until the Adult Link in Hyrule is sent back in time, causing these events to forever repeat? I have many personal theories on time that would enforce this view, but I mostly just wanted to put it out there. What do you think of this? Did you ever notice anything odd yourself in any of the games?
  11. Yo, I noticed in the Sale/want thread you listed me as selling an Atari 2600. Actually, it's the other way arounf; I'm trying to buy one. Thx

  12. I would love to get a copy of the "100 Classic Book Collection" for DS. I assume it's entirely in English. Lol, actually, this is something I thought of a year or so ago, and hoped they would make. Then I found out they DID... SO anyways, would anyone be able to snag me one? I'm in Canada, so SHipping and Handling will be pricey
  13. Yeah, I totally get what you're saying, meteo, and I'm seriously considering getting rid of my facebook account too and relying solely (I have no idea if that's how it's spelled) on email. I'm slightly autistic too (I was severely autistic when I was younger, but I still struggle with communication, loud noises, sudden changes in routine, etc.)and I agree with you on almost everything. It's extremely frustrating when people NEVER check their messages for a couple weeks. By then, it's usually too late. I joined facebook simply because my friends refused to check their email and only used facebook. But even then, they take forever to reply. But even aside from that, I think the dependence on things like facebook are overwhelming. One friend of mine invited me to her wedding via facebook. HER WEDDING. What is this?? Does she seriously think I'm gonna come to her wedding because of a little online blurb? and if not, then why invite people to it? before I got facebook I almost missed out on my own grad because they were all(Including the teachers) using it to decide dates, places, etc., and I've missed many meetups simply because people didn't bother to mention it in real life. This dependance is scary, and it will only get worse. I'd get rid of my facebook account tonight if it weren't for that fact that I have many friends where this is the only--and I mean the ONLY--way to get in touch with them.
  14. Ahaha, it looks like little kid Icarus there, as well as toad from SMB1, is giving everyone the finger. Rofl!
  15. I love the DSi too. Pure awesome. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here knows a good way to fix the scratches on the touch screen of a DSLite. (I'm very careful with my system, but sometimes the stylus has a jagged edge or a bit of something on it that scratches the screen.) I heard once that toothpaste is a good way to fix scratches. Anyone know of a way?
  16. How does the master of illusion funny face thing work? I watched a couple videos, and, well, wow. I'm sure there must be some kind of trick on the player's part. Right?
  17. Actually, the federation does have a currency; Credits. It's almost never talked about in the series(I think there was a brief mention by the alternate universe Kirk) because it doesn't really apply to starship personnel. They need whatever they need (e.g. food synthesizers, holodecks, etc) and since they're going to be out in space for long periods of time, they can't be expected to pay for things like that. Civilians, however, do. In the book Prime Directive(Which is an awesome book, btw, with a crappy ending) the crew of the NCC-1701 have to hide from the government, and as such, must live like civilians. There's one part, I recall, where McCoy is frustrated over the fact that he has to wait in line and dole out credits just to use a transporter. Kirk also makes a mention of paying Scotty his week's salary (In the Doomsday Machine), but this could just be a joke. I've always thought that the Federation was kind of a communistic society.
  18. He probably means where he lives.
  19. BTW, has anyone else noticed a sort of 'ghost' effect on the DSi? i noticed it in NSMB. But the colors are so much brighter than the DSlite, so I guess it's sort of a tradeoff?
  20. Same here. I already got duped with a hacked celebi and deoxys. Legit, people! There's no satisfaction if you fill your pokedex with fake pokes.
  21. On a different note, apparently the new pokemon movie will be giving away Arceus. .......Brushfire?
  22. Here in Canada we've got the 2 flat prongs as well. You'll need an adaptor for sure, but whether or not you'll need a converter is something to check out at your local electronics store. If I remember correctly, Europe has a much higher energy output, so I had to buy a converter that would lower that output so it wouldn't fry my computer. I'm sure you can buy one that would do the opposite.
  23. Yeah, see, I have no idea what model it is. we got it from Telus, and I can't find any model name on it or the box, and I can't find the manual. If we CAN get a new router that works with the plan we've got going with telus, that would be awesome.
  24. I got a DSi too, but I can't get it to connect to my internet. For some reason, it won't accept the password (According to Support.Nintendo), even though the same password works with my DSlite. I've gotta wait until sunday when my family gets back from florida to change the password and see if that works.
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