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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Sorry to bug you again, but I had to change my FC in Hunters. My new one is one ClanOCR. Thanks!

  2. Sorry to bug you again, but I had to change my FC in Hunters. My new one is one ClanOCR. Thanks!

  3. Sorry to bug you again, but I had to change my FC. My new one is one ClanOCR. Thanks!

  4. Sorry to bug you again, but I had to change my FC in Hunters. My new one is on ClanOCR now. Thanks!

  5. Hey, Just wanted to let you know I added you in Metroid Prime hunters via Clan OCR. Feel free to add me back, and hopefully we'll get a chance to play online! THX

  6. Hey, Just wanted to let you know I added you in Metroid Prime hunters via Clan OCR. Feel free to add me back, and hopefully we'll get a chance to play online! THX

  7. Hey, Just wanted to let you know I added you in Metroid Prime hunters via Clan OCR. Feel free to add me back, and hopefully we'll get a chance to play online! THX

  8. Hey, Just wanted to let you know I added you in Metroid Prime hunters via Clan OCR. Feel free to add me back, and hopefully we'll get a chance to play online! THX

  9. Lol, the irony of getting a game, in which, you can summon anything you want, and losing the one thing you already had to use it. ... Okay, that sentence makes little sense, but you know what I'm getting at! Anyone else wanna take a stab at wording it better?
  10. We need to pick one challenge and each post how we solved it! We'd get some good ideas that way!
  11. *Minor Spoiler* Use the teleporter. It brings you to the Fifth Cell company, where you can see some of the designers, lol.
  12. Josh also works, though. And there was another, I think started with M, but I can't remember. edit: It's Matt.
  13. According to the game, the conditions are: "It must be a real-life, physical object. It cannot be: a place, proper name, suggestive material, shape, latin or greek root word, alcohol, race or culture, vulgarity or copyrighted." Even with those restrictions, I have found some exceptions, For example, "John" brings up some dude I assume worked n the game, and "NeoGaf" also works. Oh, adding adjectives don't work well either. For example, "Blue Car" won't work. It'll just bring up the stock red car. There are also some internet memes, for example "Longcat" and "Keyboard cat".
  14. Lol, you'd think so, and I'm prone to calling in the 'jet pack' a few too many times, but there are some really tricky ones. Like trying to get the star without touching any trip wires, or without getting killed. Probably my favourite solution I've come up with so far is using Chloroform to knock out a security guard, and the use a Grapple to get the star without alerting the security camera. Using the Jet Pack feels like cheating, but that's only because you want to figure out weirder and more ingenious ways of winning, rather than just stacking objects, for example.
  15. Is that the Puzzle, or Challenge? Im stuck on Challenge 2-8. edit: I got it
  16. No, seriously! The Futureshop I went to today was selling it 2 days early! It's awesome. I've been playing around on the title screen for 20 minutes now!
  17. Thanks for your advice, everyone. Due to limited selection and my enjoying the demo, I decided to go with WarHawk (Which, normaly $30, cost me only $5 with all my discounts!). I keep losing it, but does anyone know the location of Clan OCR these days? I really should update my friend codes/PSN/XBL things.
  18. Heyey, thanks for that! That's good to know!
  19. A little bit of redundancy here, but... Are the Disgaea games a continuing story, or can I get right into #3 without any backstory?
  20. Oh, and I'm also considering Sonic's Geneis Collection, but since I recently got a Genesis and started collecting games for it, that might be a little redundant/inhibitory on collection further.
  21. Something that kind of bugs me about bioshock... People now are saying that it's easy to describe the gameplay of the Metroid Prime games, by saying "It's like Bioshock." Shouldn't it be the other way around?? Metroid prime came out first Anyways, Bioshock and Deadspace are at the top of my "Get when I can" list, but I have to hold off for now. I'm surprised no one's really talked about LBP. That game looks to have a lot of re-playability. What's strange is that in most places I've been to (Barring EBGames/GameStop), I've never seen Valkyria Chronicles or Disgaea. Most stores are filled with CoD, and whatever's popular at the time, lol.
  22. Man, I love CGRHD. As much as I want games like Dead Space and RE5, I promised my parents that I wouldn't get anything to bloody or mature while I live with them. Mature games are okay, as long as they're not over the top, so I'll have to hold off on Deadspace. Disgaea 3 looks complicated!!! I couldn't follow a single thing that was going on It looks a bit like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, just a lot more complex. BlazBlue and Street fighter also look really frustrating. I like certain fighting games, but when you need to memorize hundreds of moves for different characters, that's a bit too much. I just found Mortal Kombat on the Genesis and I can't figure out how to do fatalities! I'd really like to get good at these games, especially Street Fighter, but I don't think that'll happen unless someone who's really good teaches me. Valkyria Chronicles? Isn't that the game that has Skies of Arcadia characters in it? Man, I loved SoA. I need to find it again.
  23. Yeah, I'm lookin at getting Guitar Hero for PS2 since it should have USB plugs. Does it? Do any of the guitar heros use USB on PS2? Reason I'm asking is because I want to use them as midi instruments in Garageband. I know Rockband instruments will work, but the guitar hero hardware is better. Does anyone here play Warhawk? Is it any good? Another game I'm looking at is LBP, that's an obvious no-brainer, but maybe not better than other games.
  24. Yo I recently got a PS3, and I have ratchet & Clank, Uncharted and Gran Turismo 5 Pro. for now. Obviously, I need to get some new games, but I can't decide which. Right now, I'm trying to decide between Resistance, Sonic's Genesis Collection and Warhawk (I'm excluding MGS4 because I'm only 1/2 way through #2). Which would you pick, or can you think of something better? Actually, I'm really debating getting Resistance 2 and skipping 1. 1 has a "Brown-Gray-bleh" look and feel to it, but the second is big and colorful and interesting. Obviously, the problem is the story. Is it like the Metroid Prime games, where playing them in order is not required? Or would it be wiser to play 1 first? Bioshock is another one I'm looking to get, as well as Dead Space, but I want to get it from my workplace cause I'll get a discount and $20 off one purchase, and neither of those games are there right now. Anyways, I just need some help and advice. Thanks in advance!
  25. Meh, the movie was okay. I thought it was better than the first in some ways. the first was a better movie, but this was a better Transformers movie. It actually had some story apart from "Cube, robots, fight!". I'm not saying the story was great, but it's nice to have one. Too many unnecessary humping and bodily function jokes, and the twins needed only half the role they had. In their place, put Arcee in! Or even better, how about actually introducing us to some of the other autobots? Seriously; in one scene it showed all the autobots and I saw a blue one and I thought "Who the heck is that? Has he even been in the movie before this??" Apart from Shia, the human actors didn't seem interested in being there. Megan was even worse this time around, And the military guys seemed to only be there for novelty because of the first movie. Also, If there's another desert fight scene in the next movie But there was a lot of good stuff too. Tons of fanservice. Soundwave, Ravage, Space Bridges, Matrix of Leadership, Insecticons, Jetfire, and Devastator were all handled wonderfully, and the larger interaction between Starscream and Megatron was excellent. The first movie was a total setup for the robots, and this time we were able to see them act by themselves. Overall, there was a lot of untapped potential and ideas that they could put into the next movie. For example, how about a car chase, where the robot chasers and chasee change their vehicles around every turn?
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