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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. When I used RPGMaker, I usually didn't have a story in place and just kinda moved along with no real plans. That's probably why none of my games ever went anywhere. Well... Except for my first game, starring me It was 1 hour and a half long but had over 30 boss fights. Actually, you could make it through the game fighting only the forced encounters. I made sure of this, lol.
  2. Yeah, I haven't finished FFVI yet (I just rescued Relm) and I'm really, REALLY hoping this doesn't happen.
  3. I've been looking forward to this since it was announced, mostly because I'm really fascinated by scorpions. I'll hopefully get it in the next couple weeks.
  4. Kefka. The Joker of Final Fantasy. You need a clear villain who the player dislikes, and yet is interested in enough to keep playing to see more of him. Also, there can be "real" villains behind the first ones (E.G. Golbez and Zeromus from FFIV) but I would suggest against using this tactic. It's been done a lot and it kinda takes some of the steam out of the game when you realize the guy you're after isn't really the enemy. That is, of course, unless it's done in a really smart and compelling way.
  5. So I downloaded the demo on the XBox 360 of the daytime level and I actually had a lot of fun with it. I know that the daytime levels are about the only good thing and that the werehog parts are terrible, but I was wondering if the daytime levels make it worth the purchase? And if so, which version is better: Wii or 360?
  6. There is no way that's real. Right? Right? That was beyond creepy. That can't be real. ._.
  7. I really enjoyed portal. If you haven't got to play it yet (in the orange box or otherwise) it's a great buy. It also stands well on it's own, even though it fits into the Half-Life universe. It's a lot like a Ray Bradbury story. I'm planning on getting Braid next, and then probably Ikaruga followed by Bionic Commando Re-Armed.
  8. Soooo, I got the XBox, and I've been playing a bit of CoD 4 and TFU. I'm wondering what downloadable content and games I should look into. I played the demo of Braid, and I'm interested... Is it worth it?
  9. Actually... Nintendo did make an feature length Animal Crossing anime. As far as video game movies go, it's not bad.
  10. Heh heh... How about "The Legend of Zelda: The Clock of Time"?
  11. Aw man, I thought you were referencing to 'The Legend of Link'. @FriendlyHunter: Why do you think Prime 3 was a throw away? I can understand Prime 2 (Even though the Luminoth Fortress was, you have to admit, awesome), but I felt Prime 3 really delivered on what it set out to do. Sure the story doesn't deserve a Pulitzer, but the game was fun, and challenging (Especially on Hyper mode). The system employed in TP, I think, worked well as a means to tell a story. The game ushered you along, but that was so you could make it through and experience it all. I'll admit that some places were a bit like being baby-fed and the boss battles, while epic, were too easy. The dungeons were fun and challenging too, and while there may not have been as many brain-bending puzzles as in OoT, the ones that were there were still really good. The story overall was pretty good, although the way they cheaped out with Illia still irks me... I think that the next Zelda game should have another in-depth story, but with more chances to just explore. I don't want the continuation of the game to completely rely upon the player just happening to find a secret entrance somewhere, but instead of being led to the next dungeon, maybe just tell the player the general location of it, and let them figure out how to get inside. I'd also like to see bigger dungeons with more space; for example, why not have a dungeon have a sort of balcony or outside area where you can see the rest of the landscape for a moment, solve a puzzle (Maybe using light from the sun for a sort of mirror/lens thing) and then go back inside the other way and explore the other half of the dungeon. Oh, and much more challenging gameplay, along the lines of FFIV DS. Start out very easy, but then get brutally hard near the end. My favourite temple in TP was the Temple of Time, because of how HUGE it was and how connected it all felt. The puzzles also seemed really intimidating and complex but turned out to be pretty simple, which was a bit of a disappointment. The boss was also way to easy, but the surprise "second battle" was a nice touch.
  12. the link isn't working. What's up?
  13. Also, here's two interesting bits from the Wikipedia entry of 'Link's Crossbow Training': Obviously, Miyamoto has had some interesting ideas relating to the Zelda games in the past, but hasn't been able to really make them come to fruition. And as seen in the second quote, Miyamoto himself is not opposed to the idea of a Zelda game incorporating futuristic elements.
  14. In LttP, it wasn't clear if he was actually killed. You know, older (even some newer) games can never really be clear on that, especially if the death scene is just an explosion. He could have simply been defeated. In LoZ and AoL, however, the game makes it very clear that Ganon is dead and his ashes are all that are left. And then again in TP, it's very clear that he's dead. If anyone believes in the split timeline theory, then it could make sense that each game could happen at the end of each timeline.
  15. I disagree. While I also understand that Nintendo has other projects going on, I doubt they'd let something as big as the next console Zelda be developed by someone else. And really, all they need to do to satisfy gamers for a long time is just show a new Zelda trailer. Even just some concept art would make most happy.
  16. I thought they killed it, but are now doing a sort of "mini-E3". Isn't that what they did last year?
  17. I think it's more likely that Nintendo will reveal the next Zelda at this year's E3, and then slate it for a christmas 2009 release but then push it back till spring 2010. Also, am I the only one who actually thinks a futuristic Zelda would be cool?
  18. That's good to hear... It'd be a shame if my friend decided to buy another XBox and couldn't recover it. How large are most game saves?
  19. Wow... This stuff is really, really good! So... are any of these remixes, and if so, of what? (I'm sorta out of the loop...)
  20. Yeah, that does sound like a hassle... Can you save a profile and all it's achievements onto a memory card or something, or is there another way to recover it? Maybe including game saves?
  21. Sweet. So how does online work for the 360? I know it doesn't use friend codes, so how would I be able to play online with specific people? Here's what I'm thinking: I'll use the blank hard drive (And if it has been used, I'll format it) for my own personal data and use my friend's one to play online until the XBox live membership expires. Does the new Dashboard thing include some kind of startup manual? I don't have any experience with it. The old one was pretty simple...
  22. Great, thanks for the help. I think I'm going to buy the system, 2 controllers, both hard drives, a headset, CoD 4 and Kameo for around $250 - $270. Does this sound about right?
  23. Speaking of Moon, anyone heard anything about this game? I've really been looking forward to it. It comes out this week, right?
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