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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. SOOOOooooooo.... In other words, you're saying that a Zelda game, a NEW Zelda game, is hard. Hard, instead of easy, like many people accuse Zelda games of being lately. Just had to point this out.
  2. Bump. So how's Eat Lead? Anyone tried it? It looks like it might be fun, if only for the mockery of other games.
  3. Sweet. See, this is how I see the DSi compared to the DS/lite: It's just lik the old Gameboys. DS = Gameboy: First of a series, popular, but ugly. DSLite = Gameboy Pocket: Exact same system, just smaller and prettier, plays the older games. DSi = Gameboy Color: A very similar system, but with added features. It plays the older games (Some will have bonus content), but also plays newer games that won't work on the older system. Actually, the similarities are striking. I predict the sales and lifespan of the DSi will further emulate the Gameboy Color, serving as a kind of buffer for a few years until the completely new system is released.
  4. I heard from someone that the only DSi specific games would be downloads. I hope this is not true; can anyone confirm the existence of retail DSi exclusives? About the supposed VC for the DSi: Which would you prefer, if you had to choose only one? Being able to play VC games downloaded from the Wii Shop channel on your DSi, or being able to download GB, GBC and GBA game on the DSi Shop? Personally, I'd take the downloadable game boy games.
  5. Well, maybe I'm the only one, but whenever I play a GBC game or a GBA game, I almost always bust out the GBC or GBASP (The buttons on my GBA are shot from overuse), but I also usually take a couple GBA games with my DSlite (Namely FFVI and Mario VS DK). I still play my older games probably as much as my newer ones, so it pains me to say that they're old software/hardware, and we need to move on. Sure, I'm ripped about not being able to play GBA games on the DSi, but A) we can't get everything we want and there's only one or two game for the DS that use that slot. And don't forget that Nintendo said: "The DSi is a supplement to the DSlite", as they said with all their systems.
  6. Wow, really? I've just lately started playing Zelda II on my NES again, and occasionally playing SUper Mario Land I and II on my GB.
  7. I've never beaten a sonic game (1 + 2 are haaard), nor played any street fighter games.
  8. Hmm... To refresh our memories, I think you should list all the unwritten commandments of gaming so we can make our own lists.
  9. I couldn't find the old thread. I'm going to pick this up today, as it looks like a great way to write music on the go, and a good way to become experienced with synthesizers. But I was wondering what would be the best way to get the songs I make onto my computer? I could only think of recording them through the speakers or an amp, but I heard it might be possible to get a cord the plugs into the headphone jack and the other end is a microphone input, meaning I could directly record it. Would this actually work? I have a MacBook with a mic input. Also, if anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them.
  10. Well, right now I don't have anything lined up. I'm going to try to set up a credit card today, so it should take a few weeks before it arrives. At first I was thinking of going on Ebay, and I probably will for extra games, but I figure people here are more reliable.
  11. I'm planning on getting an Atari 2600. Does anyone here have one? Also, as for games, so far, I'm thinking of: Donkey Kong, Pitfalls 1 and 2, Yar's Revenge, Pac-man and Ms Pac-man, Cosmic Ark, Vanguard, Adventure, Mario Bros, and Pong if I can find those. Can anyone else suggest any more? I'm thinking that all this, plus controllers and wires should cost around $30 - $50?
  12. In the old days when there used to be pictures of the title screens listed beside the remix, I would just browse through the title screens and pick some that look good. The Ninja Gaiden remixes are great, as are the Great Giana Sisters, Cave Story and Grandia 2 A Deus ex Harpa. Also check out the Guardian Legend and Xenogears remixes (Especially Xenosphere, and Babel: a Prison of Fate.) The only games from this list that I've played are Ninja Gaiden and Guardian legend, but I found most songs by chance and actually played Guardian Legend to because of the remixes. Just peruse the library and see what you find. Zombies Ate My Neighbours is also fun.
  13. I'm really slow. 81 years slow. Just today I have discovered the Theremin. Anyways, I was wondering how much they cost, what a good brand would be, where I could find one and if they can be used on a computer via Midi inputs.
  14. I got and finished this game over the weekend. Great game, a lot of fun, and some very epic situations. There are a few glitches, such as a twitchy camera, and some character clipping, but even so, the rest of the game more than makes up for those little issues. Graphically the game is very nice, a good looking Wii title. The animation is really smooth and realistic, and the Scorpion finishing moves are a ton of fun to do, even if there is no penalty for failure during the finishing move. There are some really cool environments too. The sound design is also excellent, with insects and lizards making loud roars and hisses. The music and background sound really fits the setting. Dennis Hopper and Billy Bob Thornton do a great job as well, creating interesting and menacing characters. The ending is a little anticlimactic, unfortunately. But the journey there is really neat. Definitely worth picking up if you own a Wii and are looking for something a little darker. 7.8/10
  15. For me: Colecovision, 2 NESs, 2 SNESs, 2 N64s, Gamecube, Wii, PSX, Dreamcast, XBox360, GB, GBP, GBC, GBA, GBASP, GBM, DSLite, and a plethora of cheap plugnplay games.
  16. I'm not an EB fan, I've never even played the game. I just know that it's become a cult classic and that everyone who's played it agrees that it's really good. I'd like to try it sometime. Plus, the hint Nintendo gave made me instantly think of EB (I didn't do any research or nothing), because the game takes place in an american town, right? Plus, I didn't think of anything else that Nintendo would consider a big enough deal that "if you’re a fan, your applause could rattle your walls, windows, door." besides EB. Because if it WAS EB, that is what would happen.
  17. My grandparents in Switzerland have a Commodore 64 and an Atari computer thing. The strange thing, though, is that I played this game called Hybris, a really neat shooter, on their Commodore, but whenever I look the game up, it's listed as an Atari game. ??? Also: Great Giana Sisters?
  18. This was on Nintendo.com: What could this be? My first thought was Earthbound. Do the clues line up?
  19. Oh, I didn't know there's a demo. I'll definitely give that a try first.
  20. Cool... Thanks: I got the setting to work now. Now I just need to get used to it, lol. I'll do a bit more research on Blue Dragon before I make a decision. $15 is a pretty good price.
  21. Okay. I couldn't seem to find anything on it in those pages, I think for some reason my browser does something funny on the forums here: all the posts are from the bottom up. I need to scroll to the bottom of the page and read up. It only does this when I'm logged in and I'm can't figure out how to fix it. So yeah, sorry, I didn't want to come across as a prick or anything
  22. So I saw Blue Dragon used for $15. Worth it? I've heard that it's a cookie cutter game, but a very pretty one.
  23. So has anyone picked this up yet? I'm probably going to get it in the next couple weeks. Oh, I was also wondering something: did anyone else see that Gametrailers video of the motion capture on the scorpion? I'm just wondering if those moves were really done by the scorpion or if that was their work put in after.
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