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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. It's not lighting; the image is also a little bit smaller. I took a picture so I could compare. The store ones I saw I had to turn it around a bit to even see the image, it's really dark. I don't know what's the deal.
  2. I've got a question that's been bugging me: On your boxes for FFIV, is the image of Golbez really dark, or bright silver? Mine's silver, but every store copy I've seen is dark. What's up with this?
  3. I liked the movie, but I couldn't stand the parts with the kids. I was like: "C'mon, get to the giant duelling robots already!!" and those scenes delivered.
  4. I''ll be ready any time today, so I've got AIM running. Shaymin...That's really cool. Thanks, brush!
  5. The conduit looks amazing. Nintendo should seriously be the publisher for it. They developers (High Voltage, right?) said that they're trying to make it look like a 360 game, and from some the screenshots I've seen it sure looks pretty close.
  6. Miyamoto said that there were going to be changes in the next Zelda game. Also, it's a company's job to make money; often they don't care how they get it. Besides, there are many of us that enjoy the core franchises' familiar gameplay styles, me being one of them. (I also think that a futuristic Zelda would be cool, so I'm not one way or the other.)
  7. I remember when I found that warp that led you backwards. I was stunned.
  8. Lol, I know that pit. I even tried as luigi, but no luck. I accidentally misjudged a leap and hit that block. At that moment, I couldn't tell if I was happy or angry. Now I just find it funny.
  9. Personally, I'm more excited for GH World Tour because of the music creator, and full online things (Like DLC) on Wii. I don't have a PS3 or 360, and since I don't already have rock band but do have GHIII, GH world tour is the only logical choice for me.
  10. That sounds like a pretty harsh way...it takes a long time to get that much EV...
  11. Off topic... I tried using the IV calculator on serebii, but I guess it's useless if you didn't keep track of the EV's. Is there any other way to figure out the IV's?
  12. It was also simpler in the essence that there were only 151 pkmn to catch. I remember when I finally completed my Yellow Dex at 140 hours of play. I owned silver at that point, but I never got into catching the pokemons (I finished the game with a dex of about 25 caught). I then skipped right ahead to pearl and discovered 493 pokemon to catch. ouch. So I bought Fire red and Emerald just to help me along. My mom never let me watch the anime when I was younger though, because she (and countless other moms) thought i t was evil and caused obsessions.
  13. I've only seen maybe, 2 shinys, including this one I caught. Here's a question (Not my question, mind you. someone who won't leave me alone about it.) Do you think it's 'creepy' for a full-grown man to play pokemon?
  14. Oh, it's shiny. It's green, and it sparkled when it appeared and burst out of the balls; it also has a star on its summary page
  15. YES!!!!!!!!! I just caught a shiny Hippowdon!!! WHOOOOOT!!
  16. I caught a Pinser with Mold Breaker. What's so great about it? The game sure made a big deal out of it.
  17. What is up with the VMU!?!? It's only got 200 blocks, and each game uses, like, 30-40 blocks! Even the PSX memory cards had more space than that! Wow, that's really inconvenient.
  18. Sweet. So, I got the DC, and it's pretty neat. I like the little VMU, but the batteries are dead so it can't work on its own. I'm gonna get some new ones soon. I Started playing PSO, but it's really weird. Not much of a story yet, but it is fun, so I'll play it some more. I huess the online service is long gone now, huh? too bad. Man, I still can't get over how funky the controller is, lol. So now I just have to keep a look out for some games, which won't be easy.
  19. I played the Skies of Arcadia for GC, it was great. I'd love to find it on dreamcast. So, no need for memory cards, right? there's no huge item I need to play dreamcast beyond the standard cables and controller, is there? I did notice this thing on wikipedia: the VMU? That little video thingy you stick in the controller. What's up with that?
  20. About Phantasy Star Online... It can be played offline, right? As a normal RPG?
  21. So I went to a Cash Converters today, and I found what I was looking for: a Sega Dreamcast. It was $40 with all cables, and a controller, and as for games I found Namco Museum ($5), a GT racing game ($5) and Phantasy Star Online (2, I think, for $7). But then, I thought. Is it worth it? I honestly don't know. I haven't heard much about the dreamcast, but I always thought it would be neat to own one. But in your opinion, is it worth it, and if I get it, what games should I look out for?
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