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Everything posted by PhiJayy

  1. Sorry, incorrect wording. (He shouldn't have a problem holding his #1 spot after everything's said and done.) I just finished listening to the other songs in that genre and "Visions" is by far the best IMO. Hudz's "Progressive" maybe the only exception as you mentioned earlier.
  2. Audix, you shouldn't have a problem with taking the top spot. "Visions" is awesome dude, but just to make sure you make the top ten we'll throw some votes your way.
  3. I'm usually not into all of the flash movie stuff, but these are pretty good, all the way thru episode 6. Mostly entertaining.
  4. Yeah, really. The voice actor for "Lugi" made the entire video dumb. (Dumb as in funny.)
  5. I just happened to come across this bizarre animated video about Lugi & Friends avenging Mario's death. Funny stuff. Link: http://www.ourstage.com/video/archive/entry/ONVTORNXLAKX-nintendo-oldschool-revolution
  6. You could at least tell us why you think it sucks? Why don't you try typing up some constructive critcism? Yeah that my work. If you think it "sucks" then fine that's your opinion, but at least back your statement up. C'mon now. Hope you enjoy!
  7. Throughly enjoyed. Nevertheless, I'll take live guitar-playing over synthesized guitars anyday. Despite this sounds good, actually really good. Definitely energetic I gotta listen to more of your stuff.
  8. Intro hihats or (percussions) sounds as if their missing the mark and this is actually the only flaw I can point out. Everything else sounds very intacted, including dirty-raw synths. I could definitely hear this in a game. RPG maybe? Not bad. Good job Platonist.
  9. Here's a new track we just uploaded on Ourstage. The track is named "Make It Last" and it belongs to an upcoming album called "In Our World." The middle of the track is full of strings and orchestration. Enjoy! Feedback is very much appreciated. Link: http://www.ourstage.com/embed/popup/HTZFRLGXOEEZ?autoplay=true&index=5&playlist=true
  10. Well since you really don't care for Sonic 3D, Ristar, or Fliky. You should probably wait for S3&K to show up on VC, I can't stand none of those titles either, with a little exception for Sonic 3-D. Weird that your talking about S3&K I just cleared the game about 30 seconds ago with Tails.
  11. The CD artwork dosen't look bad at all, I would highlight the "Boggio" though. Simply because it's the name the DJ is using, actually it should be the most important part to stress in the design so you definitely want it to be easy to see. Maybe use sort of a white or yellowish color to highlight it, you should probably also change the font to something like Arial the current font dosen't seem to be familiar. If you prefer the current font type than by no means change it, but I would again definitely highlight "Boggio". Besides that the design is pretty slick, cool demo set video.
  12. Yeah. Usually when something is really stupid, I tend to find it funny. I don't know maybe something's wrong with that.
  13. True. There use to be a time when I listened to the radio, those days are all gone. I mean unless you have satellite radio, sometimes even the stuff they play sucks. Now this is irony how can "The Most Annoying Song Ever" be better than radio air-play, but than again it's really not annoying to me. It's just down-right hilarious.
  14. This is almost phenomenal. How do you mix all of these annoying jingles and instruments? "Wal-Mart jingles, cowboy music, political jingoism, George Stephanopoulos, Coca Cola, bossanova synths, banjo ferocity, harp glissandos, oompah-ing tubas much more." I don't know if I should laugh or be amazed by it. This is quite funny. The kids shouting those remarks was hysterical. Opera rapping? Hahaahahahah. I'm bookmarking this.
  15. Yeah more than likely its gone. There still maybe hope though. Do you remember the artist's name? Maybe he still has the remix? When the site went down, I re-downloaded a mix I lost from the artist himself. You should try asking him/her. VGMix had some good remixes, it's a shame it went down. Never knew it was hacked into.That sucks.
  16. Looks like this game isn't following the other two previous sonic games. ('06 and Secret Rings which virtually everyone claims sucked.) Link: Sonic Unleashed reboots series, ignores last two games Since Sonic Team calls it a "SA3" and out of all the 3D sonic games, SA1 and SA2 seems to be the best rated, including the press ratings. Gameplay will also be similar to the handling controls of SA1, but with far better graphics. It's taken them about 3 years to make it; compared to '06 which only took them a year and a half to make. But who knows it could turn out to be another '06, its looking pretty good right now though. More to come according to Yoshihisa Hashimoto. Link: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=186523
  17. I guess it was sort of big. Fixed it.
  18. Nah, not interested. Thanks anyway.
  19. That's a pretty funny video to watch. You were almost there, to bad bowser gotcha at the end. It definitely contributed to the funny moment though. I could never do that without dying a million times. Thats crazy.
  20. I know that people are entitled to their own opinions thats not the problem, the problem is actually this. Now the guy is just stating information and than asks a question. Now tell me would you want a answer like this. I don't think so.
  21. There is a such thing called "heads up" you know like "Watch Out! Your heading over that cliff." But hey I'll take that admonition.
  22. It dosen't matter who I am. If the atma guy keeps talking like that, trust me one of the moderators is going to block him sooner or later. Period.
  23. Dude what the? Do you want to get BANNED?
  24. HAHAAhaha. :lol: Thank you so much my brother and I were in tears.
  25. Definitely game-orienated. I would definitely throw some effects in here though, it could make it more appealing. Try applying a little reverb on the piano, to give it that "fresh feeling." Also try applying some compression on the percussions, when the big beat comes in the volume of the percussion sort of backs out. In the beginning the strings seems a little low maybe you should try "EQ" them up a little. What I do like about this mix is the arrangment it sounds pretty complex, but the production is a little on the downside for me. Or maybe it's the low quality .mp3 as you mentioned.
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