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Everything posted by PhiJayy

  1. Hy Bound you've got us all wrong, we're not all about ourselves. Just to clarify. We didn't even make the quarterfinals this month. People have just been wondering why OCR artist has won in every genre there competing in. Granted SGX, Big Z, and Jill are talented, but so is alot of peeps on Ourstage.
  2. Oh yeah boo-whoo. OCR won twice in a row and missed one month. April and May they took the 5k. Who says they won't pick it right back up, heck this month. OCR is bigger than you think. Guess what we're not winning and we know why. Other artists know why too. This isn't just about my brother and I. That's not what I said buddy. This is all manipulative . Very manipulative.
  3. Since you guys are obviously claiming that OCR has little control over Ourstage. Let us ask you this. How come since March 2008 every OCR artist who is in the quarterfinals wins the #1 spot? Without fail, every time no exceptions. March, April, May, and June. Now lets get even more granular. Since March 2008 a month hasn't went by without an OCR artist in the quarterfinalist. Talent plays alittle role in this, because there are alot of talented people outside of OCR. Audix, tell me if you weren't an OCR artist and you went up against one competing for the #1 spot. Would you have won? Or would you have been like Lori Cunningham and Jewbei? Your music for the most part is pretty awesome, but could you win with your talents alone? How many crappy songs have made it in the quarterfinals? Countless. Roughly, I'd say that the number of entries in each channel is around 400 on a average. (Excluding Rock, Rap, and Hip-Hop OCR hardly submits there anyway.) Trust me it doesn't take 2000 votes to run across your own track. We've ran across our own track under a 100 votes. Asking for votes in this huge public forum just seems wrong to us. Someone made a joke two months ago about renaming "Ourstage" to "OCRstage." That joke is slowly becoming a reality month by month. By the way we're not the only ones complaining. Lot's are and expect more.
  4. Yeah I was talking about you, but not just you. So "popular artist" fits, and frankly I feel that OCR artists will keep winning every month. Yes, there was no doubt in our mind that both you and Zircon would get the #1 spot. (I'm sure there wasn't any doubt in your minds either.) No doubt at all. I mean think about it OCR has alot of influence on Ourstage. Since March 2008 at least one or more OCR artist has won in a genre. YOU guys are the judges. YOU guys determine who wins or who loses, and guess what? These judges always choose themselves. No matter what "philosophy" you bring up to justify your actions. It won't change our minds, this isn't fair and YOU guys know it. We're not hating on OCR artists. We love your music, some of you guys are very talented. Just give other people a chance. When other artists are competing against OCR artists THEY CAN'T WIN. (Especially when there trying to take the #1 spot in a channel.) "Legitimately" whatever dude. Maybe everyone else but not OCR.
  5. That's good. I haven't thought of it that way, but even that poses a problem. Some artist's have more fans than others. Now lets say a "popular artist" offers fans "whatever" for votes. Who's gonna win? Of course he/she is. No question about it. Now, even worse lets say a "popular artist" throws in a song that isn't as good as his competitors. The deal with his/her fans still applies here. Should the "popular artist" win? No. Will he/she win anyway? Yes. Sometimes even the fans admit that the song isn't all that great, but still votes for the "popular artist" anyway. What? That makes no sense. This is nothing new though. This has been going on for centuries and this problem goes far beyond music.
  6. Sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed the track Therapsid. I hope you could download it.We plan on mastering it soon, just email us and we'll give you a copy of the mastered version. Cheers! I don't know. People hate us.
  7. For the most part your right. Ourstage definitely needs to change their slogan. This is a popularity contest and this has been proven month after month. This is extremely bias in totally unfair. Your suppose to judge a song in determine whether it's better than the other. That's it. There should be no other strings attached. Whatever the artist offers you as a fan shouldn't matter. Just judge like you should. Sadly this is almost never the case. "Let The Fans Decide" whateva.
  8. Yeah I like her music. She's cool all around.
  9. Lori Cunningham's track in techno/club/dance is really good. I like the vocals. She wants to collab with us. We've been waiting for an opportunist to come along. We got some votes in for your track "Rainforest Majesty" zircon. Nice, big, epic track. Awesome! (Have I said this already?)
  10. I freakin second this. Megaman X4 is all lock and load and go. That's why I love playing this game over and over. Storyline is short and sweet and most if not all of the game is action. It just maybe the the best in the X series.
  11. Woah Zircon. I didn't know you were 21. A little bird told me you were older than that. You can legally drink now. Go get drunk. Congrats.
  12. WHAT!?! The last scene was probably the best part in the movie. GO WATCH IT!!!
  13. In a nutshell. If you like a movie with alot of action, get your butt up in watch this movie. Real awesome. Comparing Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk, good acting goes to Iron Man (c'mon its Robert. Why not?), good action movie goes to The Incredible Hulk. (Abomination was sick.) Way better than the Hulk.
  14. Yeah most people are lazy when it comes to critiquing another song, but there are a variety of reasons for why. Some may feel that they aren't qualified to give a solid evaluation of the mix. So what now? I've personally PMed a few persons actually from this very theard asking for an evaluation of my mix. This is definitely a good strategy, but you have to be careful some may consider this to be "spam." So only PM those who'll really help critique the mix in a honest way. I'm sure most of us rarely receive PM's anyway so getting a PM is special.
  15. Dude...that website is Awesome. Complements the story well.
  16. Like Surf's Up? I'm gonna watch this movie. Surf's Up was cool.
  17. Hmmmm...interesting posts. I'm currently only 16 probably the youngest in these forums, and I play the Wii alot. My brother though, spends most of his time playing the PS3 console he's 18. So there's probably an age factor to consider.....well between him and me. The Wii hasn't grown old on me yet. Hope it stays that way.
  18. Daxter (PSP) - The game is awesome highly reccomended. A little to short though.
  19. Thanks guys for all of the advice. I'm incorporating some of your feedback and the track sounds better already. I'll post a 3rd wip before this week is up.
  20. New Age/World - Make It Last Techno/Club/Dance - Feelings of Freedom (Jayy) We'll probably add a new song into this months competition. Hopefully we'll become an Overclocked Remixer before this month is up, we'll feel alot better recieving votes from you guys.
  21. Only 25 mins left. Vote like you can't vote for them tommorrow because you can't. Audix's track is popping up alot on my end.
  22. Will do. I still have to pick up Lumines....browsing online gamestop.
  23. Dude. I just bought the new psp at Best Buy for about $200 with the game Daxter, Family Guy Collection, and a 1 GB mem stick. Firmware is 3.80. No used. Brand spankin new. Not bad in my book.
  24. Used psp? Or the used Lumines games?
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