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Everything posted by analoq

  1. "Bulimic Anthems" "Self-Induced Listening" "Bleeeeaaaaarrrrrgghh!"
  2. i dig the title. as for my progress, well, things never run to plan for analoq. i've had to take my mix down a notch, my original ideas were too time-consuming. my goal is now to finish my mix and finish it soon so that i can be available to take another track if necessary. cheers.
  3. mazedude has a link to the original: http://mazedude.com/originalvgmusic/Keen4-EatYourVeggies.mp3 i've already heard this one from when he posted it in the WIP forums. while it doesn't particularly evolve within itself or from the original much... there are some cool things going on with the percussion and some new harmonizations that make this mix interesting. i'm gonna give this one a yes even though it won't be the best CK4 mix on the site (:
  4. the percussion is almost cool. i can't seem to find the forward momentum in this remix, there's a lot of flowy stuff over a beat... there's no chord progression or real harmonic substance to push things. it just comes off as uninteresting. if the source material is to blame, well, gotta get more out of it then? no
  5. maaaybe if this was done live with the passion of a performance... it could pass. but what does fake guitar, mechanical sequencing, and minimal arrangement offer to the listener? not much. no and take your 100k copies with you.
  6. can't load it? take the . off the end of the url, dummy! the intro was kinda cool. it got me pumped up for a bit. craptastic samples, mechanical sequencing, dry guitar tone, and lots of clipping beyond the intended distortion! there's really no reason to let this one pass... no maybe you should get your head examined? (:
  7. the percussion samples sound OK but that brass sounds like it's off one of the super metroid spcs. i don't quite get the form of this one, it starts off all big and farefare-y and then goes down slowly... until we get to some baroque-influenced guitar & flute... it plods along for a while and then ends? kinda anti-climactic. leaves me unsatisfied. no
  8. that 2 minute intro could work if this was of club length, but we're trying for more of a radio-mix mmhmm? you know, actually this remix displays a stronger understanding of the genre than most of the "trance" remixes we get... i think the talent is there, but the remixer just needs more experience. the cruddy percussion, the boomy low-end, the ending... these are execution-type things that need work. i'm not really going to comment on the arrangement. no
  9. holy clipping, batman. this mix is dry in all aspects. i'm sorry, but there's no salvagable qualities here. take this one back to the drawing board. no
  10. this mix does have a 'big' sound in its own way. but i can't really get into it... i know there's a remix here somewhere but i can't seem to find it thru all this foggy reverb and instrumental clutter. i do like the contrast that the piano brings to this mix, though. no
  11. err, muddy bass. i heard better uses out of that mechanical 'pluck' sound. some of the percussion sequencing is decent, nice attempt at fills. though the drums, like everything in this mix, just lacks tightness. when i think of 'blurry' sounding music, i don't think of psychedelic stuff, i think of this sort of thing. it just sounds lo-fi and out-of-focus. start over? no
  12. hey look, i can distort presets! sorry, but that's what this sounds like; FL presets distorted. the sounds just don't respect their territory, things sound cluttered. percussion sequencing ranges from competent to odd. i'd like to say the ending is abrupt but i say that too much. how about, the ending is... not clever? no
  13. i was liking this until i realized i wasn't listening to an intro... i was listening to the meat! i like the slow mood, it could easily be part of a dramatic underscoring. but i'm wondering if this could have been fleshed out more. it doesn't seem like the most could have been made out of this idea. i imagine Gray could do something quite elaborate with this concept oh and the ending left me bitter. no
  14. i get a little worried when i see the download of a prospective ReMix go by really fast... is it unfortunately low bitrate or is it short? ok, it's short. beyond the interpetive issues, this mix provides a good example of: - how not to record guitar - how not to sequence piano, and - how not to make drums sound tight. i wish you the best on improving your technique. no
  15. nice house loop. sweet pads. a generally good mood here. what's missing here is some contrast. it just comes off as repetitive. the flowing melody doesn't really provide enough forward momentum on its own, you'll have to shake things up a bit to make this one work. it's pleasant, but you can do better. no (edit: and yes, thanks for providing the source material!)
  16. i listened to the 128kbps version of the mix the guy had on his site so i wouldn't have to whine about the encoding. there's a few things i like about this mix: the bass is nice and thick. the percussion sequencing is varied and nice. the general feel of the mix is quite pleasing. some of the transitions work, others feel lazy... but the main problem is this mix just goes on and on! it's easy to make a long remix if it's a medly, but comprimises must made in order to fit many songs together, as is the case here. maybe try something simpler? my life does not allow me to spend more than 10 hours on a remix, if that even... no
  17. i started over on my mix this week, so i'm not quite ready with a wip yet. i'm going for a more NIN sound, with lyrics hopefully. this is my first ReMix done in Tracktion, so i'm still learning how to use it. but, i plan to share the source files once it's all done. cheers.
  18. if the 2 remaining judges vote no on this mix then it'll be a tie that djp will have to break. you can open the thread back up and try to get wingless and zircon to vote on it if you feel this mix deserves that kind of consideration -- i mean, you're a judge. you can do whatever you want. cheers.
  19. that is bad advice because in numerous contexts 'electronica' does refer to certain subgenres of electronic music. i'd recommend sticking with 'electronic' and/or 'dance'. i deserve that. guilty as charged... i've been listening to this remix a lot, and while i don't think it's particularly good, there's not a lot that's "wrong" with it. the translation to house is alright, but it sounds a bit too "clean" -- it seems lacking in grit for a good 'retro' sound. but while it doesn't quite get that authentic sound, it still sounds good enough. it's very cheesy, but it's a decent interpretation. yes
  20. no really, it's "okay" your last post was enough of a consensus for me. sorry if i've pushed your buttons. cheers.
  21. the eq is a bit off, there's a thin boost in the highend that doesn't sound quite right. ick, the melodic variation around 2.40 is awkward at best. the quasi-orchestral and dance components that make up this tune... by themselves are pretty uncreative and uninteresting. but maybe that's the point, because the juxtaposition of these elements gives this remix a good amount of contrast. it's gimmicky, but it works. yes
  22. okay, perhaps i've pushed too hard? let me try and elaborate. don't think i'm anal about this stuff. i'm not. outside of the panel, i don't really care what you say. but when you misuse words here, it makes the panel look bad, like we don't know what we're talking about. maybe that shouldn't bother me, but it does a little. genres are iffy. there's not a 100% definitive replacement i could give you for what you think 'techno' means and in addition i'm not even clear on what you think 'techno' means. so i opted not to give a replacement. but then you asked for one, so i gave you my best guess. it's great that you think genres and classifications do a disservice to music, but if you're going to judge this stuff, you should at least know what it's called. you rejected this house mix and misued 'techno' in the same thread. despite this error, i will still trust your judgement. but gecko will not. am i still not helping?
  23. well, i didn't want to provide an alternative because i'd rather you figure it out yourself than just take my word for it (that course of action is still reccommended). but since you asked, i generally go by: 'electronic' if it has synths 'dance' if it has a beat if i didn't know this remix was house, i'd probably call it dance. cheers.
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