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Everything posted by analoq

  1. this is not techno. the 'good techno' you're thinking of probably isn't techno either. i know this is just semantics, but i'm just trying be fair: i didn't let prot get away with using 'notation' incorrectly, and i didn't let larry get away with using 'atonal' incorrectly. cheers.
  2. nice style and groove. the bass, guitar, and vocals blend well together. the rapping doesn't kill it -- adequate performance. glad to hear how this turned out. yes
  3. i like the acoustic bass break and the ending, but other than that this mix has a confusing structure and doesn't offer much to the listener. i'd like to reiterate vig's point about the lack of build in this mix. no
  4. hey, thanks for including a link to the original. this here follows the original's structure more or less, but this is very good work. good piano playing over groovy drums and synthy strings... ah, that's what i like. tasty ending. yes
  5. actually a nicely interpretive arrangement; different style than the original. i won't complain about the length because the guy clearly didn't have much to work with. the vocals sound quite amateurish and cheesy. they don't cut above the mix and the distortion doesn't seem to make sense in the context of the mix. the electric guitar lead is pretty cheesy as well, the other instrumentation choices are weak but could be workable. i like the variations, but they don't quite break up the monotony of the theme. ending seems odd, like that percussive sound wasn't supposed to be there. decent effort, not quite there, though. no
  6. thanks for the input. i agree with you regarding the 'background music' comment. i generally don't want my remixes to have the kind of "in your face" attitude that many remixers attempt. (not that you were suggesting such) i like to take the original down a notch... slow down the tempo... mellow-out the chord progression... give it a laid-back groove... and let things flow. i agree it could've been done better, though. cheers.
  7. so like, here's my 'final wip' for track 32. it sounds very analoq? still need to make a few tweaks but i'll entertain any comments. http://apm.m2pc.com/stuff/analoq_kirby32fw.ogg [3.4m] cheers.
  8. percussion is lousy throughout the whole thing, some performance flubs are pretty bad... but it develops at a nice pace; the tensions builds, it unbuilds. i like a lot of ideas here. wish the execution was better but i'm going to pass it simply because of the panel's guitar bias. ROFL~ yes
  9. hmm, yeah, not much going on in this mix: simplistic melodic components over some cool breaks. try a tight bassline at least? no
  10. i don't know what posseses people to make this kind of cheesy, cliche hollywood orchestral sound. i can't stand this crap and i hope jared fries his next video card. yes
  11. dare i say this sounds noob? apparently so. i'd enumerate some of the problems here, but instead i'll just say: take this one back to formula. no
  12. hey, this mix has a pretty cool oldschool sound. reminds me of the scene, i was feeling it for a while. drop the telephone-bandpass drums, rework the structure and resubmit. because right now the mix just flows in a very awkward manner. no
  13. another failed attempt to combine orchestral and electronic. icky sounds, sparse arrangement, mechanical sequencing, no forward momentum or escalation. see the above votes for more info no
  14. well, at least this one does not displease my ears like the other icecap mix i just heard. i'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and not complain about the sudden ending, because it doesn't sound deliberate. this sounds like a bunch of FL presets, or at least there is no creativity in the sound choices. and furthermore, there's no creativity in the arrangement. it's very basic, repetitious, and doesn't offer a lot to the listener. no
  15. not quite a mixing nightmare here, but there's little that helps this mix. clipping issues, sparse arrangement, weak sounds and way too long. no
  16. yeah after reviewing the original, i'll have to agree with the others that the reinterpretation here is limited. the arrangement itself is pretty basic. very stringy. the staccatto sounds seem awkward. percussion sounds good though! i'd say build more contrast into this mix, mess with the original's melodies and resubmit. no
  17. i still see no purpose for a website at this stage of the game. we need to concentrate on getting remixes out of people! but whatever. cheers.
  18. hah, december 5th is "analoq day" anyways, yeah i'm making progress on track 32. i was working on it earlier today. though it doesn't sound so much like "star herald" .. sounds more like "analoq" ah whatever. cheers.
  19. The project site was originally going to be at http://www.peoplesremix.com/doom and was going to be created by myself and aluminum (mostly aluminum, as I suck at web design). Then the project stagnated and no one ever contacted either of us about anything regarding it what-so-ever... we don't need a website at this point anyways, so you can just drop it for now. all we need is this thread, mythril should be updating the first post with all the necessary information and news. whoa, crazy. nice work! cheers.
  20. bah, noobish sounding. he did manage to segue from the boss theme to the sephiroth theme in an appealing manner, though. the percussion in each section is alright -- decent sequencing there. now just try and do more with the material... no
  21. i often hear people try to combine orchestral and electronic elements into a single unit, which can work good if done right(matrix, maybe) and often it isn't done right. one side is usually weaker than the other. neither side here is good, but one is definitely better than the other. it has its moments like 1:15, but as a whole though: it's just not working for me. the transitions are really messy/awkward. (2.11???) close, but resubmit material imo. no
  22. conservative arrangement, but there is some development. however, the mechanical sequencing, sample usage, etc... this remix is one of many manifestations of 'noob'. no
  23. i thought it was my imagination at first.. but no.. there really are some awkward pitch bends in this remix. i like the oldschool sound here, kinda italo disco-ish. i also like the percussion break, reminds me of early 90s industrial. overall though, the execution falls a bit flat -- the mix feels like it goes on for too long and the instruments just come off as weak. the interpretation is conservative as well. no
  24. you know, the interpetation of the original melody is kinda cool here at first. but then it begins to borrow heavily on the original. the real problem is just the execution... it's a weird blur -- which by itself isn't so bad, the original has this flowing, murky appeal to it. however in this case, the sounds don't seem to all co-exist tightly. everything is drowned in reverb/delays. there is some development, not quite a climax, though. no
  25. tasty in-your-face big beat electronica. vocals don't always cut above the mix, but the emceeing at ~3.30 is phat. ending feels a bit abrupt, but i'd say this is ocr material. quite enjoyable. yes
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