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Everything posted by analoq

  1. well, it's been over a week and i haven't heard from these guys. i can't give them the benefit of the doubt, so i'll just leave it at: no
  2. since Karmus was asking for early versions of our mixes, i decided to upload the WIP of the collab Atherius and i were working on for Ice Cave Chant. http://apm.m2pc.com/stuff/aetherifgt.ogg (3.8m) it's kinda catchy at parts but ultimately this proved to be a... very bad idea. cheers.
  3. sounds really dry and monotonous. not a lot going on here, limited development. can't see a reason to pass this. no
  4. yeah, i love the pads and the mood but this mix lacks escalation. little development. no climax. it just 'ends' even... no
  5. i'd like to give gman the benefit of the doubt, but i can't get past the genericness of this mix. it's the completely typical fruityloops stuff we often get. it sounds ok, it sounds nice and full... there's really nothing 'wrong' with this mix but it just doesn't stand out as something i'd find passable. it's OK to be generic. but you still have to do it better than the guy standing next to you. no
  6. i've remixed the hilltop theme before for a compo, so i'm intimately familiar with it. the interpetation here is very conservative. however: this is not a rip. this is not a direct cover. listen closely to the accompaniment, there are some clever embellishments happening here. everything is sequenced nicely, the parts feel like they're played by a human. the percussion is much more elegant than the original, there's fills and a more interesting beat. furthermore, i think the improv section provides an nice contrast to the happyhappy theme, and it's well done. even though this guy's a dope, i'm gonna say this is passable. but i'd be the first to say the interpretation here is lacking so i am in 100% agreement with the rational for voting this down. yes
  7. neat. this sounds pretty good, the contrast contrast between the piano break and other dancy stuff is delightful. like he says, a lot of the remix is 'inspired' by the original but there is a recognizable semblance with the arpeggios and the piano part is mostly the same as the original. some parts of this remind me of skaven's old stuff, actually. i'd say it's passable in its current form. yes
  8. this sounds very, very nice. but sadly using the term 'cover' to describe this would not be an abuse or prostitution of the word. no
  9. i can't recognize the original from the .sid of this either, but they might not have remixed the C64 version of the game. i sent these guys an email asking for SPECIFIC information on the original. i like this mix but i need to be certain on what the original is. pending
  10. hey, i want to be a back-up. my allegiance belongs to the comparatively haphazard doom projekt but i support this one as well and it would be a shame if one of these guys flaked out on ya, darke. cheers.
  11. well, if the mda multiband compressor ain't good enough for ya then you'll need to shell out some $$$
  12. i'd be willing to go with a replacement if this ReMix addressed a major issue with the original, but there was really nothing 'wrong' with the original and this mix doesn't really 'fix' anything. and by the same token, it's not significantly different enough to warrant an addition. so this leaves me with: no on replacement. no on addition. yup.
  13. it's been a while so i don't know how accurate this recollection is, but: i think i started out with a triangle wave patch (maybe with ringmod?), played a very dissonant chord and filter sweeped it with lots of resonance. from there i put it through a thick analogue distortion and a short delay with a whole lotta feedback. it is much fun to make such offensive sounds! cheers.
  14. this is far below the quality of recent rap/hiphop mixes on ocr. and far below the quality of star's own recent mixes on ocr. *glares at fellow panelists*
  15. i like how this mix is reserved and not all "in your face!!!" like a lot of mixes we get try to be, but as a whole it just isn't working. it feels lethargic and thin. it also isn't very expressive. no
  16. aww, i like tyrian a lot but this mix just doesn't do the original justice. weak interpretation and sounds ugly overall. no
  17. oww, when the big lead guitar comes in it's pretty jarring. but aside from that annoyance, this mix has a pretty unique sound to it. ending could be better. oh well. yes
  18. yup, the mix needs attention. it does sound fairly pleasing when it's not all LouD!!~ but again, the arrangement isn't really what one would hope it would be. ending is lacking! no
  19. the transition at 1:30 and the section that follows it leaves something to be desired. but the acoustic solo saved it for me. yes
  20. kinda reminds me of that mary anne klein or whoever zelda mix but with complete disregard to how an orchestra should sound. you're forgiven for not having gigasamples, but you're not forgiven for your 'wall of sound' arranging, strange voicings, an CLIPPING. no
  21. nicely chilled out, but the mix needs to progress at a more reasonable pace. furthermore, it'd be really nice if the parts changed up a bit. i find myself wishing that 8-note piano melody would modulate or something by the end. maybe if this had gotten really big by the end with many layers of polyphony and counterpoint... right now the arrangement is just too thin. no
  22. yeah, i can't elaborate much more on the issues on this mix. it simply sounds like the remixer is not yet comfortable with his instrument, be that FL or whatever. hmm, that's just a nicer way of saying 'noob' no
  23. great great sounds. the phat basses at the beginning, and a nice assortment of drum machine hit including that awful 808 cowbell i like everything except that those female 'ahhh' samples. the drawbacks are: a) pretty close to the original too long we still love you jouni, you keep our retro desires filled. no
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