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Everything posted by analoq

  1. is it just my ears are is some of that cymbal work really bright? the boom-tschh after the 2 minute mark made me smile. and then a drum-machine clap sound later. interesting percussive choices. i admit when you mentioned you were going for a white-stripes sound i was hoping for some beefy guitar work and was let down by this. anyways, this is pretty unremarkable for an ice-cap mix. nothing too interesting going on. at the very least, spice up that bassline.. up down up down gets boring... no
  2. you can play with Rhetorical's rVoice system. it's a TTS demo that has british male and female voices. though they change the voices around every few days as it is a demo. the 'valley girl' voice is a hoot. cheers.
  3. it's GPL. his plea that people don't use his software for music that goes against his religious beleifs is just that -- a plea. he can't mandate it without changing the license. if i used his software i'd want to respect his plea but honestly i have no idea what this guy would consider acceptable or not. can i not make a doom remix since doom has demons? can i not make any house music because of the early popularity of house in gay clubs? it's just something i don't want to have to think about when i'm making music. cheers.
  4. okay. scratch osbscure. instead, find me a word that means "Something I like that most others wouldn't want to remix." cheers.
  5. indeed. i've no shortage of obscure/inane song choices (: there's only so much you can do for a compo given all the limiting factors. i voted for yours, btw. cheers.
  6. i'd try it, but i can't get past the guy's bible-thumping. it's GPL tho.. maybe i should fork a version that encourages satanic exploitation. (: (don't worry, i'm probably joking) cheers.
  7. vig picks out the main flaw: a lack of build and escalation. where's the climax? the B interpretation of the original's B section is a bit awkard and the ending feels abrupt. no
  8. i like the prog-rock attempt but the monotony of this just kills it for me. the instrumentation and effects stay the same pretty much throughout and it gets boring. add in the iffy percussion sequencing and i say this deserves a resubmit, but i could be wrong on this one. no
  9. interesting concept. this is kinda cool, but i don't think it's really OCR material. i like the 'jam-session' style but this is perhaps a bit too sloppy. plus, there are recording problems (clipping, everything sounds muddy) no
  10. i'm only liking this because the original is so catchy, i dunno if this remix really stands well on its own. it just feels bland and lethargic, a more ruboto arrangement is needed. but it's almost there... no
  11. this seems like something that would've been on ocr a few years ago. the sequencing is much too absent of noticeable human-ish velocity. everything seems to have a hard attack, and that's not how people play instruments. add in the awkward tempo changes like prot mentioned and i can't really see a reason to pass this. better luck next time? no
  12. i was liking this okay until around the :50 mark, a little too ugly a little too soon. i'm not sure what Louis is going for here, is this trying to sound lo-fi or not? sort of a weird collection of cheesy sounds with rather presentable sounds. as a whole it feels awkward. the play, repeat, end thing should be avoided if possible... no
  13. or better yet, get the mda ePiano vst rather than use a soundfont. i like Zero 7. cheers.
  14. i like what is attempted here, but what is missing is more layers and more variations of those layers. take the lead: i like it at first, but by the end it's pretty irritating. this kind of thing can work, but there needs to be some (more) automation of the effects. there also needs to be more going on, drumloop+thin bass+pads+abrasive lead = okay. but we expect more than just okay. right now it's just raw, what i want is raw meat. no
  15. tuning ain't perfect, but it's not too distracting. i like the section at around 1:30 particularly. the ending seems to come abruptly or perhaps forced, it feels like this should have been longer. regardless, good use of influences. yes
  16. err, interesting cymbal/china/ride work. all the samples are pretty cheesy and familiar sounding, as if this was tracked using samples ripped from other modules. aargh, what kind of tempo change was that? this isn't quite ocr quality... no
  17. oh my, that is a poorly compressed drum kit. or maybe the mastering itself is over limited with the kick causing all kinds of ugly pumping... that's more what it sounds like. the riffs are cool. the delay on the lead gets irritating after a while. you know, you don't have to use the very same effects on your lead throughout the whole tune. mix it up during the different sections. no
  18. well, at least it's not metal. annoying sound effects, weird sequencing on the choir part, and a lack of processing on the guitars. sounding lo-fi is okay, but it should sound intentional. this just sounds like they didn't know what they were doing. no
  19. DJ funkDAT... where's the funk? or for that matter, where's the soul, like malcos was asking? sounds noobish overall, keep working at it and submit something new in a few months. no
  20. daniel summed things up for me. the interpretation of the original into the hiphop genre is clever, and i was considering passing this up until the beep. but beyond that, my main criticism is the quality of the vocals. the recording is iffy, it sounds spacious, there's background noise, and generally sounds unprofessional. work on recording technique, and maybe the emceeing so you guys don't sound like a couple of kids. no
  21. i love that theme from EB... it's so catchy. however, this is mostly the same as the original, aside from piano grace notes and instrumentation. even the one shadow did was more interesting than this. i'm closing this out with a no
  22. i don't think i'm familiar with such an oscillator that does that. could record a slow sweep the pulse of the sawtooth generator and post it? i'm curious to know how it sounds. cheers.
  23. sorry, the phrase "pulse modulate a saw wave" doesn't immediately return anything. can you elaborate on this is? i'd look up the junoX2 specs to try and guess but i'm feeling lazy right now. cheers.
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