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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. because brandon lives in a fantasy world
  2. itt: 12 year olds bringin' back the console wars
  3. to be fair this can be said about any jungler that isn't zac
  4. way to go brandon you've totally proven me wrong with that retort let's all have a round of applause
  5. platformers are defined by mechanics wherein you control a character in a certain fashion to traverse stages; every Mario game has not only significant differences in control because of the addition and/or removal of power-ups, but also unique stages compared to every other Mario game the difference between saying that Call of Duty arguably being the same every time and saying that Mario games arguably being the same every time is that Call of Duty and etc. actually reuse the same mechanics in each game, and there are next-to no distinguishable differences from game to game other than the addition of new weapons which function the same way as previous weapons whereas a Mario game that is basically the same as a previous Mario game is, by virtue of Mario games being platformers, literally impossible from a design perspective comparing two Mario games and saying that they're basically the same is more or less synonymous with saying "hey I don't know anything about video game design", whereas the difference between Call of Duty 12 and Call of Duty 13 are more akin to the difference between Super Mario Bros. and the version of Super Mario Bros. included in Super Mario All Stars; different in a visual capacity, maybe fixed up a bit coding wise, but is otherwise the same damn game
  6. I don't really think it's Nintendo's responsibility to design their multiplayer capabilities around people with social inadequacies
  7. sounds like a nub strat for nubs all boots 2 pro boots every boot
  8. yeah skyward sword's focus on intuitive and fluid motion controls were basically the same thing as a link to the past and I mean mega man in smash bros? mega man is basically the same character samus anyways I mean you jump and shoot things in their games and therefore they must be exactly the goddamn same am I right people of course I am
  9. originality is a vague and nebulous concept that doesn't bring anything meaningful to any discussion of any type of entertainment media stop talking about it
  10. oh look brandon still has opinions that are dumb and wrong moving right along here
  11. and how do you propose they do that
  12. I can forgive reiteration if it's of something that's flawless
  13. I'm not sure that people who would describe any Smash Bros character as gimmicky knows what the word gimmick means
  14. yeah I mean you can go on thinking that but I'm pretty sure that playing master yi as a tank or building a bunch of AP on talon or etc. are probably bad ideas
  15. see the thing about fiora is that her entire kit is designed around outputting as much damage as possible as quickly as possible; building tank or bruiser items on her is a waste, because it lets her stay alive long enough to not CC anybody and do insignificant amounts of damage if you want to play as a bruiser or a tank, play as a bruiser or a tank; don't pick a fuckin' melee carry and waste everyone's time also I'm currently silver IV
  16. these are the same people who thought the Wii - the best selling console of last generation - was going to bomb because it didn't have any 'hardcore' games
  17. that's how you're supposed to build her and fuck anyone who says any different
  18. you're conflating what you've been saying with what others have been talking about; there's a difference between saying 'I hope that they make another 3D exploration based Mario game' and 'Mario 3D Land and 3D World are objectively not Mario games because I said so' nobody is disagreeing with you zircon but if you really think that what Crowbar Man has been saying is correct or valid in any capacity then people are going to start disagreeing with you real quick
  19. the word you meant to use here is objective
  20. [10:01:14 PM] Bleck: playing animal crossing [10:01:18 PM] Bleck: talk to a villager [10:01:27 PM] Bleck: I DON'T WANT TO BE PRESUMPTUOUS BUT I THINK YOU COULD USE THIS METAL GUITAR [10:01:32 PM] Bleck: o-oh thank you
  21. I'm hesitant to count Phanto because it hasn't been in any other game than Doki Doki Panic
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