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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I will never play this game because I will never play the first one
  2. the spinner did make for a pretty fun boss fight and that's it the zelda trend of items that are sort of cool and very useful in the temple you get it in which are then immediately almost (and sometimes completely, fucking dominion rod) worthless outside of it is not a good thing LTTP had the best items of the entire series because there was just so much shit you could do with everything, with Majora's Mask in a very very close second if you count the masks as items nekofrog posted pretty much exactly what I was going to about this
  3. Midna was an annoying tsundere stereotype and Linebeck was excellent but the games he was in were pretty shitty Groose is basically a good-natured Gaston (from Beauty and the Beast) and that's pretty much the best thing ever
  4. yeah not sure what the hell your problem is but Groose is the best thing to happen to Zelda in about ten years
  5. it's not really hating I'm just... incredulous twilight princess is by no means bad but in the zelda spectrum it's kind of bleh the problem with twilight princess is one of both linearity and density; it has arguably the largest overworld of the entire series and yet has almost nothing to actually do in it like once you've caught the bugs and the poes, just... that's it also problematic is the handling of ganondorf and zelda, the sort of nonsensical plot and the extremely boring nature of almost all of the items in the game twilight princess can be summed up with one word: wasteful. it had a lot potential and a lot of things that could have been done, but instead they chose to play it safe and make a relatively by the numbers game on that note, this is the same problem I perceive in skyward sword
  6. what you want to do with maokai is 30/0/0 masteries, flat AD runes across the board and build five tiamats
  7. zero might seem high and mighty sometimes but he always gives good advice and knows what he's talking about
  8. [00:30] <Jeffeh> Bleck, you're just an asshole ok? [00:30] <Jeffeh> Honestly I don't even know why you're a part of this community [00:30] <Jeffeh> because [00:30] <Jeffeh> you're the only one I've met in OCR [00:30] <Jeffeh> who's such a giant dick I can't stop laughing
  9. I'm not actually saying razor is overpowered (also it was a bot game~) I find that whereas in lol I can actually perceive a champ attacking me (oh shit, vayne is autoattacking me and sona is poking away with spells) and it takes a reasonable amount of time for me to die, dota 2 is basically welp you took like one step into "too far" and now all of your health is basically gone (holy fuck razor just turned into one million lightning bolts and did three billion damage to me) I don't know enough about dota 2 to say who is and who is not overpowered, of course, but it does seem to me like there are quite a few spellcasters who can outright murder me really early with little to no effort, no matter who I'm playing as
  10. ziggs is straightforward but he's super fun maybe zircon found out very quickly like I did that the laning phase in dota 2 is basically 'stand at your tower until razor decides it's time for you to not be alive anymore'
  11. every single item in the game is purchasable with fake invisible money that you earn by playing the game the only thing anyone will miss by not paying real money is skins, and I'm fairly certain that's not a fucking travesty
  12. admittedly I play lol often because it's the only multiplayer game a lot of my friends play and even then I'm pretty sure it's because it's easier to pretend you're good at lol then it is to pretend you're good at tf2 basically what I'm saying is that I hate my friends and myself
  13. I agree and I disagree it's a weird feeling
  14. yeah see this is a buzzword crutch; a difficult game does not as a rule have to have bad design elements example; Castlevania is exceedingly difficult, but there is not a single part of that game that is designed as badly as the concept of last hitting currently is zero is right in that I basically want lol to move away from dota - I think that tensei is still pretty much wrong in saying that last hitting is a fundamental part of the game when there are arguably many much better possibilities design-wise that serve the exact same purpose like despite everyone saying I'm a terrible guy for wanting lol to not have this shitty mechanic anymore and jumping on the subtle ad hominems approach, nobody has really given a good reason as to how zircon's proposed system wouldn't work
  15. http://youtu.be/5xD1FAOJI84 this song makes up for any other weaknesses in the score
  16. I don't think archaic design elements and entire genres of videogame are all that comparable
  17. or maybe they just understand that having a champ whos skill is to be extra units is basically moving backwards across the line that separates dota from uh warcraft 3 if I wanted to micro-manage a million tiny units with one ability each I'd play starcraft 2 and be done with it
  18. oh hey are some people on your team not tanky dpses here have an item that gives everyone around you a shield
  19. yeah I really wish Viktor didn't suck so much here have an interesting caster but sorry his moves don't do nearly as much damage as the casters where your gameplay strategy is to walk up to the carry and push QWER
  20. LA had a great plot and excellent dungeons but the bosses were mostly frustrating - and not in a difficulty sense, more like a 'okay now you have to bomb this face on the floor even though you have no more fucking bombs' sense - and it was very uhhhh meandering whereas Majora's Mask had this bizarre and interesting world with a multitude of layered and, most importantly, real-time characters, Link's Awakening's world was basically a series of trading sequences and the characters were not so much characters (save Maron, I guess) as they were these sort of gameplay effigies where you exchange items for other items needed to progress I mean I'm probably expecting a little bit much from a Gameboy game here, but I pretty much everything LA does well, another Zelda does much better
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