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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. the trick to kogmaw is the same as every other carry buy a fucking infinity edge
  2. the joke about the gamespot score is that nobody on the planet cared what gamespot thought about anything until that very moment
  3. mario has been stomping on turtles for 30 years and peta has never said anything
  4. also underground environments in skyrim look drab and brown because the actual underground is like you know drab and brown
  5. because when you're making Generic Shooter 3 2011 you need to make sure it looks like a popular game or else people will think it's gayhomo shit that isn't like call of duty at all
  6. yeah I don't think it's unreasonable that a twenty foot giant could probably home run you into space
  7. Google Chrome has stopped me twice from accessing OCR pages because it's connected to a 'known malware distributor', zirconstudios.com. zircon, maybe take a look around at this? If anyone else had or has this happen to them, post here about it.
  8. I'll take an invite to give this game a go but definitely put other more excited people before me
  9. because renting games pretty much doesn't exist anymore and some people are against piracy
  10. no invites for me this is probably because on my application I made it seem like I was the best dota player in the galaxy OVER TEN THOUSAND HOURS OF DOTA PLAYED
  11. chemical plant music is great open your heart has always and will always be a badass song
  12. ranked teams more like I can't wait to lose friends over videogames
  13. that's fucking retarded considering all of the other champs that have long range weapons not to mention the ones that can shoot goddamn lightning out of their hands
  14. "guys let's make a champ with huge breasts and then give her two guns and make jokes about her huge guns" -riot games, age 13
  15. put up your dukes because it looks like we're gonna have a fight over some chemical plant music also everything zero is saying is correct even if I am fairly certain that the only reason anyone likes sa2 is nostalgia, myself included
  16. sion has always been a top tier champ it's just that nobody plays as him because none of the prostreamerpros play as him in lol the current 'meta' is 'whatever the streamers do' regardless of whether or not it makes any sense
  17. I don't really think that anyone who spends enough time on the internet to post on any forums has any reason to complain about Steam activation
  18. this game starts really good but then gets really bad around the halfway mark I'm having trouble determining if it's because of the bad influence of the bad games the later stages are based on, or if it's because Sega has never understood how to make a Sonic game's difficulty scale without making it really frustrating both options sound plausible
  19. steve jobs was a great guy and all but this is some high class bullshit
  20. Ignite's only useful against big healers; the meatiest part of it is how it reduces healing. If you're just using it to tack on extra damage, you could probably stand to evaluate your ability to gauge how much damage you can do/your opponent can take from attacks.
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