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Everything posted by Psycrow

  1. Whee, there need to be more happy mixes!
  2. Very cool and with subtle yet powerful uniqueness. Would love to hear you do more guitar and/or castlevania stuff. I had a suggestion a while ago that was never picked up: mixing C:SOTN's Dance of Illusions with its Crystal Teardrops. Maybe you'd be interested in picking it up
  3. Only 1:32 of it loads for me
  4. Inappropriate name, more like "dancing mountain" than "crying mountain".
  5. This would be a great idea if it was LISTENABLE-- the volume/clipping problems are just WAY out of hand for me to enjoy/appreciate/respect it
  6. What the-- there's like not even a dozen mixes, what do people have up their butts? Given the number of total mixes on the site, there AREN'T that many. So yes, I'd say this is a nice new variation on a song that I would *gasp* LIKE to hear more of. MUCH MORE!!!!
  7. Finally able to review! grrr I thought it was great. There should be more attempts at lyrical pieces. Don't be shy people!
  8. Hmm... it's wierd that he would submit this as a female and point out himself that it was the first remix by a female.
  9. Hmm it says first female remix... is McVaffe female?
  10. I had this on loop for literally about a week when I first heard it. Now I've started again It's unputdownable.
  11. Yes, very good to listen to on loop Nice and upbeat. Great job. Just curious, what does it mean when the KBPS in winamp changes to all sorts of different numbers? I've seen it lots of times but never understood.
  12. Hehe... the "no pimp at your side" thing cracks me up (terra + pimps? )... all the other lyrics = thumbs up
  13. I like, but post the translation here sometime eh?
  14. I don't recall any mix that dares and succeds to so thoroughly explore 1 song so much and kick so much arse the whole way
  15. Death on the snowfiled sucks. Death on the snowfiELd, however, rules.
  16. Cool, very cool. Just cool Anyone has to admit that it's unique, even if for some reason they don't like it.
  17. I've never even heard of the game this game from, but ya know, I rather like this. In fact, I like it alot. I don't know if it's the melody or the variety or the samples or what, but it just hits me the right way, especially as the track proceeds. There's something very cool about it, but I don't know how to describe it. It's like one of those tracks that should be merely good, but is somehow great. Congrats on this flawless piece of art.
  18. You'd like that Mike Tyson's Punch Out remix here by Game Over then, SolarAsthma, if you haven't heard it already (you prolly have, but can that remix ever be mentioned too much?)
  19. Whooped the ugly lardo mexican guy... pistol does it... rifle doesn't seem to for some reason. My only guess as to the reasoning of this (if it wasn't a mistake) is that if it's a true gun duel, you cant use a rifle But he looks the same when you hit him with either, so *that* much, at least, is a mistake in the game. Yeah, that seemed poorly planned by the game designers. Next level is a corny pirate level
  20. Let's see... http://www.classicgaming.com/rotw/timelord.shtml The guy with this Time Lord ROM couldn't beat the mexican guy either. I'm gonna give it a go...
  21. Wow took a long time to read all 12 pages A few comments... Ruby weapon: Entered with 2 dead chars and revived when he put his claws under; used Demi for 9999 over and over, along with Hades to stop; then finished him with other stuff, barely got a scratch on me. That way he wasn't hard at all, but the most important thing is that by doing so I got the gold chocobo and avoided the long pointless hours of chocobo breeding. FFT: This game was pretty darn tough for me until I got to the Calculator class around the chapter 2/3 crossover; after getting into a battle where I made em hit each other over and over for experience, and master the Calc class for a calc wizard, I never lost another battle cuz that class owns (except for losing vs Wiergraf, once, because like all battles I entered, I had no idea what to expect at first). Vagrant story was a game so hard that after beating it, I didn't even feel like it was worth it. There are *REGULAR* enemies that can kill you in 1 hit there, if you're not psychic and haven't spent 234578952 hours preparing before entering each room. And that's after hour+ long stretches without save points. For ultima weapon in FF8, I used the "The End" trick (theres a trick to getting selphie's The End to work, if you didn't know) to kill him right away. Yeah it was cheap, but so is he and I'm lazy. I thought FF10 had some hard bosses, especially Seymour battles, at least for people like me who don't care to run around in circles levelling up. I just kept restarting and re-fighting til he died. Of course FF4 here was easy, but that's how I like it. If it's too hard it makes you frustrated and if it's too easy it makes you yawn, and it didn't really do either (at least for me), cuz I like breezing through a game without having to see the "Game Over" screen which makes it reset and makes you wait for Squaresoft's 2390482390482390 opening credits to pass before you can try again (Yes, we KNOW squaresoft made the game, and yes, we KNOW the title of the game... *jams on buttons to make it go away* "why won't you go awaaaaaayyyy!!!!!") I wanna play that one game and kill that mexican guy now Oh yeah, 1 more random note... FF10 translation made me laugh sometimes. I remember this example cuz of all the resets: Tidus says to Seymour, "I knew you were trouble from the first time we met!" Seymour says (in his typical fruity voice) "Oh, my sincerest apologies!" (huh?) then Tidus says "Seeey-mour!" in a tone of voice that sounds like "Oh, that silly old Seymour! When will he learn! Ha ha ha!"
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