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Everything posted by FR

  1. Is this related to the gold accounts thing??? I still haven't got my money back!
  2. Ha ha that one was funny RD Edit: Now I am...
  3. I know you know I was not being serious.
  4. Okay let me try this "flaming" thing out RD has...herpes Is that sufficient?
  5. oh noes RD is trolling me what am i to do??????????????????????
  6. Yea yea Seriously, I have seen it before. Why are you so mean???
  7. I always called heroes "Live Action X-Men: The Show" Is that a bad description of the show?
  8. i've seen that sig before i wonder where
  9. are we in the dark age right now
  10. Lesbian porn is good for idiots like you. I know I said I wasn't gonna post in this thread anymore but I had to say this: I hate you luke Seriously rofl wow ha ha
  12. I thought this was about wrestling >.|
  13. That would seriously be retarded if you get any sort of ban. Sorry for interrupting your reunion. bye
  14. I can't wait for the Final TimeRaiders game.
  15. I still haven't beat this game. :c
  16. I don't have an opinion for PH. Other then it looks crappy.
  17. Didn't Yahtzee say that PH was terrible?
  18. Squareidonix it has a nice ring to it.
  19. It was an example. The real reason there are no tags is... tagging the music would mean no one would listen to djp's "hillbilly" remix.
  20. My point was "Let's not tag the music so we can trick people into listening to music genres they do not like".
  21. People are scared that if you tag the music everybody would go straight to trance or rock and avoid the country and such.
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