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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. Metal only? Metal Gear MSX only. Do not want. Dammit, I was hoping any of the current Metal Gear games, as I am currenty learning to play Fourtune's theme by ear. C F C Eb (Figure the rest out) Ah, I need to play the Metal Gear NES game. Maybe I'll find some tunes I like. By like you say, it's a rock/metal arrangement. I only have experince with strings/orcestra.
  2. The funny thing about NewGrounds- They like to bitch and moan about their work being stolen, but some of their members like to steal other folks works? Maybe I should do a recording for YouTube to prove that NewGrounds are nothing but a bunch of stupid ass kids with no talnet and all they do is steal the works of others.
  3. So true. To be honest, I have some dreams of somewhat breaking out in the industry as a video game composer and arranger, but like you say, it's a cutthroat industry. I haven't heard much from any violinist breaking into the industry expect for this African-American jazz violinist. Other Mistakes: *Not bugging my brother on teaching me guitar. But you know, I don't care anymore. I would had suck. *Learning that the ledger lines on the staff just repeats itself at age 18. *Shifting to 3rd postion to the point my wrist started to hurt. (I'm too tight)
  4. So, it was an April Fools joke all long . . . You're not right, man! Not right! Ah well, I can still listen to this- http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00995/ Shit, oh well, I'm gonna learn how to play Ella theme on the violin for my personal pleasure.
  5. Oh, that must had fucked you over. My teacher is one of the few in our school that actually teach theory. Other blunders of mines: *Not paying attention during theory lessons. I flunk a midterm that focused on nothing but theory.
  6. Not learning how to read bass cleft at a younger age (I'm still having promblems with it) Giving up on the viola. I could read the Alto cleft to the point I could stick with it and I was doing pretty well with it.
  7. The seniors at my school were thinking of a sernior prank. Some of them were rejected. They included: *Fake murder scene in front of the school (With real police tape, body outlines, bullets and fake blood.) *Spread peanut butter on the V.P.'s truck and pour birdseed on the peanut butter *IcyHot on the freshmen girls' toilet seats.
  8. After that can I chop him up in little pieces, shit on his remains and feed them to his family? Please?! (Makes puppy eyes) That's sad. Some punk kid (From NewGrounds of ALL places) would come here, steal a song from this site's owner and claim it to be his own. I say we raid his "works" with nothing but endless spam.
  9. Devilman Lady . . . one of the greatest anime ever! I think some of you kids you still watch your kiddy shows such as Sailor Moon*, Pokemon or Naturo need to take a peek at Devilman Lady. And Arika. You guys gotta watch Akira. *ing4 someone rants that the original Sailor Moon wasn't for kids. And that's true.
  10. *Rolls eyes* Call me when they make a GREAT video game movie that actuallly sticks to the original story and characters.
  11. YES!!!! You guys are remixing music from my favorite Final Fantasy! Hell, my first Final Fantasy game!!! Yeah, many people are going to be butthurt about yet again ANOTHER Final Fantasy album, but this is Final Fantasy III goddamn you, one of the three greatest 2-D Final Fantasy games ever! I basically in tears to know that their's a FFIII remake! God, tell me that one of you guys are working on Ella's Theme!
  12. What were some of the biggest mistake as you made your progress as a musician. What one, single thing you did that made you say "Wow, I really just made a fool of myself" or "I can't believe I calling myself an 'musician'". My Mistakes *NEVER going to any of the St. Louis Public School Music Contest. My peers told me over the years that I had the skills to earn a good score, but I believed that I couldn't. Now if you earn an 1- or higher (Perfect), you could earn a schloarship for college. *Giving up on the piano- I'm just now re-learning how to play the piano after taking two years off because I had a bad teacher. I should had pratice and look for a better teacher. I should had never discourage myself because of one bad experince wiht a drunkard teacher. *Not taking any private lessons as a young child. Compare to the kids who had private violin lessons (I had the free, St. Louis Pubic School lessons, which ain't that bad!) I sound like a pile of shit. At 18 goign on 19, I'm now thinking about getting private lessons. *Doubting myself- 'Nuff said.
  13. The conflict between Final Fantasy IV's Kain and Cecil influence me to kill my best friend because he was dating a girl I had a crush on. Fire Emblem 4: The Genelogy of the Holy War also influence me to pratice incest, kill my brother, kill my father, bring birth to twins, one a girl who's has memory promblems, and another, a boy who's the most evil bastard in the world. Man, the thing the jaded, anti video games media will do get a story on gaming and the "negetive effects".
  14. Sequels are what pissing me off in gaming as well. I don't mind them if the change the gameplay or do something original, but stick with the main focus of the first game, but now, I'm sick of it.
  15. So true. There was a rumor that Nintendo never released a fully translated Famicom (NES) Mother game because they had second thoughts such as "Oh, we won't sell this game" and "Mother won't be as popular as Final Fantasy III (Famicom)".* Mother's storyline, it's very mature, but also on the light-hearted side as well! The original Mother/Earthbound Zero will have a speical place in my heart as one of the most original RPG games of all time. *They say the same thing about Fire Emblem that "Oh won't sell well in America". Yep. They said that about Fire Emblem. (However, they did the right thing by not importing the series to America in the 90s. Play Fire Emblem 4: The Genelogy of the Holy War. This game came out during the height of Mortal Kombat, scapgoating video games, the ESRB, and Nintendo's "Kid Friendly" image. I swear to you if Fire Emblem 4 came out in America during the 90s, it would got a whole lot of shit. Incest, rape, child muder/children hunting and the works!) The World Ends WIth You do seems like a good game, very original . . . wait . . . an ORIGINAL game series from Sqaure Enix?! Holy shit! Dammit, I guess I do owe every that steak dinner. Wait, they also need to make a new Chrono Trigger game! Only THEN I shall buy every a steak dinner with fine wine!
  16. Yeah, you're right, but I was . . . how can I say it . . . giving an example. It's really more of an example of how Sqaure has a stronger mindset on remaking their games than foucusing on working on original Final Fantasy games. ] Hell, I'll buy everyone on OC Remix a stake dinner for life if Sqaure makes an original series or a new Chrono Trigger game.
  17. Oh! Somebody do a jazz or an Irish jigg verison of Theme of Love! Or a Star-Wars like sytle of "Red Wings" I would lend my "talents" but what after a while back with my flopped cover of Theme of Love, yeah . . . I'm not going to embarass myself again. I'll call you guys when I actually get better with my pitch and tone with the violin! Heh, by that time, you guys might already been finish with the project!
  18. I really think devlopers are out there just for: 1. The quick buck deal. 2. Servicing the fanboys/girls with shitty games such as Final Fantasy 7 The Remake Part 3, ignoring the truth fans. 3. Lack of better gameplay, and the mindset that "Graphics are so much better than Gameplay!" Now however, this is not to say that we still have great games out there like God of War, Prince of Persia, etc. I don't think gaming is going to hell, but I just think sometimes, devlopers need to think what they are doing to their games, including some of their beloved series such as Sonic or Final Fantasy.
  19. Who cares about him anymore? This is how he get his attention in the first place- People reading about his upcomings and downfalls. Yes, this is another victory for us gamers, but still. Thompson loves any form of media coverage. I know it been said a million times, but we need to just ignore him.
  20. Eh, yeah. But still, he can still brag about having the original game. I also forgot Fire Emblem 2- Gaiden. It's not a bad game, but it's not that great as well.
  21. Hmm, either work on the guitar to make it sound "real" or have somebody play the guitar section for you. The beat's good, like it's preparing you for battle. Yeah, the guitar, it's not working out. It's sounds fake.
  22. Yes, true. However, my school is a visual and performing arts high school, and they consider our visual/performing arts "Majors". Welcome to the confusing world of the St. Louis Public Schools system. But hey, at least you guys are being honest about my playing. (Somewhat.) Like I have say- Even if I have ten years of experince, and even if I'm "good" I still have lot to learn. Hell, in my second video (If you the webpage) I admit I made a few mistakes! Well, this has gone on long enough and I do not want this to be some sort of flame war because of my skill level. (Not saying it will.) Heh, yeah! Something I had forgotten about, bending the wrist! I think I'm going to shadow bow while bending my wrist! I'm used to bowing using my elbow, but now, that is a bit bad. Thanks for the advice! Speaking of having the balls- Yeah. It did took some courage, because too many thoughts were goign through my head such as "Don't upload this shit!" and "You suck! Nobody will watch this video" and "Send that one OC Remix mod five dollars".
  23. Fire Emblem- Dark Dragons and Light Blade Fire Emblem 3: Mysterious Emblem Fire Emblem 4: The Holy War Fire Emblem 5: Thrica 776 They are pretty good games if you are a fan of the Fire Emblem games.
  24. Should it be an eassy about how much better of a hero Tina/Terra is compare to Cloud?
  25. Something tells me, I'm gonna get flame, right? I can take it. To Gollgagh- Yes, true, but damn dude! Like I say, the covers aren't OC Remix worthy, so don't expect anything to be so "perfect". Even if I have ten years of experince, I still have lots to learn. Not trying to make any excuses for my mistakes or anything like that but still.
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