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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. "Callin to the Night" from Metal Gear: Portalbe Opps- The vocalist was horrible.
  2. Somewhat shitty sarcasm. I keep forgetting about the whole Metal Gear/Russian song controvesry.
  3. Damn Russians. First the Metal Gear Solid theme and now this? I'm starting to hate Russia. Any ideas on how we can attack this guy for stealing ya works?
  4. I have Vista and *GASP* it's been good to me for about 7.5/10 times I used it. Yeah, there's been some promblem with downloading software and accessing the Program Files but Vista isn't that bad of an OS.
  5. People will die if the following are not in the game: Cecil OR Ryida/Golzbeze (FF4) Tina OR Celes OR Sabin/Kefka (FF6) Onion Kid/Dark Cloud (FF3) Butz OR Faris/Gilamesh (FF5) I will have forgiveness on Sqaure Enix if any of the metion are in this game. At least give us more old school Final Fantasy characters. Light Warrior and Firion is a start!
  6. Ah damn, I feel stupid. Didn't know the Big Boss sons pic was a ripoff. Vamp and Raiden By: Robotkun_2 Sorce:http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/metalgearsolid4/view_image.html?id=PYIP5R1w7h6b5Rrl&msg_sort=1 Hayate (Dead or Alive) By: Dahlieka Soruce:http://dahlieka.deviantart.com/art/Hayate-Dead-Or-Alive-65310043 God, it's so damn hard to find Dead or Alive art that ISN'T hentai.
  7. Disclaimer: All artwork are owned be their owners Solid Snake by markerguru_2 Source: GameSpot Game: Metal Gear Solid The Sons of Big Boss By: Zonnex Source: DeviantArt http://zonnex.deviantart.com/art/Sons-of-Big-Boss-82104573 Chrono by: Flipone Source:IcyBrain Game: Chrono Trigger Hotaru/Sailor Saturn by LiKis Source: DeviantArt Game: Sailor Moon: Another Story http://limkis.deviantart.com/art/Sailor-Saturn-84005339
  8. So I composed my first song a few days ago. It's a bit on the short side, but that was I aimming for. There's two verison of the song. Funny thing about the second verison was that it was a little improve and I made a mistake but pretended that it was a part of the song. This song came about when I decided that I wanted to compose music for RPG Maker games (I still thinking of designing a RPG Maker game) Tell me what you think! Tips, advice, useful infomation, and feedback about composing are welcome! I won't get mad. http://youtube.com/watch?v=EV9c3AgF44w"]http://youtube.com/watch?v=EV9c3AgF44w[/url]
  9. X-Men Legends-$4 Dead or Alive 3- $4 Spilter Cell-$4 This would had added up to $16 with tax, but GameCrazy has a three used games deal for $10!
  10. Wow, what's with this child?
  11. Nigga at it again! I'm gonna leave a nice message on stealing on his page if I keep finding any stolen music on his page. This fucker got some balls. Yeah, but your gotta remember that the ReMixers here do this not for the money nor is none of their ReMixes isn't under copyright (I assume).
  12. This is sad, honestly. I see if he gives your credit and the link to the original song, that's cool. But if the guy is going around stealing songs and claiming it's his. . .that's NO good! Kids today got some balls and nerve.
  13. Congrants! Hope you'll have a happy life together! Make her happy my man.
  14. Dead or Alive 3. Got to beat the game with everyone and viewed their ending. Ever since I got it back around June, I've been playing it over and over. I used to hate it, but the game and the characters grown on me.
  15. Ah shit! Can't believe Carlin is dead . . . god, I really love his books "Silly Putter" and "Brain Droppings" R.I.P.
  16. Thanks for the insight once again! I'm speaking with a few students via the Intranet about UAT and one of them stated some of the issues with some teachers. I have a question to ask about music composers and the video game industry: How many hours do they work? What's the entry level sallary?
  17. I was thinking on level design/world building, and maybe writing for games. I may study art, programming, and music to get a general idea in each subject. How UAT? Is it a nice school for game design?
  18. I need some connections, badly. I'm going to the University of Advancing next fall and I'm majoring in thier Game Design program (Interactive Media). However, from what I heard from somebody who work as an programmer, being a "game designer" is a bit bad if you don't have much skills. I'm doing Music Composing at a local community college, so if any skills are needed in Game Design, I am perpare.
  19. PLAY! really needs to come to St. Louis. VGL came here back in Jan. 26, but I went to a church retreat that day. I heard nothing but good things about PLAY!
  20. You lucky bastard! So, what you are saying that, the best chances of composers talking to you is doing a remix or a cover of their work and they'll give you feedback? What if you are not a remixer but you still do a cover of thier song on an instrument like the violin or flute, will you still give you feedback?
  21. http://tallarico.com/index.php?s=home Good luck trying to talk with Tommy. The forums is a bit in the dead zone because the fact Tommy's been focus on Video Games Live. The fans who post on his boards aren't your typical "omg! tommmy i luv u!" fools. This is going to be a stupid question but when Soule arranged Final Fantasy VI's Tera's theme, did he used a live orchestra? (Here comes the flames). I think I might check out Soule's and his works for his insight in composing.
  22. Man, and here I thought chiptunes were a 80s thing. That's pretty amazing. "God Save the Queen"- Wrost chiptune remix ever. God, that was horrible.
  23. The politician was a paraody of Joe Liberman. SEGA threw in the Senator character so that people could pretend that they are killin' Liberman in the most brutal ways.
  24. SEGA really needs to bring back the Eternal Champions series. The original team may have disbanded, but who cares? One can only hope, one can only hope . . .
  25. Same here. I wanted the SEGA CD verison of Eternal Champions but my brother SEGA CD was damage as well. (Cries) Damn, I need to find a ROM for that game. And from the people who brought you "Time Killers"
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