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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. I have only two words to describe how I feel right now. Holy shit.
  2. I remember it in 3, but that's it. also yer sig doesn't seem to be showing the latest articles.
  3. i may haiku more like in dkc2's thread it will be a blast
  4. ya know there were things like that in the Iga Castlevania games too... which makes that even funnier XD
  5. quit jokin' around and send larry those tracks
  6. where's bahamut? i thought he got a job with the patent office, he should know something about this. anyways, i hope this works out for the best. i think everyone else pretty much covered this, and honestly i feel this guy is just trying to intimidate you.
  7. <RoeTaKa> shnabubula, forged in a dying star, the ability to destroy ears or build them it says it all
  8. this mix begs the question... what's up with all the mellow mixposts lately? i'm not complaining, just curious.
  9. here's a post i made on another forum regarding this new castlevania of which part of it was from yet another forum. i'm on a lot of forums... ----- Some brief details from Nintendo Power, more info can be gotten from the mag itself: All these complaints; personally I'm a little excited for it. The screenshots clearly indicate 2.5D. Notice how he's on an XY plane, with the two skeletons perfectly aligned with his path. Note how he's obviously swinging to the left to that chandelier which is also conveniently right in his direct path. The camera may be tilted to the side a bit but it still looks 2.5D to me. That said, this doesn't look too bad, and I'm sure that considering there IS experience there'll be some sort of exploration component involved as well. Let's not cry foul just yet; IGA may not be involved as far as we can tell, but that doesn't necessitate that this will be absolute garbage. crossposting from another forum because it's relevant EDIT: MOAR DETAILS Source
  10. Ya know, just because it's a LoS sequel doesn't prevent it from being a Metroidvania-style; it's not like only Iga's games can be that.
  11. Considering that it'll be The Missingno Tracks: Special Pikablu Edition, I think that it's safe to say the spinoff album will be separate and have its own name.
  12. I think Type-0 was mentioned that it would be localized but we haven't heard anything since.
  13. Yeah, the game is easy. There's some frustrating post-game stages though (especially in S8) sooo yeah. Especially when trying to get the top of the flagpole on 'em.
  14. I won't be able to get a physical copy preorder til monday. i hope there's still some by then D:
  15. i was waiting for your response to this. XD
  16. I've always loved this mix; it's a high voltage high octane remix.
  17. well there's only been 2 seasons confirmed (this one is 12 eps and the next will be 14) but there's options for more. it's always possible that the unconfirmed seasons may venture outside of republic city.
  18. If any of the B/W tracks get on there I hope it's this one.
  19. I think the plan is to call it the Special Pikablu Edition, actually. because that was actually a pokemon rumor unlike missingmore.
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