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  1. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Sagnewshreds in OverClocked ReMix has 4 degrees of separation from Vince Gill   
    That awkward moment when you're 4 degrees from Vince Gill despite only releasing like 4 songs total ever.
  2. Like
    Mirby reacted to MrTreyPuzzlez in Megaman Battle Network Series   
    Here's a BRUTAL cover for you guys!!  MegaMan Battle Network 6's SURGE OF POWER!!!
    I submitted a request to him via Patreon!  This is his second one for me!  The first one was R-Type 3's Stage 1 from the Super Nintendo!  This guy is a GUITAR GOD!!!
  3. Like
    Mirby reacted to DarkeSword in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Thanks Mirby for getting this project started, and thanks Brandon for picking this up. Glad to see this is still happening. Let me know if you need anything.
  4. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Jorito in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    I also spoke with Tuberz, who was still on board. Plus he's posted here so yeah lol
  5. Like
    Mirby reacted to CyberSkull in OverClocked ReMix has 4 degrees of separation from Vince Gill   
    @Mirby & @Chernabogue have a direct link. 
  6. Like
    Mirby reacted to CyberSkull in OverClocked ReMix has 4 degrees of separation from Vince Gill   
    I have not only doubted it, but I put in the edits to credit to that other Andrew Wheeler.
  7. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Gilgamesh wields a weapon in each hand. Guitars are known as axes. Axes are weapons.

    Therefore Gilgamesh will be wielding a guitar in each of his 8 arms. Simple. 
  8. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Tuberz McGee in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Oh my god. That is something I didn't even know I wanted for the BotBB remix. 
    I'd suggest Tuberz as one of the arms since he's pretty good (and he obviously wants to be part of this at some point) but it's up to you. I mean he did make a rather dense FF5 remix on Cid. But yeah.
  9. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Just spoke with ectogemia, unfortunately he's no longer interested in the Alundra remix, so if we can remove him from the tracklist that would be great.
  10. Like
    Mirby reacted to Kenogu Labz in This is what happens when worlds collide   
    It's its own thing.  There are some very memorable tracks, and many not so much.  It's also got a lot more volume than most other FF soundtracks, clocking in at 12+ hours of music for A Realm Reborn and Heavensward (not to mention the tracks reused from the original release), so the goodness has a lot more room to be spread out in.  Overall, it works superbly in the context of the game; it may not fit personal taste, and that's understandable, but it might grow on you a bit when you're in the heat of battle, facing the gradually escalating fight with Titan, or facing a goblin-esque mechanical labyrinth.  It felt weird when I first heard it, but it works out splendidly when used in its context.
    As for Soken: agreed, that's the caveat that has me puzzled and unable to fully trust this wasn't stolen.  Even if he hadn't heard the song, it would be in good taste and humility to recognize that there is indeed that similarity there.
  11. Like
    Mirby reacted to audio fidelity in This is what happens when worlds collide   
    I agree that the verse is striking in similarity but thats about it from the track and besides the soundscape there is nothing really identifiably unique to what Powerman 5000 is doing in their track that correlates. The two chords that are strung together in the same key, with the generic boom-tis beat, and ASMR vocals are what makes it striking but none of those are enough to relay infringement. You can hear it as an homage which Yoshida says was the idea but they don't rip off the original besides mimicking the genre. The song's chorus goes in a different direction and they don't mimic any other parts of the song except the verse. The hooks of both tracks are very different from each other and merit separate creativity as far the songwriting is. 
    Soken is an amazing talent and while he brings influences from other places he has his own stamp and personality. Kanno is also someone with immense talent that does questionable things like this all the time, but she too is a talent that transcends her work with what she is influenced by. 
  12. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from CyberSkull in EVIL REIGNS with BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III!!   
    I was about to say HEY NOW I'M ON MUSICBRAINZ TOO but apparently I already was with Lime of the Season lol
  13. Like
    Mirby reacted to Chernabogue in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Nice to see it back! Maybe I'll claim something once I'm done with my current load of projects (something more obscure like from a Digimon RPG game).
  14. Like
    Mirby reacted to Kenogu Labz in This is what happens when worlds collide   
    Please listen to the rest of the soundtrack to A Realm Reborn (and some of the carry-overs from the original release), as well as Heavensward.  Then form a full opinion.
    The majority of the soundtrack is strongly instrumental with this more metal style only being used in choice scenarios, usually for Primal fights: the classic summons are used in this world as godlike defenders of the world's beast races, and starting with Titan, there are a lot of lyrical metal or electronica songs based around the primal's theme and that of their patron race.  Take, for example, the theme to one of the Alexander fights released recently.
    Or, perhaps, try out the first theme I know of in the game that had this tone shift, the five-stage theme to the primal Titan's fight:
    All that detail to say: yes, it's a change, but I think it's one that's been implemented tastefully and to excellent tonal effect in the game itself.  Even if you dislike those tracks, the rest of the soundtrack may be more fitting to personal taste.  Or not.  Just don't take a couple of samples and assume it represents the whole, especially when a wide variety is represented in the source.
    As to the original topic at hand... yeah, I understand the theft argument.  There is certainly strong similarity in tone, perhaps a nod to the 'Worlds Collide' opening verses, but it diverges fairly strongly after that that.  A tribute, perhaps - and one that should probably be affirmed and recognized by Soken, not denied - but at most just that, a tribute and not outright theft.
  15. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from djpretzel in EVIL REIGNS with BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III!!   
    Woo it's out!
  16. Like
    Mirby reacted to djpretzel in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    @Brandon Strader to the rescue!
    Added you to the album group Added you as moderator to the album forum Let me know if there are any issues!
    Best of luck, and props to @Mirby for making a tough call & being cool with transition!
  17. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Melbu Frahma in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Gilgamesh wields a weapon in each hand. Guitars are known as axes. Axes are weapons.

    Therefore Gilgamesh will be wielding a guitar in each of his 8 arms. Simple. 
  18. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Well there's still the forum, and I do still want to help of course, but yeah. All the info is still in the OP of the original Progress and Deadlines thread there.
  19. Like
    Mirby reacted to Subz1987 in Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced   
    Imagine if Sun and Moon are X&Y's GSC. Complete with revising Kalos.
  20. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Chernabogue in BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History   
    Can't wait for BadAss 5: The Fifth Volume in the Increasingly Inaccurate BadAss Trilogy
  21. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Black_Doom in BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History   
    Hey look I'm on an OCR album!
    So hype for this. Also forgot there was actually a Digimon remix on this, YAY
  22. Like
    Mirby reacted to Brandon Strader in BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History   
    That's one higgity-higgity-heckorino of a trailer, needed more Sturm though
  23. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from djpretzel in BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History   
    Hey look I'm on an OCR album!
    So hype for this. Also forgot there was actually a Digimon remix on this, YAY
  24. Like
    Mirby got a reaction from Chernabogue in BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History   
    Hey look I'm on an OCR album!
    So hype for this. Also forgot there was actually a Digimon remix on this, YAY
  25. Like
    Mirby reacted to MindWanderer in This is what happens when worlds collide   
    So, I finally listened to these two songs.
    Sure, they're very similar, but they're extremely minimalist.  Very basic kick-hat percussion with two alternating chords and simple spoken-verse lyrics.  One could easily come up with something like this without having heard the original.  I often hear songs that are highly reminiscent of other songs where there's no plagiarism going on, and that's with songs that have actual melodies.  Just had one this week in CCoI where wildfire somehow managed to create a remix that "obviously" made use of a song she'd never heard before.
    So I'm strongly inclined to believe this is a coincidence.
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