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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. pretty good list, sir. It'd take some doing to get all of those tracks worked on, but it's a good start.
  2. So I'm listening to this for the first time, and I get to the track Animal Counterpoint. Already the title is sending up red flags. Did someone REALLY just do a Steve Reich tribute in video-game form? Everything, right down to the abrupt ending? Am I in heaven? I don't think too many people appreciate what just went down here.
  3. all of my remixinator Ice Cap remixes are mysteriously gone but I'm sure someone else saved theirs.
  4. Then you have games like VVVVVV and Ivy the Kiwi? where lives are mostly an annoyance and punishment for poor reflexes. btw I just bought the latter of those two and I love it.
  5. That you, Darren, from the MDB? Emperor Ing, here. I'd have to finish my other 2 projects before I even consider joining in, but in theory I'd love to remix Metroid music.
  6. I've found soundfonts that do the job just as well. Check this very very very lovely topic. 3.5 GB of orchestral soundfont. Move over, shitty squidfont stuff!
  7. Finally, a posted mix of this soundtrack. MMnB's soundtrack needs more love, even if it's just 'half-love' like here. And hey, don't feel bad about losing to Gecko. Many a cur has stood to face him only to lose heart before his time. BE PROUD YOU WENT DOWN A MAN
  8. BTW Popful Mail's soundtrack sounds so much better on the Sega CD. Just sayin'.
  9. Honestly, Bioshock 2 ain't that worth it. Yeah, it's more of the same, but for such a story-driven series to have a sequel with such a meh story, it's like, what's the point? It's like people buying Final Fantasy XIII! Ba dum tsh
  10. I use the piano roll, mixer, VST channels, plugin effects, the playlist sometimes, and that's about it. Notes in by hand, etc etc.
  11. Hey, I listen to songs (or try to) to see if I want to download them. But how come some songs have the streaming option and others don't? I checked some of the oldest songs on the site, and they have streaming, but sometimes a recent one doesn't have it at all. Though the youtube stream is easily my favorite addition the site has made in recent times.
  12. The hell are pattern blocks? Regardless, I'm glad I got myself into this deal.
  13. That said, no one will give that much of a fuck if you upload music. At worst, you'll just have the videos removed, like, three years from now.
  14. I have an HP Dell with 4GB, and I find that more than sufficient for doing what I want to do. If your computer can run Reaper or FL Studio, than you can pretty much do whatever you want to do.
  15. If you never upgraded to a newer edition to FL, do all of your old projects still work in the newer version?
  16. Deus Ex, Super Meat Boy, and VVVVVV for a grand total of 9 bucks. Hot damn.
  17. Is it quicktime that does that? I really hate how instead of just clicking the link it takes me to a new page.
  18. If Cheetahmen is so unpopular, then why is a sequel being planned?
  19. It gets a lot of flak, but heck, it was your typical late-80s early-90s action tie-in cash-in adventure movie, and has all of those said tropes that make those movies like a good cheeseburger: not particularly healthy, but sometimes you just want a cheeseburger. And plus, some scenes (like with the fucking awesome jetpack boots) were just zany and fun. You can tell they had plenty of fun inserting the fan-service and cameos into this one (loved the bob-omb), as opposed to a snooze-fest like Final Fantasy. Sorry to go off-topic.
  20. I am in the minority that thoroughly enjoys the silly and stupid Mario Bros movie with Dennis Hopper.
  21. The Coop, do you weep knowing that instead of playing the Mario Bros. game for the Atari XEGS, you could have been playing on the 800XL the infinitely superior-in-every-way I know I do. . Young kids will never know the joy.
  22. Yeah since PC gaming is pretty much as old as PCs it's kinda hard to lump it into one or two generations. Man, those old Sierra Adventure games were so fucking great.
  23. Replace all of those green rings with red rings and yeah pretty much.
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