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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. FFVI is kinda like FFVII. It doesn't really NEED to be remade- It's pretty much perfect as is. The Advance port was actually pretty good, as opposed to the IV Advance port which was honestly pretty shitty. I was very pleased (aside from them changing some cherished lines) with VIA. A FFV remake would only work if they kept the Advance translation. Honestly, there's no other way you can present a game with a bad-guy named Ex-Death fighting a turtle- too much of a serious tone would ruin the atmosphere. I don't know what jobs they could add to justify a remake either. But V DOES need more love.
  2. The PSP edition of FFIV is what SHOULD have come out on the DS all along, as opposed to what the DS got.
  3. Now if you want shoehorning look no further than Sofia Lamb.
  4. lol let's not bring up Sakura Wars. My bro and I had a very painful experience going through that 'game' on the Wii last summer. oh God lol Sakura Wars. And man I gotta say, I wish there was an english version of Grandia for the Saturn, but alas. And Snatcher is a very over-looked game for the Sega CD. It has probably some of the best English voice-acting in gamedom. This goes for another Sega CD game, Popful Mail. I loooooooooooooooove Popful Mail's VAs.
  5. And yet when they remake FF1 again (or FF4 by golly) we're allllllll going to buy it.
  6. Final Fantasy I was as realistic as it got. Everything else has been downhill. FFI was some gritty shit, guys.
  7. Once some money transfers over into my paypal, I'm going to start amassing a small library. Right now, I can purchase, not bid, on several good items that don't look like they're going anywhere, but I'm not holding my breath, at least not till Friday when the transfer happens. But it's a pretty nice feeling to be able to snag a lot of good games cheap (like Mega Man 8 for 15 bucks, Bug! for 13, and Panzer Dragoon for 24). And while I'm far from turning into a rabid Sega Fanboy (i love my SNES, N64, and GC too much for that to happen), didn't the Genesis technically sell more than the SNES during the 16-bit days? I say that because of the line "touting others' libraries" and all that. Though it is true that in the public's memory, the SNES had a lot more memorable titles, it might be the case that everyone in the 90s cared about BLAST PROCESSSSINGG
  8. I always thought you had to have some sort of company-licensed cartridge for games to work on a system, but then again, I grew up with nintendo. Anyhoo I'm glad it's finally out. I remember reading about it years ago.
  9. I would love to see more of these type of remixes on OCR, but I don't know if that type of stuff is "allowed" (not quite what I meant; don't know the right word to use).
  10. An impressive list! Thanks, I'll add some of those to my "look out for these" list. I've heard that a genre that really excelled on the Saturn was the shmups, and that list certainly seems to indicate that! I thought about getting an AR for the Saturn for some imports (like Silhouette Mirage, since i am a bit of a neophyte Treasure fan)... I am glad to hear that the Action Replay also acts as a memory card of sorts- It wouldn't be that cool to buy both! I'm really surprised you have a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga- I've looked everywhere and the cheapest that gets is like 200 bucks, usually. @Murmelli: Hey relax, I have that Wrestling game too It's nice to get good customer service, too. The Play n' Trade guy I bought Illusion of gaia from was on the phone the entire time talking to some girl about another girl he knew, and to be honest, it was a little irritating. Sometimes good customer service is that little extra piece that makes you come back to a store. Good to see you picked up a lot of cool NES games. I saw Mega Man 4 at the Play n Trade, but since I didn't have an NES anymore (and had played it several times on VNES.com/emus), I didn't feel the need to pick it up, despite loving 4 a whole bunch.
  11. I don't think it's all too shabby- it's got a nice flow to it. Since I'm no audio expert, the only thing that really seems like an improvement to be made is that the beginning riff, being all by itself and all, should have some reverb put into it (not too much). Just to kinda make the beginning sound a little less empty. Hope you keep improving it!
  12. Used game/movie/music stores can be pretty neat places to browse, you know? Whether it be a local Music Recyclery, a Play n' Trade, or a McVan's or what-have-you, you are usually capable of finding some cool stuff for relatively cheap in one of these places. One of these used game stores is a place I've been into a few times called Disc Jockey or something like that. A lot of meh used movies, some Ok CDs here and there, and an ok collection of used games (GB, NES, N64, Genesis, and the like). Most of it is trash, like the myriad Wrestling games for the N64, and football games, God the football games. But some of the coolest things they have on sale are old game consoles, for relatively cheap. They have Sega Dreamcasts on sale there, including the cords and 1 controller, for 30 bucks, which in my view is not too shabby. However, what they also got which piqued my interest is a Sega Saturn, cords, and controller for 50 bucks. They got two of them on sale, and subsequent controllers are 5 bucks a pop. Which in my estimation, is not too bad a deal. I looked through their Saturn games, and they got some good ones for pretty cheap, like Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Darius Gaiden. And doing a little research, I find that a lot of good Saturn games can be found relatively cheap through a variety of venues. So I'm asking any of you old Segites out there (for we know that of all the console fanboys that existed, Segites are the most eager to expound about the greatness of their systems) that might have had a Saturn: 1) think it's worth the purchase? Saturn games are honestly a bitch to emulate, and if you can find the good stuff for 20 bucks, it's honestly not that bad a deal 2) I've made a preliminary list of Sega Saturn games worth having, so if I were to go through with this purchase, i'd try to acquire some of these games. I am usually more of a single-player guy, so that's what I try to focus on. Some of these are exceedingly rare and expensive (Magic Knight Rayearth anyone?), so those I only hope to one day stumble upon in a podunk flea market somewhere. Anyhoo, this is my list: Darius Gaiden Panzer Dragoon / Zwei Clockwork Knight 1&2 Dragon Force Mega Man 8 and/or X4 (yeah they're on PS but I found them cheap) Pandemonium (looks kinda fun) Shining Force III Snowball's chance in hell: Albert Odyssey or Magic Knight Rayearth Street Fighter Alpha 2 (surprisingly cheap) NiGHTS into Dreams Silhouette Mirage Anything worth adding? Like I said, some of those are exceedingly rare (like Dragon Force, Shining Force III, and the damned Working Designs RPGs. Don't even get me started on Panzer Dragoon Saga!). Basically, I kinda want to expand my gaming palette (with relatively little expenses paid), being a Nintendo kid my whole life (except going to my best-friend's house as a kid to play his Genesis and him to mine to play the SNES), and want to get a move on some great games that never appeared anywhere else. I've heard from some of my friends who are very knowledgeable in games that the Saturn is a highly underrated and under-appreciated console. You think that's the case? 3) If you don't want to talk about my potential purchase of an old clunker, talk about any cool shit you've found in old used game stores. I just picked up Illusion of Gaia from a Play n' Trade about 20 minutes walking distance from my house, and can't wait for my older bro to bring the SNES back from his university so I can give it a whirl. I went into the Play n Trade looking for a copy of Mischief Makers, but alas, none to be found there. I was also looking for Terranigma, completely forgetting that it never came to the US. Durrr.
  13. It's pretty futile to merely mention the bajillion of Touhou doujoshinji (sp) or whatever you call the remixed musics. But a few of them are pretty neat. I like listening to the vocal arranges when my usual taste-ometer is malfunctioning Komaki remix I also have a soft-spot for C64-esque remixes of more modern game musics. Like the beloved, amazing, and beautiful from the greatest 360 game, Deadly Premonition. Might not be what you're looking for in terms of remixes, but I'll be damned if there's an Xbox 360 game that deserves more love than Deadly Premonition.Also, the C64-esque remix of is so fucking awesome too.
  14. Fuck all of you. I came up with Mega Man roughly 6 months ago, and then some Japanese bastards stormed in with a time machine and stole all of my fucking notes. Then boom, it's all "Inafune this" and "Yuuki Chan's Papa that". Fucking makes me sick.
  15. Playing the rocket barrel levels with a friend are exercises in fun and frustration. WHAT THE FUCK WHY DIDN'T YOU PRESS THE A BUTTON YOU FAGGOT I THOUGHT YOU WERE DOING IT YOU FUCKING MORON And much like Galaxy 2, I'm finding out with the K levels just how amazed I am at Retro, who STILL is saving all the awesome ideas even right to the very end. It's incredible.
  16. you share my mother's birthday, and my half-birthday. So you get some mad coincidental props from me. Happy birthday man.
  17. Click the image to take a listen. 23 tracks made by me, and some folks I know from various other forums. We're all music hobbyists, amateurs, or people of decent skill, all united by a love for the video-games musics. My four tracks aren't particularly awe-inspiring, but I encourage you to take a listen to the whole thing. Some guys (like some pals of mine Jazzdance and TurnerZero) are pretty danged great in my opinion. But then again, what do I know? Steve, the guy in charge of the Futures Passed forum/independent label, is a pretty cool guy, and likes getting lots of artists together to contribute music for projects like these. He's not a stickler about high-end production values -this is clear since he lets me be on his page with my horrible early works!-, but people often-times make some cool stuff for his page. So like I said, if anyone wants to download or something, that'd be pretty sweet.
  18. As much as I like Other M's soundtrack at points, there's so little of it that's actually remixable by common standards. I mean I can throw some glissandos at you (those string EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs) and put some random drum bangs in there, but I don't think that's what you're looking for : p If you can set me up for a tenative Temple Grounds. Being the Emperor Ing himself, I need to show my titular game some love. If I have time that is.
  19. It was pretty awesome seeing this grow and change in the WIP forum. I am glad this got in, because it's pretty much dripping with quality. Though the old ending was pretty hilarious.
  20. I'm a pretty uncouth listener, but to me this sounds pretty darn great. I like the twangy harp sounds It's nice and chill, though I don't know if it'd be able to pass the great wall of NO around the judge panel. : p
  21. Only thing that made me mad is them expecting to pay for their soundfont player when, like, free VST soundfont players do the exact same thing. For producer. It's like "Why?"
  22. $300 a month? That sounds about right, with server payments as well as all that hosting stuff. Still a hefty bill- at least for us non-working types (not by choice!). Considering the penny-pinching air about the last year or so, no extra change to spare is pretty predictable.
  23. me I just use GBA soundfonts. If you look, you can actually find a soundfont of all the sounds used in Minish Cap.
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