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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. See but I only started playing Mega Man games about 2 years ago and they're all pretty darn bitchin'.
  2. Old Fogies get pissed off if you don't mention the classic games of the 2600 Gamers these days Back in my time it was all about getting the highest score. Not all this shit about beating the boss or some retard crap.
  3. Let this be a lesson that you should never ever, EVER use Word, EVER. Open Office for life.
  4. See Terry Riley, entire composition portfolio of. Rainbow in Curved Air
  5. hey you the final boss theme would be perfect for metulz. As long as it has an instrumental version to supplement it. :^)
  6. It feels like not too long ago I was posting in the 10th birthday thread.
  7. This makes me laugh because the throwaway throwback they made for the DS, The Four Heroes of Light, has ended being probably their best Final Fantasy title made since X (play it darn it).
  8. I still need to get the real ending of the game. But Momohime's Shura mode is fucking hard... ;_;
  9. Something I've never understood about FL: If you don't really have a desire to do live recording, is there any reason to have the Producer edition over the Fruity edition? I mainly just use FL to sequence VSTs, samples, and soundfonts together, and maybe do some effects for panning and whatnot. Is there any advantage the Producer version gives that's not already in the Fruity edition?
  10. Have you ever wanted to use a toy phone as an instrument in your music? Well, thanks to Phonehammer, you know can!
  11. rocket barrel stages are surprisingly, much easier with a friend.
  12. A sad man is he who is denied his Link's Awakening music.
  13. I in general really love the format of trackers after dabbling in stuff like TFM Music Maker and Famitracker- It feels a lot more rewarding to physically write in the tracker notes than to continually click-and-drag into a sequencer like FL or Reaper. However, I feel that if I were to try to do something complicated like the Terranigma mix posted above, I'd fall flat on my ass.
  14. Guys like GeckoYamari's FM music? Then I think you'll like breadrack Some really cool stuff:
  15. huh. Can't believe I never noticed that before.
  16. I really love how they keep on using that cheesy "time to wipe the slate clean" line.
  17. Well in DKC2 they re-used Kreepy Krow as a boss several worlds later too, so I guess it's kind of a tradition (can't remember the re-used boss in DKC3... Kaos?), but ehhh... the ghost Krow was same sprite different fight. Not too sure about Thugga Thuggly.
  18. Sweet, two great albums I can look forward to (this and the Link's Awakening album). And if people do decide to do Sonic CD (I don't know how they can make Sonic Boom sound better than it already does but hey that's just me Can't wait to hear Scrap Brain Zone remixed.
  19. Me and my friends beat it today. The last world was a bitch and a half to beat- especially on co-op, that shit got hard, and fast. The fact that DK jumps and drops like a bag of wet fucking cement didn't help things. Though the last boss was disappointingly easy once the pattern was down. The same can be said of all the game's bosses (and I was disappointed that they reused World 1's boss for World 6). Now I gotta collect all the goodies, and I think that's gunna take a loooooong time. Great game, though. Lots of fun, and probably underneath DKC2 as far as arbitrary rankings go. Retro once again gets all of my love.
  20. Sweet; I'll have to check it out sometime.
  21. Lol that's what I meant. http://www.tonehammer.com/?p=5748 Today, they are selling the entire bundle of their instrument libraries for 50%, and for TODAY only. It's a bit outside my price range I'm afraid.
  22. On the whole, I think that No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle wasn't all that great as compared to the first game (which I thought was highly enjoyable, flaws and all). However, I will concede that its soundtrack definitely kept up the pace, for the most part (aside from shitty last boss music). That being said, I think that Margaret's theme Philistine and Kill or be Killed Are pretty rockin' tracks (to say nothing of the first game's " ")
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