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Everything posted by DramaNoMore

  1. Acctually, that theme was my awakening to the importance of music in videogames. I'm playing at a friend's home, her Mom says something, he mutes the TV to listen and I'm like "What the...".
  2. Hah! Hope you have a cool birthday.
  3. YESSS!!! I missed your show. On to listening...
  4. Paprika was absent, and the world was doomed. Quite awesome video.
  5. Snare (err... noise) is too loud. 1:05 is so awesome. BRAAAAINS
  6. As a fan, I have to agree. The game demands ridiculous amounts of the player's imagination, and no movie director can match my experience of it. But the same could be said about books, and many books were turned into films, and many bookfans were outraged about it. But at least, they had a movie for comparison, and they could say "I would've done it diferently", and by thinking how, the reasons why they were fans became a lot more clear. So, it's always worth it, in my opinion.
  7. Earthbound! In "Bugsy Malone" style. (oh god that would be so wrong, I shudder just thinking about it)
  8. I like FMA-Brotherhood, it's well-made drama, free from theatrical, manipulative BS. Unlike the older series. Or Naruto.
  9. Sonic 2's Wing Fortress Zone has "Eggman" written on the walls, so I guess that's how he called himself... Reality-wise, they just gave him another name, end of story.
  10. I owe you a thanks for that Exterminatus Now link, that gave me five days of compulsive reading...

  11. You could try and ask Shnabubula, he seems to have some knowlege of the matter...
  12. http://www.gtgsynths.com/music.htm All tracks composed and performed by Mik Sybrandt, aka GTG. Listening as I type, this synth-rock goodness is forcing me to post link here...
  13. Currently watching your Deviantart gallery...

    positivelly stunned...

  14. 2010 sounds a lot better than 2009... HAPPY NEW DECADE!!!
  15. Merry holidays everybody, hope you all eat lots of codfish and cabbage (trust me, it tastes a lot better than it sounds)
  16. Nah... This is really old-scool sci-fi. There's this movie where scientists are trying to go into apes. The diference was that they were only experiencing their minds, not replacing it with their own. Can't remember what was called... But yeah, body exchange is pretty standard... EDIT: Also, thanks for that video, Mr. Belmont, you are a man of fine taste:)!!
  17. I'm so underwelmed by this one... So many cliche's and predictable outcomes... So many lost chances for clever humour and originality(script-wise)... Everyone else who saw it with me loved it and hated me...
  18. Even though Christmas and I don't get along, this was still pretty awesome, both music and pictures...
  19. Nice... I actually miss this show to the point of checking several times a day if there's a new one out... Please take it as a compliment when I say: HURRY UP ALREADY!
  20. thanks for pointing this out, I'm reading it, really good so far.
  21. People seem to like war... Who would say... People who don't know war, that is...
  22. (dez dias p'ra responder...)

    É, na verdade há mais portugueses por aqui, mas devido a toda uma cultura de auto-depreciação, eles não gostam de se expor...

  23. Just listened to fourth, best one so far in my opinion, you seem to be more at ease doing it.
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