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Everything posted by DramaNoMore

  1. The scarceness of posts at this point is ridiculous... Hah, maybe they got numb and speachless like me. Therefore, all I can say is that I like it very very much.
  2. Aww, you look so lonely, just standing there... not any more!

  3. Yeah, sorry about that, basses are tricky( and I was using crappy speakers, so...)
  4. Some of the first bass notes are off-key... Other than that, this song is turning out a lot better than I thought it would be.
  5. ... I don't know if I should feel bad for you, or jeallous, cause this is both scary and awesome. In a more serious tone, your experiences don't sound wright at all, it sounds like neurological issues, rather than psichological.
  6. Ever since I heard your Last FM stuff, I knew you'd end up here. Seriously, nonsurprsingly awesome. Congrats.
  7. yea, I had this too, the mind awakes and we are trapped in a dead body! Anyway, Ive never heard of what Meteo describes, and I'm really fascinated by it.
  8. Some morning, I dreamt that I was being blinded by a picture of my bedroom printed on my eyes, so the dream was only happening on the other senses. I was actually dreaming with my eyes open, and it was absolutely scary. Another time, I woke up with both my arms paralized, and I couldn't even switch off the alarm clock. After swinging them like a helichopter, they came back to life. But I don't avoid sleeping, that messes up your brain...
  9. I fell in love for this song!!! And, the arrangement's inventiveness makes up for the quite-less-than-perfect performance, in my opinion.
  10. 1:30- those viola strikes don't sound right to me. 1:59- what the... what's whith that bouncing reverb mass transition? everything else is ok (i'm not picky, mind you)...
  11. I'm currently reading Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy, by Eric G. Wilson, a book that speaks against the "happy-happy-ism" that's going on around the world's bookstores. Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_Happiness. I bought this one after every self-help book I read failed miserably...
  12. Done, thanks for the chance to analize myself.
  13. Looking forward to listen that as well... I'm a big fan of this ost. EDIT: While I was writing that, you fixed it! Feedback tomorow. EDIT 2: I really like this, very close to the source, which may be a bad thing if you're thinking about submitting... Two complaints: Those brass fill-ins that start at 0:30 become really repetitive really quickly, so I think you should give it more chords and rhitmic variation. That synth that enters at 1:50 is too loud, also ear-piercing... oh, you already knew that. That's it... Thanks for the nostalgic rememberance.
  14. Thank you, Luke, I totally agree with you, but I was never able to write it down.
  15. I LOVE IT!!! ... I have no idea why, I just do...
  16. Search for "Piano Methods". It really sucks when you don't know the exact name of what you're looking for.
  17. Listening this at 6:30 a.m. really got me charged up and ready for the dreadfull monday.
  18. Mazedude means beyond. To me, at least... Mindblowing and humurous, as usual. Awesome.
  19. Well, those two minutes felt like fifteen seconds. That's pretty impressive!
  20. I don't think that there is anything wrong with your singing, it's pretty decent, actually. The problem is, you're singing alone. Instrumentation is too scarce to mach a song that is shouted. Busier drums and some disco chords would balance things up, I think.
  21. Uhh... where is it?
  22. Hey, not bad at all, sounds like something from Legend of Legaia. I can't say that L.o.L.'s battle songs are what you'd call "good" though, but they grew on me, so I'm being subjective when I say I really like this.
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