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Everything posted by DramaNoMore

  1. Hi. I'm an absolute newbie, like, never mixed anything, ever. Therefore, I couldn't care less about remixing at the moment. No, what I want to learn is how to handle my tracker, ModPlug. so... How do I make it play the patters in sequence, instead of the selected one, over and over? I hope you can help me... EDIT: Forget this, I got it. Less experimenting, more web tutorials.
  2. I really liked these songs, regardless of technicalities. You obviously had a lot of fun doing them, and I had a lot of fun listening them, so it's win-win. Thanks for that.
  3. MEEE!!! Already heard "green chills" and I'm quite impressed by it. I'll listen the rest tonight.
  4. Hi. Way too much reverb here, I can't fully focus on the track because of that. percussion is lacking, I sugest snare drum. Nice stuff, nonetheless.
  5. Cool, I really like this track as it is. Good to know you're still tweaking it.
  6. This track leaves me speachless. But I have to say this: This is dreadfully awesome. Enphasys on dreadfully. edit: speech back. A long time ago, I used to listen to the source tune on repeat, amased by it's potencial. This remix is a dream come true for me. Many thanks!
  7. WOW! At 1.05, I went into "must-download" mode.
  8. I'm in awe... Couldn't be done any better than this. I really miss that game ...
  9. Hah, the bot looks like Clank... good game, though, music too.
  10. Hey, I really liked this, enough for me to put my cronical shyness aside. It has this bouncing effect that I can relate to those push-hands exercises on tai chi practice.
  11. Yea, this is awesome, I can't see why this shouldn't pass the judges.
  12. You're sounding better than a few months ago. I like the bass lines (Kikuta fan here...), and the relaxed feel similar to that of "summer".
  13. Running through the pile of garbage that is sonic's fanfic archive on Fanfiction.net, I spotted one that isn't. It's actually about the same topic of this thread, so here it is: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3617884/1/Downfall
  14. Awesome!! This is so blissfully fun!
  15. The music's speed shouldn't be always the same, try delaying it a little wright before the beginning of each section. Also, those chords at 0:30 are a bit too loud(actually, try to double the length of that section, that would work).
  16. The bad: Main theme needs variation. It's too repetitive. The good: I like the chiptunish bleeps around the middle. The thread title was killer, by the way. My first thought was onions.
  17. ... That sounds like someone really ill. Or like a martial artist. Anyway, I hope you get back in shape. As for the songs, I actually liked the third one. I share your opinion about the other ones, though...
  18. The jungle track is so haunting... Simply awesome. The Kaboom track sounded a little empty in character to me... But maybe that's because I was so blown away by the previous one. Sound quality is top-notch, and structure seems good too. I'm really impressed with this.
  19. I've found myself toetapping to this one on first listen. Very rare from me... Uh, oh, it ended. Gotta click "Play" again!
  20. Third place: Soul Thingy - Soul Calibur 2; Second place: Nibelung Valesti Spear - Valkyrie Profile; First place: Terror Bear - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Was I the first to vote?! Hooray me!!!
  21. Hy, I would like to comment about this: In my opinion, this just shows how... insecure some people are about everything they cannot predict... Yea, it's usefull to be sure that were going to get payed next month... or that we'll still have a home... but needing to know some aspects of the music you're listening to beforehand to be more confortable with it, is a bit too mutch, I think. I like it this way, though. I really liked these couple of pieces. Edit: The word "roller-coaster" Just came to me.
  22. Listening... Summer: Good counterpoint skills. There's a sense of carefreeness that makes it really catchy! Untitled: I like it, specially the bass. Three wishes: also good in my book... Edit: Why was I the only one posting here? This place is so deserted...
  23. Downloading... edit: Listened it. Really liked it. Very polished and heart driven. Thanks for the listen!
  24. I also like where this is going. hope you're still working on it.
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