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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. well now we know who didn't watch the trailer
  2. okay fine i'll discuss assumption. 2 minutes of trailer.jesus people. also if I am right and it takes place before DMC3, THERE WOULDNT BE A SINGLE RECURRING CHARACTER BUT VERGIL AS NONE OF THEM HAVE BEEN INTRODUCED AT THIS POINT. not really, no. That he has no white pretty-boy hair does not = OMFG HE'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT! the project was announced by a trailer and has no proper name at all yet.assumption. JESUS PEOPLE. the trailer is a dark opening followed by a cutscene of the main character pwning things.what shifted exactly? projects switching creative teams mid-continuity is no stranger to any medium and has never ever required or even implied a reboot by mere nature of the team changing. WHEEEE ASSUMPTION AND NUMBERS ARE DIRECTLY RELATED TO BEING RIGHTthis sounds so ridiculous coming from you y'know? don't be an idiot Until Ninja Theory or Capcom release information saying that they are rebooting Devil May Cry continuity with this game, it is, by nature of Word of God itself, NOT A REBOOT. The ONLY deduction one can justifiably make from the trailer (THE ONLY THING RELEASED) is that this game takes place chronologically earlier than the other games.
  3. the trailer has existed for all of 3 days WELL THATS THAT THE GAME IS PRACTICALLY OUT AT THIS POINT AMIRITE?
  4. ... prove it and i'll agree.
  5. i'm confused by the thread title. I have yet to see a single announcement that states DMC5 is a reboot. I believe the proper term for a game appearing earlier chronologically in an established continuity is "prequel". I kinda like this article personally, though even its writer refers to it as "rebooting", and honestly until I see an official announcement from Capcom that this game is somehow completely re-establishing canon, its not a reboot as far as I'm concerned. DMC's continuity has always zigzagged, so seriously what's the big deal? Also, the trailer is totally badass, and Dante, despite believable stylistic changes, is totally badass, so seriously what's the deal with everybody heaving dramatic sighs and declaring RUINED FOREVAR from 2 minutes of teaser trailer?
  6. wow with this and DMC5, i'm gonna have to say goodbye to rpgs on the ps3 for a while when these come out.
  7. checked out some gameplay/story vids, and it looks somewhat interesting. the combat/creatures/soundtrack in particular is awfully reminiscent of Chaos Legion in style. I'd probably enjoy it if i ever bought it.
  8. i second squirrel girl and cap commando, as long as captain corridor (or whatever he says there, the lightning groundpunch move that's totally broken) gets a rework
  9. didn't this come out forever ago?
  10. worked for me, and it is definitely one of the best ones yet. keep it up seph, your stuff makes fridays rockawesome.
  11. i hate how i'm going to have to buy a PsP just for this game. maybe they'll give me a happy surprise and port it to ps3 or better yet actually release the super-awesome final mix version in america on the ps3
  12. i love how the fist thing we all think of is LTXJ everytime we hear the words dream theater
  13. no to put it in the immortal words of ZeroPunctuation, it is DAMN GOOD. DAMN DAMN GOOD GOOD DAMN good DAMN damn. ... good.
  14. looks like we a good amount of votes. yay for a good month!
  15. birth by sleep valkyria chronicles 2 what the hell is with all these psp-only sequels to not-psp games? 358/2 days i'm callin you out too. seriously, handheld sequels are the bane of mankind (and my bank account).
  16. welp, i talked to my brother about it, and i'm sorry to have played up that he would buy it, because he suddenly turned into a total pussy about it and isn't gonna buy it now.


  17. you should listen to everything Cyril just said notrollin
  18. hey dude, my brother will almost certainly want to buy that wii from you. has anyone else made an offer yet?

  19. wow so we have four already. and it isn't even 2 minutes to deadline!
  20. star ocean 3 with actual plot leading up to level 255 and the attainment of deity-level spells/attacks actually giving more development to the whole "the main characters are genetically engineered deities" and the maturation of said powers would have made it quite possibly the awesomest game ever
  21. might revise my entry some, since i have time today to do so.
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