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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Hey dude. your friend ever manage to sell that Ibanez Gem? I was thinking about it the other day and got curious.

  2. i'm confused what does linkin park have to do with the rest of those?
  3. dont get star ocean 4 the combat is amazing but the characters and plot... AND THE TECHNOLOGY RETCONS. dear god, it's TERRIBLE
  4. disgaea DS is pretty good if you're into SRPG at all. good blend of humor and awesome, plus addictive gameplay
  5. playing ninja gaiden on path of the master ninja yeah more like ninja GAYden
  6. probably a strange mix of both if we include anything from offtopic
  7. DrumUltima's "OMFG A DINOSAUR GET IN THE EPOCH" made me laugh when I first saw it and it still gives me a chuckle to this day.
  8. I could possibly lend vocals if you need them
  9. I remember paying 65 bucks for an original ps1 disk set of Valkyrie Profile soooooo worth it
  10. pretty prevalent in recent FF games, along with Ivalice entries. FFX and X-2, along with XII and XIII all directly deal with these issues in some form or another. Aside from that, pretty much every Squeenix title I've played of recent memory at least passes the Bechdel test.
  11. I think what he means is that Squeenix regularly addresses issues concerning gender/ethnic diversity in their games, albeit usually in a more fantastical way. yeah pretty much. I can recall examples of everything addressed in Seph's video.
  12. so I was looking through gamestop the other day and saw bayonetta for 20 bucks i hate being poor
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