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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. this is probably going to further delay Versus XIII. that makes me very very sad.
  2. so i'm guessing sonic colors isn't gonna be getting a whole review oh well
  3. I thought of a "villain hugs cute animals/underlings" idea, a "angry villain offers food to people and thumbs-ups (really)" idea, and a "giddy-happy-flowers-and-singing villain" idea. Different characters though. and yes, I totally claim semi-almost-partial responsibility for the awesome that came about in this months fac. your welcome. EDIT: the characters for my ideas were the evil samurai from mini ninjas, the evil samurai from mini ninjas, and the evil samurai from mini ninjas, respectively. ...yeah i just played through mini ninjas.
  4. whats funny is all three of those concepts were the only ideas I came up with and they are all glorious
  5. i just finished watching Romeo X Juliet talk about some serious bastardization. fun to watch though, and the Shakespeare expy was hilarious.
  6. Panty and Stocking over here well, i started watching it and only really made it like 3 episodes. funny, though, and an interesting take on western style animation
  7. okay, let's move on to the stupidly hyperkinetic plot, utterly senseless overuse of contrivance, and an overally stupid narrative. mix in a complete lack of compelling characterization and VOILA, horrible anime. with epic chip eating
  8. yes yes it is but only because death note is terrible take your epic pen scratching somewhere else
  9. oh right, FAC its finals time over here, i'll try to do something for you this week if i can
  10. your sig is the best sig EVER

  11. very very very very yes and yes to rebuild seriously needing to get done quicker.
  12. well 3/5 of your fingers end up there so i guess it could be good for something
  13. no i meant people are making up superhero names but hey on second thought all the retarded names will probably just be handmedowns from city of heroes users
  14. so wait you name your hero a superhero name hooooo boy i can't wait to see what the internet comes up with for this
  15. it may or may not be. the vocal track has been altered significantly, a la "Black Wing Metamorphosis" and "The Final Summoning", but i remember there being specific reasons stated in the writeup as to why it was allowed. i may be wrong though, gonna check. EDIT: nevermind, black wing meta was a total false memory, bLiNd fixed that part up. Also, final summoning just says it was a spiffy idea, so yeah i was just being retarded. DOUBLE EDIT: I still hold that a male vocal track on that would be totally kickass.
  16. preordered the special edition today yaaaaaaaaay
  17. good to hear from you, man. I was just thinking of you like half an hour ago when A Ring and a Promise popped up on my iTunes. Redemption is... wow. jawdropping melody. Great, great stuff.
  18. well the thing is there are some really awesome vocalists here, male and female, who might collaborate with you and lend their voice. I'm also thinking that a male vocal would sound awesome in that song. EDIT: the swell at the end of that track sounds like it's a little imbalanced, but that's just my untrained ear.
  19. This could totally cover my brother for Christmas possible early shopping awaaaaaaay
  20. the list has Gene on it if it is fake i'm so going to rageface ALL OVER YOU
  21. Well I, for one, think this track is pretty kick-ass, though I have to ask, are you using the original audio track for the vocals or is that new stuff? if it's the original track, then if you're looking to submit it here, i'm fairly certain that's against the rules, though I could be wrong.
  22. zowie that's unfortunate. so much for fond memories.
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