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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. i think having absolute poo for defense is a fair tradeoff for how quickly she builds meter and the fact that if she dies with 5 bars she goes Dark Phoenix (or at least thats what it appears to do in the reveal trailer)
  2. feels very Bayonetta-esque. that and, as has been stated already, OMFG BLAZBLUE MIX
  3. i can't wait for weird al to parody autotune
  4. sturgeon's law applies to everything. even dlc.
  5. this one time i got 20 bucks store credit for trading in a game that was on the exact same store's shelf for 12 bucks BOOM
  6. stop making sense zircon it just gets you insulted
  7. i designed my name as a huge kick in the teeth to proper spelling and capitalization
  8. go vent your frustration somewhere else, dude. people aren't going to read your textwall posts when they already know from your previous posts that you're not going to say anything worth reading, and they're going to reply accordingly. of course, you're still free to superimpose whatever self-serving bs motive you want over that to make yourself feel vindicated. no one's gonna stop you.
  9. I'm glad we have you around to tell us the future enlighten us more oh ancient one actually just dont bother, i'd rather see you reply to derrits post
  10. isn't a posted mix but "Bonus Bop" from the DKC2 album is some pretty awesome swing.
  11. "just because a game is successful DOESNT MEAN THE GAME IS SUCCESSFUL" wa-hoooow guys.
  12. trailer hits tomorrow. i'm gonna have to stop mark-hunting and beat the game tonight so I don't feel clueless.
  13. i'm actually cool with the current roster. I mean, i'd love to see a lot of my personal faves, but hell, i'm gonna enjoy the existing characters thoroughly. She-Hulk included. Go she-hulk. AND X-23.
  14. amid all the annoying shredposts, we get a few gems like this thanks for posting this
  15. the towns in SO4 were TERRIBLE. this is coming from a lifelong tri-ace jizz-at-announcements fanboy. the reason the towns in Oblivion worked was because they were actually sparse, medieval towns. that and the game itself is a sandbox rpg. i have a sneaking suspicion that the reason square devs haven't been putting a lot of their games' time within traditional towns or cities is because either: a) they're tired of the system and the huge breaks from reality the concept causes within FF games -or- they have more fun rendering other kinds of locales, and felt that their player base would enjoy that as well.
  16. no luke, the correct response was
  17. little do you know that it was really willrock who invented mega man just so he could make sweet sweet remixes of it for ocremix a decade later not just the soundtrack, no, he invented the whole thing he's that badass
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