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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. cuz he's a big jerk who won't sell me his blazblu after all we've been thru oh and brad, you could just link his post under a general title
  2. on the contrary, YOU SIR, are the one who has sex with men. FAT. HAIRY. BIFOCALED MEN.

  3. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    fine you get none of my gwendolynXvelvet stash.

  4. this is some phat beats right here. nothing less than what I'd expect from the zirc himself. Great stuff, Andy. Keep it comin', man.
  5. no seriously i'm gonna spam your visitor wall with links that only LOOK like they're linking hot pics of Velvet and Gwendolyn but are really just links to clips from End of Evangelion until you give me an answer

  6. also lol narufag

  7. yo Donut wanna sell me your blazblu separately?


  8. i tend to agree here. i consider a soundtrack that i can't stand to be superior to a soundtrack i fail to notice when i hear it, as the soundtrack i didn't like at least caught my ear.
  9. i play pretty much every game casually actually that is to say i lose at a lot of games
  10. this is reading an 11 on my 1-10 trollometer but hey i've been wrong before
  11. holy farcking craype this is balls-to-walls AWESOME nice work AnSo. this is definitely Armadon-Approved.
  12. GUYS GUYS GUYS i entered YOU SHOULD ENTER TOO DO IT DO IT NAO seriously give this compo some love and draw something for bonzai
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