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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Quote Quotesy McQuoterson
  2. but hey that has its own merit yknow? like Move Sports Resort.
  3. so about dota 2 looks good eh
  4. I will likely be one of the people reeducating HoNfgts also
  5. the new electro freaks album zircon's track is epic win
  6. Nice dodge on the copyrite problems with Slayers by just calling her Lina EDIT: here's hoping they stop calling drow ranger "traxex" as it comes out as "track sex" and that is not a pretty mental picture
  7. yeah pretty much except for the matchmaking system oh god the matchmaking system...
  8. itt we all quote dhsu for emphasis because he says all the perfect things
  9. I've been playing through Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I gotta say HD rereleases of popular last-gen games are definitely awesome, and they have the potential to sell new releases that wouldn't normally be bought due to simple nonchalance (I wasn't gonna buy Sigma 2, but after playing through the original again with superpretty graphics, I probably will now.) So yeah, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix +++ Anthology HD Collection Re:Complete [insert extra title words here] please make it Square
  10. there is seriously not enough fanboy squealing going on in this thread. get to it, people.
  11. sooooooo generiiiiiiiiiic they're totally kickass though also lol dalmatians is spelled wrong
  12. oh god this would be the best thing EVER
  13. I haven't gone and fomented your angry fanboy backlash, have I? Seriously, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "i'm mad and you're an idiot because i'm mad", you really have no room calling anything I say petty. And while we're on the subject, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "it's a reboot cuz that's what i say it is", you have no room calling what I say assumptions, either. Bleck brought up a lot things that would be, in light of official word saying so, completely justifiable reasons for this being a continuity reboot (some of them not so much, but hey). Do be a dear and take notes on how to properly discuss a topic with more than one side, would you? The moment they come out and say "we're starting the whole thing over", it will be a reboot. It has just as much a likelihood of being true as my stance on it being a further prequel laying out the groundwork of the still-after-4-games enigmatic origins of Dante. Until they say that, however, my judgment from what is presented is the aforementioned. I totally completely wholeheartedly agree and avidly want this to happen. Seriously, no joke.
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